延迟发光,delayed luminescence
1)delayed luminescence延迟发光
1.Primarily Explore the Mechanism of the Delayed Luminescence of Plant Leaves;植物叶片延迟发光机理初探
2.Investigation of the esophageal cells ultraweak photon emission and delayed luminescence人食管癌细胞株的超微弱发光与延迟发光
3.Experimental result shows that gralic delayed luminescence is hyperbolic.1s-1cm-2),测得白光照射下蒜的延迟发光为双曲线,符合F。

1.Investigation of the esophageal cells ultraweak photon emission and delayed luminescence人食管癌细胞株的超微弱发光与延迟发光
2.Effect of Salt Stress with Different Time on Delayed Luminescence from Leaves不同盐胁迫时间对叶片延迟发光的影响
3.The decay curves of the delay light emission (DLE) showed two phases: fast phase which lasted for about ten seconds and slow phase which lasted for about several minutes.这延迟发光的衰减曲线包含两个相:持续十秒左右的快速相和持续数分钟的慢速相。
4.delayed-trigger generator延迟触发脉冲发生器
5.superquick and delay fuze瞬发与延迟两用引信
6.retard thespark,eg of an engine使点火延迟(如发动机的).
7.delay gate generator延迟选通脉冲发生器
8.digital delay generator数字延迟信号发生器
9.controlled delay pulse generator受控延迟脉冲发生器
10.Researching the Method of Delayed Fluorescence Attributing Photosynthetic Capacity延迟荧光表征植物光合能力方法研究
11.Analysis and measurement of delay property for programmable microwave fiber delay line可编程微波光纤延迟线时延特性分析与测量
12.Design and Implement of the Fast Programmable Fiber-Optic Delay Line;快速程控光纤延迟线设计与工艺研究
13.Photoelectric characteristics of liquid crystal variable retarder液晶相位可变延迟器的光电特性研究
14.Detection of plant photosynthetic capacity based on unsaturated light-induced delayed fluorescence基于非饱和光诱导延迟荧光的光合能力检测
15.Research on Chaos Dynamics in Semiconductor Laser with Delayed Optoelectronic Feedback延迟光电反馈半导体激光器中混沌动力学研究
16.Fiber Delay Line Buffer Technology in Optical Packet Switching Network光分组交换网络中光纤延迟线缓存技术
17.The improvements of the optical delay lines in stellar interferometry恒星光干涉仪中光学延迟线的结构设计
18.Current Late Send Rate is the current number of late write operations per second.“当前延迟发送速率”是指当前每秒执行的延迟写操作的次数。

3)DUB of wheat小麦延迟发光
4)millisecond delayed light emission毫秒延迟发光
1.The Effects of nigericin and vannomycin on the fast phase of millisecond delayed light emission (ms-DLE) inchloroplast and the stimulation of photophosphorylation (PSP ) by low concentrations of nigercin were investigatedat different temperatures.在0~1℃的低温条件下叶绿体毫秒延迟发光的快相明显较室温时的高,说明低温条件有利于水氧化所释放的质子在类囊体膜上形成区域化;磷酸化能在毫秒级范围内就利用水氧化所产生的区域化质子合成ATP,使毫秒延迟发光的快相降低。
5)transmitting delay转发延迟
1.we pay emphases on how to maintain no-loop topology structure and how to decrease farthest the transmitting delay in a switched Ethernet.在交换式以太网中,怎样维护无环路的拓扑结构,如何最大限度地缩小网络的转发延迟,是本文的研究重点。
1.Delay and jitter characteristic of the laser triggered multi-stage multi-channel switch;激光触发多级多通道开关触发延迟及其抖动特性
2.The dependence of the delay and jitter of the laser triggered multistage multi-channel switch on the energy of laser pulse,focal length,wavelength is reported in this paper.实验研究了激光触发多级多通道开关触发延迟时间及其抖动与激光脉冲能量等实验光学参量之间的关系。

延迟发光分子式:CAS号:性质:较发射态应有的衰变速率为慢的发光衰变过程。下列几种发光机理均属于此类发光现象:(1)通过三线态-三线态或单线态-单线态湮灭,使一个分子处于激发单线态而另一个分子回到基态(有时称所发的光为P型延迟荧光delayed fluorescence);(2)热激发使三线态的能量提高到激发单线态的水平,并通过系间窜越变为激发单线态(有时称所发的光为E型延迟荧光);(3)电荷相反的离子或一个电子与一个正离子间的复合。但在两种作用物种中至少要有一种是由光化学过程所产生的,才能称为延迟发光。