1.The mechanism of clathrin-mediated synaptic vesicle endocytosis;网格蛋白介导的突触囊泡内吞机制
2.Objective To study the endocytosis and signal transduction of bovine retinal endothelial cell (BREC)after being withdrawn AGE modified bovine serum albumin(AGE-BSA).目的 研究晚期糖基化修饰白蛋白 (AGEmodifiedbovineserumalbumin ,AGE -BSA)撤退对体外培养牛视网膜内皮细胞 (bovineretinalendothelialcell,BREC)内吞活性及细胞内信号传递的影响。
3.Retinal microvascular leakage is relevant to endocytosis intensified.目的 视网膜内皮细胞内吞加强和视网膜微血管渗漏密切相关。

1.Role of cortactin in Endocytosis of Colon Cancer Cells结肠癌细胞内吞活动中癌基因产物cortactin的作用
2.The walls of the sinuses are lined with endocytic cells which engulf any foreign particles that might be present in the lymph.窦的壁衬盖着内吞细胞,这些细胞能吞食淋巴中可能出现的任何一种外来颗粒。
3.A series of ultrastructural changes of plastids such as deformation, invagination, gemma like extension have taken place in the development process of the shoot axis of Trapa acornis .南湖菱苗端茎轴质体的发育经历了变形、内吞、出芽等变化过程。
4.Therefore, the all inclusive term endocytosis is now coming into common use for this process.因此,这个过程现在通常用一概括的名词--内吞作用来命名。
5.Joey Chestnut set a world record when he consumed 59.5 hotdogs and buns in just 12 minutes.他以12分钟内吞下59个半热狗的成绩刷新了世界纪录。
6.Infectious Entry of Dengue Virus Type 2 into ECV304 Cells Occurs Through a Clathrin-mediated Endocytic Pathway;Clathrin内吞途径在登革病毒进入ECV304细胞过程中作用的研究
7.Viscoelastic Properties of Phagocytes of Arteriosclerotic Origin;动脉粥样硬化血管壁内吞噬细胞的力学特性研究
8.Role of Receptor-mediated-endocytosis in Oligochitosan Induced Macrophage Activation;膜受体介导的内吞在壳寡糖激活巨噬细胞中的作用
9.A membrane - bound vesicle found in a cell by an inward folding of the cell membrane to hold foreign matter taken into the cell by phagocytosis.吞噬体细胞中发现的一种膜结构囊状物,通过细胞膜向内折回,再经吞噬作用将外物捕入细胞内
10.A total of 200 inland waterway berths will be revamped or built, adding 25 million tons of handling capacity.改造和新建内河泊位200个,新增吞吐能力2500万吨。
11.The mouth is so dry that it is difficulty for the patient to masticate and swallow food.口内大乾,以致病人咀嚼和吞下食物,都有困难。
12.it just gives the bitterness and resentment longer to eat away at you from inside.而会让愤懑和仇恨更长时间地吞噬你的内心。
13.The entire carcass, hide, guts and bones, will quickly be devoured.整个动物尸体,包括皮、内脏和骨,很快便会被吞噬。
14.Application of Grey System Model in Throughput Forecasting of Inland River Port;灰色系统模型在内河港口吞吐量预测中的应用
15.To ingest by phagocytosis;phagocytose.吞噬被吞噬作用所吞食,吞噬
16.In order to catch the train in time, he polished off two bowls of rice in 5 minutes.为了及时赶上火车, 他在五分钟内就把两碗饭狼吞虎咽地吃光了。
17.Any of the large phagocytic cells of the reticuloendothelial system.巨噬细胞网状内皮系统中任何一个巨大吞噬细胞
18.Over the past five years, 340 new berths were constructed at various inland river ports, increasing the combined handling capacity by 59.31 million tons.五年新增内河港口泊位340个,新增港口吞吐能力5931万吨。

3)fluid-phase endocytosis液相内吞
1.Objective To study the relationship between endocytosis of human lung adenocarcinoma cell line SPC-A1 modified by oxidized Glutathione(GSSG) and culture conditions including culture temperature,time and concentration.目的在体外观察人肺腺癌细胞(SPC-A1)对谷胱甘肽(GSSG)修饰的纳米Fe3O4的内吞作用及与培养温度、时间及浓度的关系。
1.Objective To investigate cytochemical localization of enzymes on the membrane of endosome in different organs.目的研究多种酶在不同器官内吞体膜上的活性。
