1.Application of spraying tridimensional successive mass transferring-tray in saturation-hot water tower;喷射型立体传质塔板在饱和热水塔中的应用
2.Study on clear liquid height on new combined trapezoid spray tray;新型立体传质塔板板上液层的研究
3.Effect of valve dislocation on tray performance;浮阀脱落对塔板操作性能的影响

1.height equivalent to a theoretical stage (plate)理论塔板的当量高度
2.spiral valve tray带螺旋叶片的浮阀塔板
3.Application of Guiding Floating Tray in Combination in the 5th Carbon Removal Tower组合导向浮阀塔板在脱碳五塔的应用
4.A New Design Method of the Trays in plate Columns ──Capacity Graph Method;板式塔塔板结构的新设计法──负荷性能图法
5.Using "Iterative Loop and If Function" to Calculate Rectification Column Theoretical Plate Numbers用迭代循环和条件函数求解精馏塔理论塔板
6.The num ber of theoretical trays can reach to 5 .8. It is equal to 48.3theoretical trays per m eter.分离效果最高能达到5 .8块理论塔板 ,相当于每米 48.3块理论塔板
7.Evaluation of perforated trays(Ⅱ)--models of perforated tray modified with FRI data网孔塔板的评价(Ⅱ)——用FRI数据改进网孔塔板设计模型
8.Evaluation to perforated tray(Ⅰ)--performances of perforated tray at vacuum conditions predicted with FRI data网孔塔板的评价(Ⅰ)——用FRI数据预测网孔塔板在减压体系的操作性能
9.Three Dimensional Simulation of Liquid Flow Field on CTST;立体传质塔板板上液相流场的三维模拟研究
10.Study on Flow Property of Liquid-phase on CTST;立体传质塔板板上液相流动性能的研究
11.Liquid velocity field on plate of combined trapezoid spray tray立体传质塔板板上液相速度场的实验研究
12.Combined trapezoid spray tray and its hydromechanics新型立体传质塔板及其流体力学性能
13.Study on Performance of Fluid Dynamics and Mass Transfer of Compound Tray;复合塔板流体力学和传质性能的研究
14.Preliminary Study on Thin Layer Plate of Rectifying Tower with Isolated Phase Transform;隔离相变薄液层精馏塔板的初步研究
16.maximum allowable deflection of tray column板式塔的最大容许挠度
17.ram turret lathe滑板式转塔六角车床
18.The towers are surfaced with steel plates.在塔面上加了一层钢板。

column plate塔板
1.Calculation of the Length of the Guide Strip for the Total Guide Flow Device on a Column Plate;塔板全导流装置导流条长度计算法
2.Design and Application of the Total Guide Flow Device on a Column Plate;塔板全导流装置的设计及应用
3.A simple and effective method for arrangement of column platewith computer aided design is given.提供了一种简单而有效的利用计算机辅助进行塔板布置的方法。
1.Application of LLC-Tray tower plate in atmospheric distillation unit;LLC-Tray塔板在常压蒸馏装置上的应用
2.A Mathematical Model of Plate Efficiency with Entraiment;一种含有雾沫夹带项的塔板效率模型
3.Study and industrial applications of NS guiding direction stripper plate;NS导向提馏塔板研究及应用
1.The revamp was conducted to replace traditional common trays with highly efficient wave-shaped trays to enhance the mass transfer and heat transfer in the converter.对传统的普通平筛板塔板进行改造,采用高效波形塔板,加强了塔内的传热与传质,利用原合成塔下部空间,增加了塔板数目,使物料在全塔的停留时间分布更理想,反应更充分,提高了合成塔的生产效率。
2.The method of the comparison flow parameter to confirm appropriate operation area of tower packings or trays is discussed in detail.介绍了流动参数的物理意义和在塔器选型上的应用,详细阐述了通过比较流动参数确定填料或塔板的合适操作区域的方法,通过流动参数来初选塔型,然后再根据初选的塔型做具体的工艺及设备计算,也介绍了流动参数在大型塔器选择上的应用。
3.In order to increase the rate of CO 2 conversion in the reactor, the waveform trays are adopted to intensify the effect of transfer and the number of trays is increased to extend the residence time of reactants relatively.采用高效波形塔板对传统的尿素合成塔进行改造 ,加强了塔内的传热与传质 ,利用原合成塔下部空间 ,增加了塔板数目 ,使物料在全塔的停留时间分布更理想 ,反应更充分 ,提高了合成塔的反应物转化率。
5)column tray塔板
1.The phenomenon of random fluid flow on multistage column trays is simulated by applying theory and method of Markov process.利用马尔可夫过程的理论和方法,模拟多级塔板上的液体随机流动现象。
6)tower plate塔板
