金福菇,Tricholoma lobayense Heim
1)Tricholoma lobayense Heim金福菇
1.Effects of C-sources and N-sources on the Mycelia Growth of Tricholoma lobayense Heim;碳源、氮源对金福菇菌丝生长发育的影响
2.Cultivation of mushroom Jinfu,Tricholoma lobayense Heim using cassava vinasse in culture medium木薯酒精废渣栽培金福菇试验
3.Trace nutritional and phenolic compounds in the fruit bodies of Tricholoma lobayense Heim,Pleurotus geesteranus and Agrocybe chaxingu Huang,as well as the cultural and spent substrates were analyzed.以金福菇(Tricholoma lobayenseHeim)、秀珍菇(Pleurotus geesteranus)和茶薪菇(Agrocybe chaxin-guHuang)为材料,分析其栽培料、子实体、菌糠中的微量营养成分,子实体酚类化合物含量及其抗氧化能力。
2)Tricholoma giganteum金福菇
1.A study on culturing of Tricholoma giganteum with rapeseed coat;菜籽皮栽培金福菇的初探
2.The best medium of Tricholoma giganteum is oat powder-maltose-yeast powder media.对大球盖菇、金福菇和鲍鱼菇3种珍稀食用菌进行了母种培养基筛选试验。
3)Tricholoma lobayense金福菇
1.Growth Substrates Containing Chamaecrasta nictitans for the Cultivation of Tricholoma lobayense;羽叶决明代料栽培金福菇的研究
2.)Rolland, Tricholoma lobayense Heim, Agrocybe chaxingu Huang and Hypsizigus marmoreus (Peck)Bigelow etc.为了解决食用菌生产中的“菌牧”矛盾 ,更好地发展食用菌业和畜牧业 ,我们利用谷秆两用稻草粉替代麦麸作培养料 ,栽培珍稀食用菌秀珍菇、金福菇、茶薪菇、真姬菇等。
4)Fu Gu Tai福菇肽
1.Application of Fu Gu Tai to Production of Ganoderma;福菇肽在灵芝生产上的应用
5)Flammulina velutipes juice金针菇汁
6)Flammulina velutipes金针菇
1.Application of HPLC-ICP-MS in Speciation Analysis of Selenium in Selenized Flammulina velutipes;HPLC-ICP-MS联用技术在富硒金针菇硒的形态分析中的应用
2.Study on biosorption of Cd~(2+) by means of testing Flammulina velutipes;金针菇菌柄非食用部分对镉的生物吸附
3.Se-polysaccharides Speciation in Flammulina Velutipes by SE-HPLC-ICP-MS;体积排阻色谱与电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术在富硒金针菇硒多糖形态分析中的应用研究

1.Fruit-Body Color Expression of Light-Yellow Flammulina Velutipes;浅黄色金针菇子实体颜色表达的初探
2.Studies on Nuclear Phase and Genetic Attribute of the Basidiospores of Flammulina Velutipes;金针菇担孢子核相及遗传属性的研究
3.Construction of Genetic Linkage Map of Flammulina Velutipes with SCAR Markers;金针菇SCAR标记遗传连锁图的构建
4.Preliminary Study on the Breeding and Application of Se-accumulating Strain of Flammulina Velutipes;富硒金针菇菌株选育及应用初步研究
5.Domestication and Cultivation of the Strain F9703 in Flammulina velutipes;野生金针菇菌株F9703的驯化栽培研究
6.On Activity Factors of Polyphenol Oxidase in Flammulina velutipes影响金针菇多酚氧化酶活性因素研究
7.Effects of Interactions Between Cd and Zn on Accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Flammulina velutipesCd Zn交互作用对金针菇富集重金属的影响
8.The content of amylose and total sugar in 101# bred hybrid new specie is obviously higher than that in qude mansiella radicata, a little lower than flammulina velutips.杂交新品种101#鲜菇中多糖和总糖含量明显高于茶菇的含量,稍低于金针菇的含量。
9.Study on the Screening of Fine Strains and Genetic Diversity of Flammulina Velitipes;金针菇优良菌株的筛选及遗传多样性分析
10.Study on Biological Effects of White Flammulina Velutipes by Nitrogen Ion Beam Implantation;氮离子注入白金针菇生物学效应的研究
11.Study on Molecular Marker-assisted Breeding for White-Fruit-Body Stain of White Flammulina Velutipes;白色金针菇的分子标记辅助育种技术研究
12.Bacterial Mutant Screening of Flammulina Velutipes Rich in Zinc and Isoenzyme Analysis;富锌金针菇菌株的诱变选育及酶谱分析
13.Studies on the Effect of HOAP on Stored Needle Mushroom and it's Machansim金针菇HOAP贮藏保鲜效果及其机制的研究
14.Eight Enzyme Activity Changes in Different Growth Period of Flammulina velutipes(Fr.) Sing金针菇不同生长期八种胞外酶活性变化
15.The low temperature air-conditioning system design ofjin zhen mushroom factorization cultivation金针菇工厂化培育的低温空调系统设计
16.Influence of nutrient factors on the production of Flammulina Velutipes Polysaccharide营养因子对液体发酵金针菇多糖合成的影响
17.A Comparative Study of Two Liquid Mediums for Flammulina velutipes两种金针菇液体菌种培养基的对比研究
18.The Identification Research of Eight White Flammulina velutipes Strains Cultivated in Beijing北京地区8个白金针菇主栽菌株的鉴别研究

