生物剂量,Biological dose
1)Biological dose生物剂量
1.Biological dose estimation and late effect evaluation of the exposed persons in Harbin radiation accident;哈尔滨辐射事故受照者生物剂量估计和远后效应评价

1.Chromosomal aberration analysis for biological dose assessmentGB/T12715-1991染色体畸变分析估计生物剂量
2.Study of GADD45 Gene Expression as a Biomarker for Radiation Biodosimetry;GADD45基因表达作为生物剂量计的可行性研究
3.The Research on the Detection of GADD45 Gene Expression as a Biomarker for Radiation BiodosimetryGADD45基因检测技术作为辐射生物剂量计的研究
4.Effect of Microorganism Preparation--Green Health on Tomato Production微生物制剂“绿源生”对番茄产量的影响
5.Effect of Biological Agent GHEM on Fruit Cracking and Yield of Chinese JujubeGHEM生物菌剂对红枣裂果及产量的影响
6.Effects of plant growth regulatos on winter wheat grain yield and their yield constituents;植物生长调节剂对小麦产量及产量构成的影响
7.Research Advance in Biological Effect of Low Does Endocrine Disruptors Exposure低剂量内分泌干扰物暴露的生物效应研究进展
8.The quantity of a vaccine, serum, drug, or other agent necessary to produce a specific effect.剂量需要产生特定效应的疫苗、浆液、药物或其他剂的量
9.The Bioelectromagnetics Dosimetry and Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Dose Absorbed by Human Body生物电磁剂量学及人体吸收电磁剂量的数值分析
10.The low irradiation dose can cause effective effect.低剂量激光对众多生物体产生有效刺激效应。
11.High-throughput Bioassay Screening Method for Development New Fungicide and Insecticide Using Green Algae Cell Suspension Culture;藻类细胞悬浮培养在杀菌剂和杀虫剂高通量生物筛选中的应用
12.Effects of large first dose pulmonary surfactant on treatment of severe hyaline membrane disease in neurates首剂大剂量肺表面活性物质治疗重度新生儿肺透明膜病临床观察
13.Experimental Study on Biological Focal Region and Therapeutic Dose of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound in Vitro;HIFU生物学焦域与治疗剂量学的体外研究
14.Study on the Yield and Quality of Rapeseed with Plant Growth Regulators;植物生长调节剂对油菜产量和品质影响的研究
15.The Influence of Plant Growth Regulatiors to Potato Yield and Quality;植物生长调节剂对马铃薯产量和品质的影响
16.Biological Basic Research of Short-term Single High-dose Radiotherapy Mode;短疗程单次高剂量放疗模式的生物学基础研究
17.Research on Noncontact Liquid Dispensing Technology and System非接触式微量生物试剂分配技术及系统研究
18.Study on Microbial Agent Used to Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Reduction微生物菌剂用于污水处理与污泥减量的研究

Biological Dosimetry生物剂量
1.Study on biological dosimetry of premature chromosome condensation technique;早熟染色体凝集技术作为生物剂量计的研究
3)biological dosage生物剂量
1.Manufacture of automatic ultraviolet ray biological dosage determinecl apparatus;自动紫外线生物剂量测定仪的研制
4)Biological dosimeter生物剂量计
1.Present research status and clinical application of radiation biological dosimeter;辐射生物剂量计的临床应用与研究现状
2.Study on the possibility of SCGE as radiation biological dosimeter;SCGE作为辐射生物剂量计的可行性研究
1.It was showed that optimizing and correcting use of biodosimetry in any situa-tion should be set on the base of well understanding to what people used.生物剂量计有物理剂量计不可替代的优势,其重要性和科学意义已为世界各国放射生物学家所重视。
2.Biodosimetry is method to evaluate dosage on a relationship between radiationquantities and effects by analysising the changes of quantity, concentration, activity and functionin bio-material after irradiation.生物剂量计是人体受到电离辐射后,利用体内某种生物指标在含量、活性、功能等方面出现的变化来反映个体受到的辐射剂量。
6)biological dose生物学剂量

卵巢癌的大剂量和超大剂量化疗卵巢癌的大剂量和超大剂量化疗  此法系指把化疗的剂量强度提高到一个新的“极限”。主要的理论根据是目前的化疗可达到3~4个对数杀灭,已接近完全杀灭,如再增加几个对数杀灭,就有可能对许多病人达到治愈的疗效。超大剂量化疗则可获得5~7个对数杀灭,并对部分耐药肿瘤细胞有效。在卵巢癌超大剂量化疗时,可增加到第3剂量级,如卡铂为1200~1500mg/m2,环磷酰胺3.5~4.0g/m2,在这样大的剂量时,病人的骨髓抑制毒性很严重,需要支持治疗。支持疗法有①自身骨髓移植;②自身外周血造血干细胞移植和③促粒细胞生长因子应用。目前较易被人接受并且较易施行的支持疗法是自身外周血造血干细胞移植和促粒细胞生长因子的使用。大剂量化疗时,化疗药是常规用药量的2~3倍,骨髓抑制毒性的支持疗法常为促粒细胞生长因子治疗。超大剂量化疗时,化疗药是常规用药量的4~5倍,而骨髓抑制毒性的支持疗法是自身外周血造血干细胞移植和促粒细胞生长因子的联合使用。