磨损量,wear loss
1)wear loss磨损量
1.The effect of adding amount of PTFE, load and heat treatment temperatures on the friction coefficient and wear loss of the prepared Ni-P-PTFE composite coating was studied in MM-200 friction and wear tester.制备了Ni-P-PTFE化学复合镀层,在MM-200型磨损试验机上研究了PTFE加入量、热处理温度和载荷对复合镀层摩擦因数和磨损量的影响。
2.An abnormal phenomenon was found that after frictional wear test in different condition,the wear loss value often was a negative that means the weight of worn sample increased.发现在不同试验条件下磨损试验后 ,ZA2 7试样的磨损量经常为负值 ,即出现增重。
3.The wear loss of the machine is affected by many factors and the relationship between wear loss and factors is a kind of typical nonlinear,so how to forecast the wear loss is very difficult.针对机器设备磨损产生的因素多,而且磨损量的多少与产生的因素具有高度非线性,磨损难以预测的问题,同时考虑到监测得到的数据为小样本事件也是磨损难以预测的原因,在齿轮箱实验数据的基础上,利用最小二乘支持向量机,给出预测步骤,提出一种以载荷、温度、振动信号特征、速度和时间为输入量,机器设备的磨损量为输出量的预测方法。

1.Study of Wear Allowance on Anti-friction Layers of Shearer's Sliding Shoes采煤机导向滑靴耐磨层磨损量的探讨
2.The Method for Determining the Abrasion Value and Abrasion Life of Tooth Surfaces in a Helical Gearing by Means of the Abrasion Experiment借助磨损实验确定斜齿齿轮机构齿面磨损量及磨损寿命的方法
3.Study of Wear Prediction of Sucker Rod and Tubing for Pumping System有杆抽油系统杆管偏磨磨损量预测研究
4.Fai lure of brake disc is only judged with wear quantity,but not damage quantity.制动盘的失效不能用受损伤量来衡量,宜应该用磨损量来判断。
5.Research of Wear Measurement Algorithm of Skate Edge and Its Hardware Implementation;冰刀磨损量测量算法及其硬件实现的研究
6.Wear Measurement of Spherical Component Articulation with Roundness Machine采用圆度仪测量球形运动副承载面磨损量方法
7.It is shown that the wearing capacity of a copper needle well reflects the rock abrasiveness.试验表明:铜针的单位路程磨损量较好地反映了岩石研磨性的高低。
8." Rubber compounding ingredients--Carbon black, pelletized--Determination of pellet atrition"GB/T14853.3-1993橡胶用造粒炭黑粒子磨损量的测定
9.Micro-wear test of soft materials(Ⅰ)--Wear scar measurement and wear rate calculation软材料的微磨损测试研究(Ⅰ)——磨痕测量与磨损率计算
10.An inflence of carbon content on abrasive wear of Cr-Mn cast steel铬锰系铸钢的炭含量对磨料磨损性的影响
11.Influence of Carbon Content on the Characteristic of Martensitic Steel in Abrasion含碳量对马氏体钢磨料磨损特性的影响
12.Determination of Muzzle Velocity Loss by Law of Bore Wear由炮膛磨损规律确定火炮初速减退量
13.The abrasion, press and rigidity of squeegee determine the print quality.刮板的磨损、压力和硬度决定印刷质量。
14.The results show that the abrasion of coatings was influenced by many factors, such as attack angle, impact speed, and abradant dosage etc.结果表明 :涂层的冲蚀磨损受到攻角、冲速、磨料量等多种因素的影响。
15.Study on Synthetical Evaluating Methods of Running-in & Wearing Surface Quality of Marine Diesel Cylinder Liner;船舶柴油机缸套材料磨合磨损表面质量综合评价方法的研究
16.Wheel wear and ground quality when grinding SiC reinforced aluminum matrix composite with electroplated diamond wheelSiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料磨削中砂轮磨损与加工质量研究
17.Influence of Ni on the Abrasion Resistance of Arc-Sprayed TiB_2 Coatings电弧喷涂TiB_2陶瓷涂层Ni含量对其耐磨粒磨损性能的影响
18.Influence of SiC Concentration in Slurry on Microscale Abrasive Wear of TZNT Titanium Alloys料浆中碳化硅含量对TZNT钛合金微粒磨粒磨损性能的影响

wear volume磨损量
1.The results indicate that with the increase of speed,the wear volume of wheel steel decreases slightly,and the lubrication mechanism at interface of rolling contact surface would transform from boundary lubrication to partial elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication.结果表明:随速度的增加,车轮钢试样磨损量呈现减小的趋势,滚动接触表面间润滑状态从边界润滑转变为部分弹流润滑;车轮钢磨损机制主要由微切削、微断裂磨损向轻微塑性变形磨损转变。
2.Mirco-to-nano scale(10-6 to 10-9m) wear volume experiments were carried out for polycarbonate/silica nanocomposites by using TriboIndenter of Hysitron Company.本文首先指出了常用微纳米级磨损量计算方法的不足之处,并结合MATLAB数字图像处理技术的优点分析了MATLAB用来改进磨损量计算方法的可行性。
1.The real-time measure for wear and friction coefficient in friction test with current;受电摩擦试验中磨损量与摩擦系数的实时测量
2.Research of Wear Measurement Algorithm of Skate Edge and Its Hardware Implementation;冰刀磨损量测量算法及其硬件实现的研究
3.In allusion to the high speed friction and wear tester with high current,the method of the real-time measure for wear and friction coefficient has been introduced.针对自行研制的高速大电流摩擦磨损试验机,介绍了试验中摩擦副的磨损量和摩擦因数的实时在线测量方法以及数据采集与处理系
4)wear mass loss磨损量
1.It proves that additive can greatly improve the tribological performances of friction pairs by observing the variance of mating surface topograph, wear mass loss, friction factor and so on.通过分析对摩表面的形貌特征、磨损量和摩擦因数等方面的变化,结果表明,抗磨添加剂能极大地改善机械系统的摩擦学性能。
2.The results show that, in the certain load (40N), with the increase of speed, the effect of speed on the wear of pin-samples is small, the wear mass loss increases first and then decreases.结果表明:在一定载荷(40N)作用下,随摩擦速度的提高,转速对销试样的磨损量影响不大,磨损量先增大后减小;在一定摩擦速度(50m/s)作用下,随载荷的增加,磨损量明显增大。
5)wearing capacity磨损量
1.The results show that wearing capacity of aluminum matrix composite is less than matrix material obviously,and the friction coefficient is smaller than that of the matrix material.结果表明,α-Al2O3颗粒增强铝基复合材料的磨损量明显低于基体的,且摩擦因数也小于基体的摩擦因数。
2.The wearing capacity is calculated by simulation technique and a dynamic simulation model of the radial airproof patch wear is established.利用仿真技术对磨损量进行模拟计算,建立了径向密封片磨损的动态仿真模型,并用UG Grip编写了仿真程序。
6)wear mass磨损量
1.8% compared with UHMWPE,Furthermore,with the prolongation of wear steps,the wear mass loss of acetabular increases in the beginning wear steps then decreases and goes into steady state in succeeding steps.8%;髋臼材料的阶段磨损量均出现先增大后减小并逐渐趋于稳定的趋势;不同磨损阶段磨粒的平均粒径和拐点粒径与其阶段磨损状态间具有相关性。
