1.Effect of Transfusion Of Banked Rewarming Blood on Hemorheology and Blood Gas in Hemorrhagic Shock Rabbits;库血复温输注对失血性休克兔血液流变学和血气的影响
2.Effect of Transfusion After Banked Blood Rewarming on the Mesenteric Microcirculation in Hemorrhagic Shock Rabbits;库血复温输血对失血性休克兔肠系膜微循环的影响
3.Effect of various rewarming regimes on hemodynamic parameters of dogs after open abdominal injury and seawater immersion;不同复温方式对犬腹部开放伤合并海水浸泡救治时血流动力学的影响

1.We can customize the Operating Temprature and Reset Temprature by what you need to .各种动作温度、回复温度都可定制。
2.Methods: To study electric rewarming bag which can keep the best temperature(42℃) by an automat.方法:应用自动控温器,研制电热复温袋,使袋内温度始终保持在复温的最佳温度(2℃。
3.Study of the Rewarming Methods of Hypothermia in Rats with Cerebral Ischemia;亚低温治疗急性脑梗死复温方式的研究
4.Conclusion: The rewarming and therapeutic bag is a new methed to frostbite.结论:冻伤复温治疗袋开辟了冻伤复温治疗的新途径。
5.Results: The therapeutic effect and rewarming rate of20 cases of frostbite was better through the bag than traditional methods.结果:用此复温袋治疗20例冻伤患者,复温速度快,效果好。
6.restoring temperature复原温度 -恒温开关的
7.restoring temperature of thermostatic switch恒温开关的复原温度
8.Temperature Characteristics of North Wall Covered by Polystyrene Plate Outside Solar Greenhouse日光温室保温板外置复合墙体的温度特性
9.The temperature soon returned to the seasonal average.温度不久恢复季节的平均温。
10.The temperture soon reverted to the seasonal average.气温很快恢复为季节性均温。
11.Application and leakage prevention of Exterior wall external insulation system of composite heat-insulated board复合保温板外墙外保温体系应用及防渗漏措施
12.The construction of insulated wall formwork composite shear wall structure in low temperature保温墙模复合剪力墙结构在低温条件下的施工
13.Research on Temperature-to-time Response of Phase Change Material & Insulation Material Composite Configuration相变-保温复合结构的温度-时间响应研究
14.GW composite insulation board新型防火建筑保温材料——GW型复合保温板
15.Method for Complex Intelligent Control on Temperature of Constant Temperature Water Tank Based on DSP基于DSP恒温水浴温度复合智能控制方法
16.Greenhouse gas emissions from an integrated rice-duck system and its Global Warming Potentials (GWPs)稻鸭复合系统的温室气体排放及其温室效应
17.Application of Compound Board with Insulation and Decoration in External Insulation for Outer-wall System保温装饰复合板在外墙外保温中的应用
18.Study on application of composite cryogenic tank for reusable launch vehicle可重复使用运载器复合材料低温贮箱应用研究

1.Forty-eight Wistar rats were randomly devided into 4 groups(n=12):control group,cold preservation group,cooling/rewarming preservation,and salvia miltiorrhiza group.目的探讨低温-复温过程对大鼠肾脏细胞凋亡的影响及丹参的保护作用。
3)low-temperature bioremediation低温修复
4)compound temperature复合温度
5)Redrying temperature复烤温度
6)recovery temperature恢复温度
1.It reported average axis velocity of the air jet ,total temperature and recovery temperature on a flat surface normal to the jet axis so as to obtain the characteristics of the air jet, and do the preparative work for researching the effects of the characteristics of the .本试验测定了空气射流内的平均轴向速度和滞止温度,以及在一个和射流轴线相垂直的绝热板上的恢复温度,从而了解了空气射流的特性,并为进一步研究空气射流的特性参数对对流换热系数的影响做了充分的准备工作。

温病劳复温病劳复 温病劳复   病证名,劳复证之一。出《诸病源候论·温病劳复候》。指温病初愈,津液未复,血气尚虚,因劳动过早而生热,热气还入经络,使之复病。参见劳复等条。