1.Body Temperature Regulation of Nestlings of Red - crowned,White - napped and Demoiselle Cranes;丹顶鹤、白枕鹤和蓑羽鹤雏鸟体温的调节
2.Growth and Development of Homeothermy in Nestlings of Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea eucorodia);白琵鹭雏鸟的生长和恒温能力的发育

1.Baby cuckoos oust other baby birds from their nests.布谷鸟的雏鸟把其他鸟的雏鸟逐出巢外。
2.Study of the Brooding,Feeding ang Growth of Gray Heron苍鹭育雏行为及雏鸟生长发育的研究
3.The young bird fluttered its wings.雏鸟拍打着它的翅膀。
4.A bird too young to leave its nest.雏鸟太小而不能离开巢的小鸟
5.A young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers.雏鸟刚长齐飞行用羽毛的幼鸟
6.Artificial incubation and growth observation for the nestlings of Great Bustard (Otis tarda)大鸨人工育雏及雏鸟生长发育的研究(英文)
7.The wind blew so strongly that the nest turned upside down and three baby birds fell out.风刮得很猛,吹翻了鸟巢,3只雏鸟摔了下去。
8.The crow thinks her own Birds fairest乌鸦总以为自己的雏鸟最美丽
9.The crow thinks his own bird fairest.乌鸦总以为自己的雏鸟最美。
10.Nestlings Behavior and Growth of Great Bustard in Captivity;笼养大鸨雏鸟行为和生长发育的研究
11.This chick is a month old and doing well.新生雏鸟已有一个月大并且身体十分健康。
12.Research on Captive Oriental White Stork(Ciconia Boyciana) in Energy of Digestion and Fledgling Growth;笼养东方白鹳消化能与雏鸟生长的研究
13.Breeding Ecology,Fledgling Growth and Development of Dendronanthus indicus山鹡鸰繁殖生态及雏鸟生长发育观察初报
14.Concentrations of heavy metals in the juveniles of Black-crowned night heron夜鹭雏鸟三种重金属污染物的富集特征
15."brood:The young of certain animals, especially a group of young birds or fowl hatched at one time and cared for by the same mother."幼小的动物:某种幼小的动物,尤指一次孵出并由同一个母亲照料的一群雏鸟或雏禽。
16.The young of certain animals, especially a group of young birds or fowl hatched at one time and cared for by the same mother.幼小的动物某种幼小的动物,尤指一次孵出并由同一个母亲照料的一群雏鸟或雏禽
17.Greedily,the babies took what was offered,then seemed to cry for more.雏鸟们贪婪地夺下送来的佳肴,之后喳喳叫着似乎还要。
18.She was at the boarding of the Viceroy of the Indies out of Goa, she was; and to look at her you would think she was a babby.你别看它的样子像个雏鸟,在果阿附近攻打‘印度总督’号时,它也在

1.Observation for brooding behavior of Emberiza yessoenzsis and chicks development;红颈苇鹀育雏行为及雏鸟发育观察
2.29 chicks of whiskered tern were banded and color flagged in Chongming Dongtan Wetland in the breeding season of 2005.2005年夏季,对在崇明东滩繁殖孵化的须浮鸥Chlidonias hybrida雏鸟生长进行了研究,发现雏鸟孵化后至具飞行能力之前体重日增重3。
1.Research on Behavior Development and Daily Rhythm of Captive Great Bustard Nestlings;人工饲养大鸨雏鸟行为变化趋势及日节律
4)ostrich chicks雏鸵鸟
1.Histology of central lymphoid organs in ostrich chicks;雏鸵鸟中枢淋巴器官的形态学观察
2.Morphologic characteristics of testis and distribution of NPY in testis of the ostrich chicks雏鸵鸟睾丸的结构及睾丸内神经肽Y的表达
5)nestling growth雏鸟生长
1.Many researches on reproduction of captive Oriental white storks was carried for years, on the basis of it, this study examined further research on partition of energy and nestling growth of captive Oriental white storks.本文在对笼养东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)多年来繁殖研究的基础上,对东方白鹳的能量分配和雏鸟发育方面进行了进一步的研究,通过试验对东方白鹳的能量摄入、分配、繁殖投资和雏鸟生长发育时期能量摄入与分配进行了研究,从而讨论能量分配与成年白鹳和雏鸟的行为之间的关系,以增加东方白鹳这一珍稀物种的笼养繁殖方面所需要的基础数据,进一步完善提高东方白鹳的饲养规程,促进东方白鹳迁地保护工作的开展。
6)Nestlings identificatio n雏鸟鉴别
