生殖功能,reproductive function
1)reproductive function生殖功能
1.Adverse effects of nonylphenol on the reproductive function of adult female SD rats;壬基酚对成年雌性SD大鼠生殖功能的影响
2.Study on reproductive function of VDT female operators;视屏作业对女性生殖功能影响的调查
3.Effects of animal growth-promoter on rats part of reproductive function;动物饲料促生长剂对大鼠部分生殖功能指标的影响

1.Research Progress of Growth Hormone on the Regulation of Reproductive Function生长激素对生殖功能调节的研究进展
2.The change of abirritation and generative function in morphine independence mouses吗啡依赖大鼠镇痛及生殖功能的改变
3.Influence on Reproductive Function of Female Workers Exposed to Areca Processing槟榔加工作业对女工生殖功能的影响
4.Effects of 2,2'5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphennyl and Estradiol on Chicken Reproductive Function;2,2’5,5’-四氯联苯和雌二醇对鸡生殖功能的影响
5.Effect of Environmental Estrogens Bisphenol-A on the Reproductive Function in Male Mice;环境雌激素双酚A对雄性小鼠生殖功能的影响
6.Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation of Cellular Telephone on Reproductive Function of Mice;移动电话电磁辐射对小鼠生殖功能的影响
7.Study the Effect of the Micronutrients on Reproduction in the Infertility Model Rats Induced by Adenine;微营养素对不育模型大鼠生殖功能影响的研究
8.Reproductive Function of β-Cypermethrin Regulation on Female Mice;β-氯氰菊酯对小鼠卵巢生殖功能的影响研究
9.The significance of the five kinds of tumor markers of the seminal plasma in reproduction function;人精浆中五种肿瘤标志物在生殖功能中的意义
10.Effect of Bacillus Subtilis Pab02 Additive on the Reproductive Function of Mice芽孢杆菌Pab02制剂对小鼠生殖功能的影响研究
11.Of, relating to, or involving both the urinary and genital structures or functions.尿生殖的,尿道的生殖器的结构或功能的,与生殖器的结构或功能有关的,涉及生殖的结构或功能。
12.having no or imperfectly developed or nonfunctional sex organs.没有生殖器官;生殖器官发育不全或失去功能。
13.Studies on Reproductive Cycle and the Physiological Function of Reproductive Endocrine in Carassius Auratus Red Variety;红鲫繁殖周期与内分泌生理功能研究
14.Immune function in patients with genital herpes;生殖器疱疹患者免疫功能的观察研究
15.The Effect of Organic Selenium on Reproductive Physiology Function in Mouse有机硒对小鼠生殖生理功能影响的研究
16.Ecological service function and species selection of living aquatic resources enhancement水生生物资源增殖的服务功能分析和品种选择
17.of or related to the genital and urinary organs or their functions.属于、关于生殖器官和泌尿器官或者他们的功能。
18.Study on Bacterial Community Structure and Biogeochemical Processes of Sediment from Near-shore Marine-cultural Region;近海养殖场底泥微生物区系结构和功能的研究

1.Conclusion The motility and percentage of motile and the oocyte penetrating rate and hypoosmotic swelling rate after vibration in semen were significant lower than before vibration,the morphology rate in semen were significant higher than before vibration,thereby affect the male reproduction in rabbits.结论后肢接振可降低精子的活动力、活动率及卵子受精率及低渗肿胀率,增加精子的畸形率,从而影响生殖功能
3)reproduction function生殖功能
1.Influence of chronic mentally stimulating on reproduction function;慢性心理刺激对生殖功能的影响
2.Effects of purified water on reproduction function of rats;纯净水对大鼠生殖功能的影响
4)ovaries function生殖内分泌功能
5)Reproductive function deficiency生殖功能低下
6)male reproductive function雄性生殖功能
1.The effects of phytoestrogens on male reproductive functions;植物雌激素对雄性生殖功能的影响

男性生殖功能男性生殖功能 生理名。包括三个主要方面:①生成雄性生殖细胞——精子;②完成性活动;③通过分泌激素来调节男性生殖功能,以及 与生殖功能相应的其他功能。这三方面的功能主要都是由男性重要生殖器官——睾丸完成的。但性活动需整个生殖系统,包括附睾、输精管、前列腺、精囊和阴茎等附属性器官以及中枢神经系统参与。