小肠推进率,gastric emptying
1)gastric emptying小肠推进率
1.Methods: The relative residual rate of Dextran blue-2000(DB) in stomach and the small intestinal transit rate of DB were determined to evaluate SH s effects on gastric emptying and small intestinal transit in rats;the contraction intensity of isolated stomach strip of the rat was measured to evaluate SH s effect on the contraction intensity of stomach.方法:以胃肠道标记物葡聚糖蓝2000的胃内相对残留率和小肠推进率为指标,观察十五味黑药丸对大鼠胃排空及小肠推进运动的影响;通过生物信号采集与处理系统记录大鼠胃纵形肌条张力参数,观察该药对胃条张力的影响。
2.Methods:The relative residual rate of Dextran blue-2000 (DB) in stomach and the small intestinal transit rate of DB were determined to evaluate SH s effects on gastric emptying and small intestinal transit in rats;the contraction intensity of isolated stomach strip of the rat was measured to evaluate SH s effect on the con- traction intensity of stomach.方法:以胃肠道标记物葡聚糖蓝2000的胃内相对残留率和小肠推进率为指标,观察十五味黑药丸对大鼠胃排空及小肠推进运动的影响;通过生物信号采集与处理系统记录大鼠胃纵形肌条张力参数,观察该药对胃条张力的影响。
2)The rate of propeling carbon powder in small intestin小肠炭末推进率
3)intestinal transit小肠推进
1.Feces number and weight,intestinal transit and the first black feces time were observed and determined in these groups.考察了4种膳食纤维对不同组别大鼠的粪便、小肠推进、首次排黑便时间、排便粒数及排便质量的影响。
2.Objective:To investigate the effects of Houpu Pill on gastric emptying and intestinal transit in mice.目的:观察厚朴丸对小鼠胃排空和小肠推进运动的影响。

1.The Research on the Effect of Pleurotus eryngii DC.ex Fr.on Rat,Gastrointestinal Movement;杏鲍菇提取液对小鼠小肠推进功能的影响
3.Study on different effects on gastric emptying and intestine propulsion of propolis extracted from different parts蜂胶不同提取部位对胃排空和小肠推进功能的影响
4.The diagnosis value of double-balloon enteroscopy in 98 patients with small intestinal diseases双气囊推进式小肠镜对98例小肠疾病的诊断价值
5.Areca catechu L.increased markedly the propulsive movement of gastrointestinal tract in mice.槟榔对小鼠胃肠推进运动有显著加强作用 .
6.The Effect of Megacarpaea delavayi Franch on Intestinal Propulsive and Gastric Emptying Function in Mice高河菜提取物对小鼠肠推进和胃排空的影响
7.Food pass from the stomach to the small intestine and from there to the large intestine.食物由胃进入小肠再进入大肠。
8.Food passes from the stomach to the small intestine and from there to the large intestine.食物由胃进入小肠再进入大肠.
9.Studies on Therapeutic Substances of Semen Crotonis Pulveratum on Bowel Movement and Anti-endotoxin Activities of Wei-Chang-An-Wan巴豆霜推进肠运动物质基础和胃肠安丸抗内毒素作用研究
10.This pushing-in of cells marks the start of gastrulation.细胞的这种向里推进标志着原肠胚形成的开始。
11.The Soul-stirring Personal Dignity--Comment on the Novel Massage of Bi Feiyu荡气回肠的人格尊严——毕飞宇的小说《推拿》论析
12.They pass through a sphincter at the lower end of the stomach and into the small intestine.它们通过胃下端的括约肌进入小肠。
13.The camel train dawdled along the narrow winding trail骆驼队在羊肠小道上缓慢前进。
14.Progress On Intestinal Oligopeptide Transporter PepT1 of Fishes鱼类肠道小肽转运载体PepT1的研究进展
15.Advance the Urbanization Process Accelerate the Construction of Small Towns;推进城市化进程 加快小城镇建设
16.Effect and action mechanism of dry Radix ginseng ultramicrodecoction pieces on the small intestine motility in mice with spleen difficiency syndrome生晒参超微饮片对脾虚小鼠小肠推动及其机制研究
17.At laparotomy, duodenal dverticulitis and one enterolith obstructing the distal ileum were found.术前诊断为十二指肠憩室病合并肠阻塞,于是我们进行小肠切开并摘除肠石。
18.Research on Promoting the Motility Recovery of Gastrointestinal after Colonic Anastomosis Using Xiaochengqi Mixture;小承气合剂促进结肠吻合术后胃肠动力恢复的研究

The rate of propeling carbon powder in small intestin小肠炭末推进率
3)intestinal transit小肠推进
1.Feces number and weight,intestinal transit and the first black feces time were observed and determined in these groups.考察了4种膳食纤维对不同组别大鼠的粪便、小肠推进、首次排黑便时间、排便粒数及排便质量的影响。
2.Objective:To investigate the effects of Houpu Pill on gastric emptying and intestinal transit in mice.目的:观察厚朴丸对小鼠胃排空和小肠推进运动的影响。
4)small intestinal propulsion小肠推进
1.Objective To study the effects of Kaiwei Jinshi decoction with the ultrafine particle on the normal gastric evacuatian and small intestinal propulsion in mice.目的研究开胃进食汤超微配方颗粒对正常小鼠胃排空、小肠推进活动的影响。
2.Objective] To observe the effect of weichangshutai(WCST)granule on gastricemptying and small intestinal propulsion in mice and motilin (MOT) content in rats.[目的 ]观察胃肠舒泰 (WCST)颗粒对小鼠胃排空及小肠推进作用和大鼠血清胃动素 (MOT)的影响。
3.Results:Rhizoma Coptidis could inhibited the small intestinal propulsion in mice.方法:观察黄连素对小白鼠小肠推进运动的影响,对离体兔肠平滑肌自发性收缩活动的影响,以及对氯化钡和氯化乙酰胆碱引起离体兔肠平滑肌收缩的影响。
5)intestinal propulsion小肠推进
1.To observe the gastrin content,the motilin content and the intestinal propulsion change performed by the three prescriptions.观察各组对血浆胃动素、胃泌素含量及小肠推进的影响。
2.Methods We selected normal intestinal propulsion test,inhibition of intestinal propulsion induced by atropine sulfate,gastric emptying and intestinal propulsion test produced by mice,and normal stool test,the model of constipation by feed stool or not feed water;Then the pharmacological effect of XBG was evaluated.方法选择正常小鼠小肠推进试验,阿托品所致小鼠小肠抑制试验,小鼠胃排空肠推进模型及正常小鼠排便试验,自身粪便所致便秘模型,失水性便秘模型,对小儿便通颗粒的药理作用进行评价。
6)small intestinal movement小肠推进
1.Apply the small intestinal movement experiments with charcoal powder in healthy mice,neostigminetrested mice and mice with adrenaline.以正常、新斯的明负荷、肾上腺素负荷为研究模型,采用炭末小肠推进试验法。
2.It is to observe the effect of Morchella esculenta on the small intestinal movement of rats.以正常、新斯的明负荷、肾上腺素负荷小鼠为实验研究模型,采用炭末小肠推进试验法。

固液混合火箭推进剂(见火箭推进剂)固液混合火箭推进剂(见火箭推进剂)solid-liguid hybrid rocket propellant guye hunhe huoiian tui)in)i固液混合火箭推进剂(s olid一Iiguid hy-brid rocket proPellant)见火箭推讲齐,}_