1.Preparation of new crude oil demulsifier using nanotechnology;运用纳米技术制备新型原油破乳剂
2.Study on low tempurature demulsifier test for high water-content crude fluid;原油低温破乳剂FP330评价
3.Development of acrylic modified crude demulsifier;丙烯酸改性原油破乳剂的研制

1.deemulsifier, demulsifying agent消浮化剂,反乳化剂,破乳剂,浮浊[液]澄清剂
2.Study on the Mechanism of the Demulsifiers on Water and Polymer Flooding Emulsion;水驱、聚驱乳状液破乳剂作用机理研究
3.Isolation, Screening of De-emulsifying Bacteriaand Their Characteristics of De-emulsification Activity;生物破乳剂的分离、筛选及破乳特性研究
4.Study on the Characteristics and Demulsification Efficiency of Bio-Demulsifier Producing Bacteria生物破乳剂产生菌的特性及破乳效能研究
5.Salts substances on demulsifier demulsification dewatering performance盐类物质对YT-100-Ⅱ破乳剂破乳脱水性能的影响
6.A laboratory study on combination of crude oil demulsifier and additive原油破乳剂与添加剂复配的实验研究
7.After application of this demulsifier, the dehydration rate has been improved arid operation cost has been saved.应用该破乳剂后,明显提高破乳剂的脱水率,节约了运行成本。
8.Influence of Some Oilfield Chemicals on Demulsification/Dehydration of Crude Oils and Demulsifier Selection几种油田化学剂对原油破乳脱水的影响及破乳剂筛选
9.Studies on Mechanism of Combination of Demulsifier and Electric Field Demulsification;原油乳状液破乳剂/电场联合作用机理研究
10.Study on Applicability of Demulsifiers with Different Structures to Crude Oil Emulsion不同结构破乳剂对原油乳状液的适用性研究
11.Study on the Series of Acroleic Acid Monomer Copolymerisation Macromole Demulsifiers;丙烯酸系单体共聚高分子破乳剂研究
12.Test and Application of Reverse Demulsifier on the Waste Water Treatment反相破乳剂处理污水油的试验与应用
13.Study on Reverse Demulsifier GBED-08 for Deoiling of SAGD Produced Water of High Extra-Heavy Oil ContentSAGD采出液反相破乳剂GBED-08的研究
14.Study on Synthesis and Properties of Dendritic Oil Demulsifier树枝型原油破乳剂的合成及性能研究
15.Basic Theory of Manufacturing Crude Oil Emulsion Breaker and Present Situation of Research原油破乳剂制造基础理论及现状研究
16.Optimized Study on Recombination Demulsification and Decalcifying Agent of Crude Oil;复合型原油破乳剂和脱钙剂的优化研究
17.The Synthesis of Demulsifier of Petrol with PAPA as Evocator and Its Performance Test;以PAPA为引发剂的原油破乳剂合成及性能试验
18.Combination of Bio-demulsifier XH-1 and Chemical Additive生物破乳剂XH-1与化学助剂的复配研究

