1.Influence of loading and unloading on strength and deformation of frozen soil;加载卸载对人工冻结土强度与变形的影响
2.Research of Hydraulic Accumulator in Secondary Regulated Loading System;二次调节加载系统中液压蓄能器的研究

1.Additional Cargo List加载货清单加载清单
2.You must use Addins.Add to load Addin files您必须使用加载宏。加到装载加载宏文件
3.Loading interrupted. To reload the data, click加载被中断。若要重新加载数据,请单击
4.The Add-In could not be loaded because it is not registered.未注册加载项,因此无法进行加载
5.Analysis on the circumscription of the heavy camion and its limited loading重型载重车辆加载安全区域与极限载荷分析
6.Design and Realization of the Analog Loading System for the Fluctuating Load;动态载荷模拟加载系统的设计与实现
7.GLRT Detector with Diagonal Loading for MIMO Radars基于对角加载的机载MIMO雷达GLRT检测器
8.Application method for complex loads with ANSYS APDL基于ANSYS APDL的复杂载荷加载
9.hydraulically-loaded pre-stressed rolling mil液压加载预应力轧机
10.This driver has been blocked from loading.此驱动程序被阻止加载
11.spring loaded apex seal弹簧加载径向密封片
12.input loading type preamplifier输入加载式前置放大器
13.spring-loaded tine cultivator弹簧加载齿式中耕机
14.loaded-potentiometer function generator加载电位计函数发生器
15.The middle core was loaded.中间那块岩芯曾加载
16.The head load time is: 35ms.磁头加载时间:35毫秒。
17.mechanical load transfer mechanism机械式驱动轮加载机构
18.Implementation of Loading OrthoRaster in AutoCADAutoCAD加载正射影像的实现

1.Research and experimental method of load test set of QYS-11 type mine traction device;QYS-Ⅱ型矿用牵引部加载试验台的研制及其试验方法
2.The improvement on load methods of 3-D spine motion;脊柱三维运动实验加载方式的改进
3.Influence of Deflection from the Load Method on Different Bearing;楼板挠度试验中支承条件和加载方式的影响
1.The Unified Network Model Analysis of the Loaded Antenna Array for Direction Finding;加载测向天线阵列的统一网络模型研究
2.Real world vehicle emission tests were conducted on two heavy-duty diesel trucks on un-loaded and loaded condition by using a portable emission measurement system.采用车载排放测试仪,对2辆重型柴油卡车在空载和加载条件下进行实际道路车载排放测试。
3.The design of a loaded annular ring microstrip antenna is given in this paper.采用矩量法对一种加载圆环形微带天线进行分析和设计,并在理论分析基础上对该种天线进行了研制。
1.Loading-reloading and loading-unloading shock experiments of the LY12 aluminum alloy are conducted in a single stage light gas gun by composite flyers method.本文采用组合飞片技术在轻气炮上实现了对LY12硬铝合金材料的加载-再加载加载卸载,获得了LY12在不同预冲击状态下的一维平面应变波传播信息,利用Lagrange路径线法得到了对应状态下的应力应变曲线,进而采用上下屈服法得到了其在不同应力水平下的剪切强度。
5)loading unloading加载-卸载
6)loading and unloading加载卸载

自动加载下载的*.dmt材质方法自动加载下载的*.dmt材质方法一 1、建立如下路径的文件夹:E:\graphiclib\graphic-library\然后把你下载的adv_materials文件夹(里面材质了)放到刚才建立的路径里,变成如下路径E:\graphiclib\graphic-library\adv_materials2、如图配制搜索路径3、这样调用!点PHOTOLUX材质库