1.Application of Transcervical Chorionic Villus Sampling in the Prenatal Diagnosis of Thalassemia;经宫颈绒毛取材用于地中海贫血产前诊断883例分析
2.Prenatal screening and genetic diagnosis of thalassemia;地中海贫血的产前筛查和基因诊断
3.Effect of Yisui Shengxue Granule on Thalassemia;中药益髓生血颗粒治疗地中海贫血的临床研究

1.Beta thalassemia on children: the molecular basis and treatment儿童β地中海贫血的分子基础和治疗
2.The feasibility research on Automatic Measurement of Mediterranean Anaemia地中海贫血自动测试仪的可行性研究
3.Study of the Parathyroid Gland Function in Thalassemia Children地中海贫血儿童甲状旁腺功能的研究
4.Analysis of Paramenters of Red Blood Cell in the Screening of β-Thalassaemia Minor轻型β-地中海贫血的红细胞参数分析
5.Single-Cell Raman Spectroscopy of Erythrocytes from Hemoglobin Bart′s Hydrops重型α地中海贫血红细胞的拉曼光谱
6.A study on the gene diagnosis of thalassemias in 59 cases59例地中海贫血患者的基因诊断研究
7.FTIR-HATR to Identify β-Thalassemia and Its Mechanism StudyFTIR-HATR诊断β-地中海贫血及其机理研究
8.The study of mediterranean anemia for screening methods and prevetion and treatment during pregnance地中海贫血孕期预防、治疗临床研究
9.Value of MCV and RDW in differtial diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia and thalassemiaMCV和RDW在缺铁性贫血与地中海贫血鉴别诊断中的价值
10.Study on α-thalassemia and hematological parameter in Li Nationality pregnant women in Hainan province黎族孕妇α-地中海贫血与血液学指标分析
11.Pedigree analysis of the double heterozygote of hemoglobin G disease combined with alpha thalassemia 2血红蛋白G病复合α地中海贫血2的家系分析
12.Effect of Thalassemia on the Preparation of Platelet Concentrations携带地中海贫血基因对手工分离血小板的影响
13.NOTE: Anaemia is not always caused by iron deficiency- lead poisoning and thalassaemia can also produce anaemia.注意:贫血并不总是由缺铁引起,铅中毒和地中海贫血症也会导致贫血。
14.Analysis of β-thalassemia Mutation in east area of Sichuan四川东部地区β地中海贫血基因突变分析
15.Investigation of the Incidence of Thalassemia in the East of Shenzhen City深圳东部地区地中海贫血发病率的调查研究
16.Genotype analysis of thalassemia in HuBei province.湖北地区84例地中海贫血基因诊断分析
17.Genotypes of β Thalassemia in Guangxi广西地区β地中海贫血基因突变类型分析
18.Epidemiological survey of α-thalassemia in population of Shunde area in Guangdong Province广东顺德地区α-地中海贫血的流行病学调查

Mediterranean anemia地中海贫血
1.Clinical study of Mediterranean anemia with iron deficiency;地中海贫血伴铁缺乏临床分析
2.Screening for Mediterranean anemia among women at child-bearing age in Shenzheng;深圳市户籍育龄人群地中海贫血筛查结果分析总结
3.Objective: To study the screening methods and clinical significance of Mediterranean anemia in pregnancy.目的:探讨妊娠合并地中海贫血的筛查方法及其临床意义。
1.Molecular and clinical characteristics of β-thalassemia in guangdong province;广东地区β地中海贫血的基因分析与临床观察
2.Prophylaxis of Transplantation-related Complications after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in β-thalassemia Major;儿童重型β-地中海贫血异基因造血干细胞移植后并发症的防治
3.The Study of Detection on β-thalassemia by Chip-based Capillary Electrophoresis and Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis;芯片毛细管电泳检测β-地中海贫血及无创性产前诊断的研究
5)Cooley's anemia库利氏贫血;地中海贫血
1.Distribution of 4 types of α thalassemia in Yao and Han neonates in Gongcheng Yao Ethnic Autonomous County of Guangxi;广西恭城瑶族自治县瑶、汉民族新生儿α地中海贫血4个类型的分布

地中海贫血  一种常染色体显性遗传性疾病,又称海洋性贫血。由于遗传性酶缺陷,血红蛋白A中某个珠蛋白肽链减少或生成受抑制,导致血红蛋白合成障碍而产生贫血。现称珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血。    本病于1925年由T.B.库利等首先描述,虽以地中海区域较多见,但实际遍布世界各民族。中国南方各省,尤其广东、广西也是高发区之一。    临床分为α 和β两大亚型(见珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血)。