1.Synthesis of block polyether demulsifiers and demulsification rule;嵌段聚醚破乳剂的合成及破乳规律
2.The Action Mechanism of Demulsifiers at Model O/W Interfacial Film;破乳剂对油水界面膜作用机理研究
3)emulsion breaker破乳剂
1.The operation of tar-ammonia separation system in coking plant is analysed,then the effective emulsion breaker,which is suitable for tar and ammonia fast separation,is choosen to make experiment.系统分析了莱钢焦化厂焦油氨水分离系统的运行状况,筛选了适合焦油氨水快速分离的高效破乳剂进行试验,使分离后焦油的含水量达到了2。
2.The corrosion causes are analyzed and corrosion control measures are taken such as optimization of electro-static desalter operation, strengthened overhead pH value control, selection of appropriate emulsion breakers and corrosion inhibitors and application of proper coating for heat exchange.文章对该现象的发生原因进行了分析,并采取了优化电脱盐操作、强化塔顶pH值控制、筛选适宜的破乳剂和缓蚀剂以及对换热器管束进行涂层处理等防腐蚀措施,取得了一定的效果。
3.At the same time it introduces the method of compounding emulsion breaker which contains silicon and application in the course of washing with water which is a part of producing petroleum resin.同时介绍了树脂生产水洗过程中含硅破乳剂的应用及合成方法并对应用效果进行分析。
4)demulsifying agent破乳剂
1.Development and industrial test of high efficiency demulsifying agent ZYEB-1 used in refineries;炼油厂用高效破乳剂ZYEB-1的开发和工业试验
2.Experimental study on the treatment of oil extraction wastewater with new demulsifying agent;新型破乳剂用于采油废水处理的试验研究
5)demulsifying agents破乳剂
1.The recent demulsifying agents were reviewed and the future develop.指出了破乳剂在钻井废水处理中的重要作用,阐述了化学法破乳的机理,对目前主要的破乳剂作了总结概括,并展望了今后破乳剂的发展方向。
2.The effects of demulsification by PAS and PFS as demulsifying agents are co.说明聚合硫酸铁是一种新型高效的破乳剂 ,值得广泛推广 ,以利于更经济有效地治理乳化液废水 ,减少乳化液废水对水体的污染。
3.3-phase separator, on the basis of " 4 in one" and structure-improved,can be used in oilfield production,simplifies process flow greatly and combining with optimizing demulsifying agents makes crude desalinization-dewater can be done under lower temperature.并配合优选的破乳剂,使原油脱盐脱水可以在较低温度下运行。
1.Nowadays, in oil industry of our country all of the deemulsifiers used in the oil and water separating of the crude oil are chemical deemulsifiers.目前我国石油工业在对油田采出液进行油水分离过程中所采用的破乳剂均为化学破乳剂
2.Proper deemulsifier LSZC has been selected and the suitable operation conditions were recommended.筛选出了合适的破乳剂 ,推荐了合理的操作条件 ,LSZC破乳剂的脱水温度为 12 5~ 130℃ ,脱水电场强度 :弱电场 2 0 0~ 30 0V/cm ;过渡电场 4 0 0~ 6 0 0V/cm ;强电场80 0~ 10 0 0V/cm、混合强度 0 。
3.Whether it can replace the diesel caustic washing and electrofining sulfuric acid neutralization depends on the development of new deemulsifiers,high efficiency extraction equipment and three phase separator.氨法化学萃取是直馏柴油精制工艺的研究热点 ,其能否取代直馏柴油碱洗电精制 硫酸中和法工艺的关键在于新型破乳剂、高效萃取设备和三相分离器的开发。

破乳剂  一类能破坏乳状液的稳定性,使分散相聚集起来并从乳状液?形龀龅幕衔铩T诨ど校闷迫榧量苫厥杖樽匆豪锩挥胁渭臃从Φ脑匣虿返取?    破乳剂有:水、溶剂、无机盐类电解质、对抗型表面活性剂和非离子型表面活性剂等。乳液中加入溶剂或无机盐类电解质,可以改变水相或油相的比重,促使乳状液破坏。例如硫酸钠、硫酸镁和明矾等多价的金属盐都可以破坏分散相微滴表面的双电层,使微滴聚集而析出。    正离子型乳化剂不能与负离子型表面活性剂并用,利用这个特性,可以破坏一些乳液。例如,在高分子合成工业中常用十二烷基硫酸酯的钠盐或者十二烷基苯磺酸钙作乳化剂进行乳液聚合。要回收未反应的单体原料时,可以用烷基溴化吡啶等正离子型表面活性剂与硫酸或磺酸离子结合生成难离解的吡啶盐,使油相和水相分开。    有少数的乳状液是靠乳液的粘度大而保持它的稳定性,加水或溶剂可改变它的粘度,或者使乳化剂的浓度下降到所要求的水平以下,以破坏乳状液。    非离子型表面活性剂的破乳效果很好。例如,十八碳醇聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯嵌段型醚是一种很有效的原油破乳剂,只要加入少量这种破乳剂,就可以破坏体系的亲水和亲油平衡,促使原油析出水相。