散射光,scattering light
1)scattering light散射光
1.Multi-channel normal speed gated integrator in the measurement of the laser scattering light energy;用于激光散射光测量的多路中速门控积分器研制
2.By light-scattering theory dust particles scattering light spot can be seen clearly on the screen through optic microscope and CCD when the dust particle floating in the air is exposed by the semiconductor laser.利用光散射原理,由半导体激光器照射漂浮在空气中的灰尘颗粒,选取90°角入射,使背景光的干扰降到最低,通过光学显微镜和CCD放大成像在显示器上,尘埃粒子的散射光斑就可以被清晰观察到。
3.Six kinds of targets are designed to investigate the properties of X-ray radiation and scattering light from different hohlraums,in the experiments on Shenguang Ⅱ laser facility.在神光Ⅱ三倍频实验中,设计了多种半腔靶构型,研究不同黑腔构型的X光辐射和散射光特性。

1.coherent raman scattering spectroscopy相干喇曼散射光谱学
2.rutherford backscattering spectroscopy卢瑟福背散射光谱学
3.Radiative scattering depends on the particle size in relation to the wavelength of light scattered.辐射散射取决于与散射光波长有关的粒子大
4.The energy of the scattered light is abstracted from the original beam.散射光的能量取自原来的光束。
5.light scattering profile[布面]光散射分布
6.The mirror reflects light back to the scatter plate.镜面把光反射回散射板。
7.Research on Diffuse Backscattering of Polarized Light from Highly Scattering Media;高散射介质的偏振光后向扩散散射研究
8.back-Compton scattering laser逆康普顿散射激光器
9.EDXRF (Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence)能量弥散X射线荧光
10.energy dispersive x ray fluorescence能量色散x射线荧光
11.light scattering particle counter光散射式微粒计数器
12.nondispersive X-ray spectrometer非色散x射线光谱计
13.light scattering of polymer solution高分子溶液的光散射
14.scattering loss in optical thin-film光学薄膜的散射损耗
15.scatter-type photoelectric smoke detector散射型光电感烟探测器
16.laser light scattering by plasma等离子体的激光散射
17.Optical Scattering Analysis of the Aberration of the Diffracted Wave of Two-dimensioned Reflection Grating二维反射光栅衍射畸变的光散射方法研究
18.Attenuation, Scattering, Modeling water surface, Light shafts, Caustics.衰减,散射,水面建模,光线束,焦散。

scattered light散射光
1.Interference of scattered light from plane mirror surface;平面反射镜表面散射光干涉
2.Depolarization characteristics of scattered light emitted from aspherical particles;非球形粒子散射光的去偏振特性研究
3.Based on the scattered light measurement,a new kind of on-line turbidity meter is developed and the air bubble disturbance is eliminated by the intermittent method.应用散射光在线测量浊度的原理,基于间歇法测量方式,解决了现场浊度测量过程中气泡干扰的问题。
3)scatter light散射光
1.In studying the visible PIV technique,if a certain intensity of scatter light beam out of the bubble in water is obtained by CCD(charge coupled device) camera,and the scatter angle can be obtained too,the intensity of incidence light source can be deducted by pulling back.研究水中气泡流体可视化PIV技术时,如果CCD探测器已经获得某散射光的强度,反推照明光源的强度,这为流体可视化技术提供选择光源强度和光源位置的理论依据。
2.To perform better sky subtraction, some steps such as the scatter light, relative fiber transmission, wavelength and flux calibrations are modified and discussed according to the conditions of instruments and software.根据所用软件和仪器的情况 ,对散射光、相对透过率、波长定标、流量定标等问题作了相应的讨论和适当改进 。
3.In this paper, the relative concentration of smoke in the dynamical atate is determined by means of scatter light.并采用散射光度法测量动态烟雾的相对浓度。
4)light scattering光散射
1.In-situ preparation and characterization of light scattering PS/PMMA composite materials by adding SBR;添加SBR原位聚合制备PS/PMMA高聚物复合光散射材料
2.A spheroid model used to analyze effects of nonsphericity of smoke particles on light scattering patterns;基于回转椭球模型分析烟颗粒非球形性对光散射模式影响(英文)
3.Preparation and characterization of polymethyl methacrylate/polystyrene (PMMA/PS) composite light scattering material;PMMA/PS复合光散射材料的制备和表征
5)light scatter光散射
1.The effects of SO42-, NO3-and Cl- ions on light scatter in the crystals were studied.选用硫酸钾、硝酸钾和氯化钾作为掺杂剂,采用传统降温法和“点籽晶”快速法生长了磷酸二氢钾(KDP)晶体,利用超显微法对KDP晶体中的散射颗粒进行了观察,研究了SO42-、NO3-和Cl-三种阴离子掺杂对晶体中光散射的影响。
2.The result showed that EDTA with high concentration has evident effect on light scatter of KDP crystal but not laser damage threshold and homogeneity.结果表明 ,高浓度 EDTA对KDP晶体光散射有明显的影响 ,但对光学均匀性和光损伤阈值无明显影响。
3.It has been proved that light scatter in KDP crystal aggravated when pyrophosphate was doped into the growth solution,which distributed ununiformly in prism and pyramidal sectors of KDP crystal.掺杂焦磷酸的情况下降温生长了 KDP晶体 ,采用激光层析法对晶体的光散射现象进行了观察 ,掺杂后晶体的光散射现象明显加剧 ,晶体的锥面、柱面和椎柱交界面处的散射点密度并不相同 ,其原因在于焦磷酸对KDP晶体的锥面和锥面的影响不同。
6)Light scattering光散射法
1.Flow Injection Light Scattering Determination of Micro Nickel(Ⅱ)流动注射光散射法测定微量镍
2.The relative molecular mass of chitosan fractionated by ultrasonic wave was measured by the light scattering method.采用粘度法分析了不同溶剂对壳聚糖粘度的影响 ,用光散射法测定了超声波分级的壳聚糖的相对分子质量。

散射光摄影照明光线有直射光和散射光之分。直射光为硬光、散射光为软光。 散射光为发光面积较大的光源发出的光线。其典型的散射光是天空光。以及带柔光玻璃的灯具,环境反射光也大多是散射光。如水面、墙面、地面等。散射光的特征是光线软,受光面和背光面过渡柔合,没有明显的投影。因此对被摄对象的形体、轮廊、起伏表现不够鲜明。这种光线柔和,宜减弱对象粗糙不平的质感,使其柔化。用于拍人物老的显得年青些,年轻的显得漂亮些。光线的选择,对勾画被摄对象的形状、体积、质地、轮廊等外部特征具有重要意义。在自然光照明条件下,有时只有散射光照明,只有单一的直射光照明是极少见的,大都是直射光和散射光混合光照明。