食用菌,Edible fungi
1)Edible fungi食用菌
1.Study on fresh-keeping technology of edible fungi using soft package;食用菌软包装保鲜技术研究
2.Simultaneous Determination of Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn,Cu and Zn in Edible Fungi by ICP-AES;ICP-AES同时测定食用菌中钙、镁、铁、锰、铜和锌

1.Application of the Salting Water in the Cultivation of Domestic Fungus食用菌杀青水在食用菌栽培中的应用
2.Effect of Bamboo Vinegar on the Mycelial Growth of Seven Mushrooms竹醋液对七种食用菌菌丝生长的影响
3.Analysis Methods of Carbendazim and Thiabendazole Residue in Edible Fungus;食用菌中多菌灵和噻菌灵残留分析方法研究
4.Effect of Spent Substrate of Pleurotus eryngii on the Mycelia Growth of Four Edible Fungi杏鲍菇菌糠提取液对4种食用菌菌丝生长影响
5.Study on Recycling Key Technique of Spent Mushroom Substrate of Special Edible Fungi in Xinjiang新疆特有食用菌菌糖再利用关键技术研究
6.Three Kinds of Feed Enzymes Activity of Eight Mushroom Residue8种食用菌菌渣中3种饲用酶活性的测定
7.Developmental Trend on Edible Fungus at Home and Abroad as well as Current Status and Countermeasure on Production of Edible Fungus in Hubei Province;国内外食用菌发展趋势及湖北省食用菌生产现状与对策
8.An Analysis on the Olomestic and Abroad Markets Prospect of Wild Edible Fungi and the Position of Yunnan Edible Fungi;野生食用菌国内外市场前景及云南食用菌定位分析
9.Application of ISSR in Genetic Diversity Analysis for Mushroom Cultivars;ISSR在食用菌遗传多样性研究中的应用
10.Prospects and Utilization Status of Edible Fungi in Shandong Province;山东食用菌产业开发利用现状与展望
11.Study of using cultivation waste of edible mushroom to cultive leg mushroom;利用食用菌栽培废料栽培鸡腿蘑研究
12.Free Radical Scavenging Capability of Polysaccharides from Edible Mushrooms3种食用菌多糖自由基清除作用研究
13.Anti-aging activities of effective combination of extraction from edible fungi全复配食用菌提物的抗衰老作用研究
14.Research on the Application of Information Technology in the Edible Fungi Industry信息技术在食用菌产业中的应用研究
15.Development of Edible Fungus Industry is an Effective Way to Solve the Food Problem;发展食用菌产业是解决粮食问题的有效途径
16.The depths-layer-culture, that is Edible Fungi hyphas growing in liquid medium.深层培养,即让食用菌菌丝在液体培养基中生长。
17.Dans la classification des champignons, la Truffe est classé e dans la caté gorie des ascomycetes hypogé s.在食用菌分类中,松露属生长在地下的子囊菌类。
18.Disease Investigation of Boletus of Yunnan Province云南野生食用菌——牛肝菌的病害调查研究报告

edible fungus食用菌
1.Research and exploitation of edible fungus functional food;食用菌功能食品的研究与开发
2.The progress and application of edible fungus' flavor research;食用菌风味的研究进展及应用
3.Study on the quality safety of edible fungus in China;浅析我国食用菌质量安全问题及对策
3)edible mushroom食用菌
1.Current trends in research of edible mushroom fermentation by submerged fermentation;食用菌液体深层发酵的研究热点
2.Study on Determination of Total Arsenic in the Edible Mushroom by Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry;氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定食用菌中总砷的方法研究
3.Study of using cultivation waste of edible mushroom to cultive leg mushroom;利用食用菌栽培废料栽培鸡腿蘑研究
1.Mushroom Processing Progress and Prospects;食用菌加工研究进展与展望
2.Determination of Trace Elements In Mushroom by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry;电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定食用菌中微量元素
3.Scavenging activity of several mushrooms to oxygen free-radical;几种食用菌清除氧自由基的研究
5)Edible mushrooms食用菌
1.Comparative Study on the effect of Inhibitory Mould in Seven Disinfectants of Edible Mushrooms;七种食用菌消毒剂抑制霉菌效果的比较研究
2.By the examination and popularization of the edible mushrooms production in lab and large scale,we rectified that it was completely feasible to use the dreg of Chinese Traditional Medicine to take place the cottonseed hull for the edible mushrooms production and confirmed the specified production prescription.经过实验室小试和大规模食用菌生产试验及推广,证实了中药渣代替棉籽壳用于食用菌生产是完全可行的,并确定了具体的生产配方。
3.After the field survey in Gutian County, the paper holds that edible mushrooms industry has brought great economic and social benefits, increased the utilization efficiency of resource, provided more employment, and promoted the adjustment of industry structure in mountainous areas.通过对古田县食用菌产业发展的社会经济效果及所产生的资源与环境问题的调查与分析,认为食用菌产业的发展给古田县带来了巨大的经济与社会收益,有效地提高了资源的利用效率,增加了资源的附加值,扩大了社会就业,促进了山区产业结构的调整。
6)mushroom food食用菌食品
1.The article dwells on the status for the development of mushroom food,introduces the healthy function of mushroom food,and predicts the good future of the development of mushroom food.论述了我国食用菌食品的开发进展,介绍了食用菌食品的保健功能,展示了食用菌食品广阔的开发前景。
