1.The Comparison Study of Laser-induced Autofluorescence in Tumour-detection;激光诱发自体荧光光谱在肿瘤诊断中的比较研究
2.Application of Cr:LiSAF laser in research of tissue autofluorescence spectroscopy;Cr:LiSAF激光在组织自体荧光光谱研究中的应用(英文)
3.Monte Carlo modeling for tissue autofluorescence;组织自体荧光的Monte Carlo仿真方法(英文)

1.Study on Mechanism of Laser Induced Auto-fluorescence in Colorectal Cancer and Method of Spectrum Classifying;大肠癌自体荧光机制研究与荧光光谱判别分析
2.Scan and Analysis of Serum Autofluorescence Spectra in Lung Cancer Patients;肺癌血清自体荧光光谱的测定与分析
3.The Analysis of the Characteristic Auto-fluorescence Spectra of Cancer Patients Serum;肿瘤患者血清特征自体荧光光谱分析
4.Study on Laser Induced Autofluorescence of Plasm for Stomach Cancer Diagnosis;激光诱导血浆自体荧光光谱识别胃癌的研究
5.Characteristics of Three-dimensional Autofluorescence of Human Nasopharyngeal Tissues in Vitro;人体鼻咽组织的三维自体荧光光谱特性研究
6.Time-resolved Autofluorescence of Human Nasopharyngeal Tissues in Vitro;人体鼻咽组织的时间分辨自体荧光光谱特性
7.Study of Autofluorescence Spectrum between Hepatic Carcinoma Cell and Hepatic Cell肝癌细胞和正常肝细胞的自体荧光光谱研究
8.Autofluorescence Research of Cardiac Cancer and Normal Gastric Corpus;贲门癌与胃体正常组织的自体荧光研究
9.Theoretical Study of the Tissues Reflectance and the Autofluorescence Spectra;激光照射下组织漫反射光谱与自体荧光光谱研究
10.Research on Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Carcinoma Using Laser-Induced Autofluorescence;自体荧光法诊断早期胃肠癌的方法和理论研究
11.Significance of the Collagen Type Ⅳ in the Auto-fluorescence Diagnosis of Cardiac Cancer;Ⅳ型胶原在贲门癌自体荧光诊断中的意义研究
12.Orientation Diagnosis System for Early-stagecolorectal Carcinoma with Laser Inducedautoflurescence under Endoscope;大肠早癌自体荧光内镜定位诊断系统研究
13.The Comparison Study of Laser-induced Autofluorescence in Tumour-detection;激光诱发自体荧光光谱在肿瘤诊断中的比较研究
14.Analyze the Chraactristics and Difference of the Laser-Induced Autofluorescence Spectra of Normal Bladder Tissue and Bladder Carcinoma Tissue;膀胱正常组织和癌组织的自体荧光光谱特征分析
15.Sensitivity Evaluation of "Laser-induced Autofluorescence Diagnosing Instrument for Early Colorectal Cancer" and Quantitively Disposal Research of Resultant Spectrum;“大肠早癌自体荧光诊断仪”敏感性评价以及光谱的量化处理
16.Value of Auto-Fluorescence Spectrum Combined with Tumor Markers in Diagnosis of Lung Cancer血清自体荧光光谱联合肿瘤标志物群在肺癌诊断中的价值
17.gaseous discharge lamp(荧光)气体放电管
18.The Fluorescence Spectrum for Epichrosis Leucasmus Therapy Bycombination of Acupuncture and Traditional Drugs with Light or Transplantation of Melanocytes by Epidermic Grafting;针药并用联合自体表皮移植与光照治疗白癜风荧光光谱分析

1.Reviews of Gastrointestinal Auto-fluorescence and Its Origin in Neoplasms Diagnosis;胃肠肿瘤自体荧光诊断及物质来源的研究进展
2.Significance of the Collagen Type Ⅳ in the Auto-fluorescence Diagnosis of Cardiac Cancer;Ⅳ型胶原在贲门癌自体荧光诊断中的意义研究
5)Autofluorescence spectra自体荧光光谱
1.Laser induced artery autofluorescence spectra are measured.对激光诱导心血管自体荧光光谱进行了实验测量。
6)fluorescence spectra自体荧光光谱
1.Laser-induced fluorescence spectra at the excitation of 488.0nm激发光激发CCl4 诱发白鼠肝病变过程中白鼠血清的自体荧光光谱 ,在对荧光光谱作了二阶导数分析基础上 ,根据其二阶导数光谱中出现的极小值的数量和位置进行多峰高斯拟合 ,使用特定高斯曲线峰值的比为参量对数据进行分析。

自调自净自度【自调自净自度】 (术语)同自调项。