Tricholoma giganteum金福菇
1.A study on culturing of Tricholoma giganteum with rapeseed coat;菜籽皮栽培金福菇的初探
2.The best medium of Tricholoma giganteum is oat powder-maltose-yeast powder media.对大球盖菇、金福菇和鲍鱼菇3种珍稀食用菌进行了母种培养基筛选试验。
3)Tricholoma lobayense金福菇
1.Growth Substrates Containing Chamaecrasta nictitans for the Cultivation of Tricholoma lobayense;羽叶决明代料栽培金福菇的研究
2.)Rolland, Tricholoma lobayense Heim, Agrocybe chaxingu Huang and Hypsizigus marmoreus (Peck)Bigelow etc.为了解决食用菌生产中的“菌牧”矛盾 ,更好地发展食用菌业和畜牧业 ,我们利用谷秆两用稻草粉替代麦麸作培养料 ,栽培珍稀食用菌秀珍菇、金福菇、茶薪菇、真姬菇等。
4)Fu Gu Tai福菇肽
1.Application of Fu Gu Tai to Production of Ganoderma;福菇肽在灵芝生产上的应用
5)Flammulina velutipes juice金针菇汁
6)Flammulina velutipes金针菇
1.Application of HPLC-ICP-MS in Speciation Analysis of Selenium in Selenized Flammulina velutipes;HPLC-ICP-MS联用技术在富硒金针菇硒的形态分析中的应用
2.Study on biosorption of Cd~(2+) by means of testing Flammulina velutipes;金针菇菌柄非食用部分对镉的生物吸附
3.Se-polysaccharides Speciation in Flammulina Velutipes by SE-HPLC-ICP-MS;体积排阻色谱与电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术在富硒金针菇硒多糖形态分析中的应用研究

金菇捞面菜名: 金菇捞面主料: 鱼蓉面4两(约160克),金菇(金针菇)3两(约120克),罐头鲍贝6两(约240克),甘笋2两(约80克),韭黄1两(约40克),干葱头2粒,姜丝少许。配料: 芡汁:砂糖1/2茶匙,生粉1茶匙,蚝油1/2汤匙,清水3汤匙,胡椒粉、麻油各少许。做法: 1、甘笋去皮,切条,金菇切去尾端,用淡盐水浸洗片刻,沥干;韭黄切段,干葱头去衣,切片。2、烧热油1汤匙,放入甘笋和金菇炒熟。3、开罐取出鲍贝,用姜丝和少许胡椒粉拌匀。4、鱼蓉面放入煮水中焯熟,过冷水后,再用煮水焯过,捞起,加入少许熟油拌匀,上碟。5、烧热油一汤匙,爆香干葱头,下鲍贝、甘笋和金菇炒匀,加芡汁煮煮,最后下韭黄快手兜炒,将全部熟料浇在鱼蓉面上。备注: 鲍贝开罐取出后如不能一次吃完,可用原装罐头内的汁液浸过鲍贝面,封以保鲜纸,放入冰箱内冷藏。