1.Some concrete improvement measures are put forward based on the current situation of fur and leather industry in China.在对我国皮毛、皮革业的现状进行分析的基础上,提出一见些具体的改进措施,改进后,在解决环境污染问题的基础上,又能使我国皮毛、皮革业得到可持续发展,尽而在国际市场上能立于不败之地。
2.Aqueous emulsion composition is a new kind of fur degreaser product.乳液制剂是一种新型皮毛脱脂产品,本文对这种类型皮毛脱脂剂的研制过程进行了阐述,对原料的选择、配方的优化及产品特性做了详尽的讨论。

1.The coat of a mammal, consisting of hair, fur, wool, or other soft covering, as distinct from bare skin.生皮,毛皮,毛由毛发、毛皮、绒毛或其他软的覆盖物组成的区别于裸露皮肤的哺乳动物的皮毛
2.The fur of this mammal.浣熊皮毛这种哺乳动物的皮毛
3.The fur or hair of this mammal.獾的皮毛这类哺乳动物的皮或毛
4.The light brown fur of the coypu.海狸鼠皮毛海狸鼠的淡棕色皮毛
5.Rabbit fur, especially when dyed to imitate a more expensive fur.兔皮毛皮毛,尤其是指当它被染色以模仿一种更贵重的毛皮时
6.Trimming or lining made of fur.毛皮镶边或毛皮衬里
7.Undressed pelts considered as a group.毛皮,生皮未加工的毛皮的总称
8.The skin of an animal with the fur or hair still on it.毛皮,兽皮带有毛或发的动物的皮
9.The pelt or fur of this animal.豹皮这种动物的毛皮或毛皮制品
10.soft grey fur of this animal毛丝鼠的软灰毛皮.
11.Covered with, wearing, or trimmed with fur.毛皮覆盖的、穿戴毛皮的或用毛皮镶边的
12.simulated fur, jewels, etc人造毛皮、 珠宝等.
13.fake furs, jewellery, etc假的毛皮、 珠宝等
14.fat liquor for leather and fur毛皮皮革专用加脂剂
15.brushing machine for hides, skins or furs成革、生皮或毛皮刷洗机
16.tan (a skin) with bark tannins.用树皮丹尼酸鞣制毛皮。
17.cleaning machine for hides, skins, furskins or leather大皮、生皮、毛皮或皮革清洁机
18.A sheepskin with the wool still on it.羊毛皮羊毛还存于其上的羊皮

skin and hair皮毛
1.The article takes a risk analysis on rabies spreading from skin and hair imported from South Africa.本文对南非进口皮毛能否传播狂犬病及其危害性进行了分析。
1.Research on the Color-Change of Dyes Caused be Auxiliary agents during the Low-temperature dyeing process of fur;毛皮低温染色中助剂引起染料色变的研究
2.The dyeing properties of XiLi-F fur dyestuffs were tested.本文对“希力—F”系列毛皮染料的染色性能进行了较全面的研究,按照相应的国家标准对溶解度、上染率、耐干湿擦、耐水洗、耐汗渍性、耐光色牢度进行了分析、检测。
3.The mechanism of fur processing was analyzed and studied in the vacuum state.对毛皮在真空机制下加工机理进行了分析,为增强毛皮鞣制及鼓滚摔软效果,提出了集真空、温度和机械摔滚机制于一体的机构及结构设计方案,研制出了一种生产效率高、使用范围广、少污染的毛皮真空加工设备。
4)shearing of fur毛皮剪毛
6)pelt,rawhide; brogue; fell,raw hide,fell,hide,peltry生皮,毛皮
