1.The visual setting of centralizer and the friction simulation of sucker rod string in directional well;定向井有杆抽油系统扶正器可视化设置及仿真

1.Characteristic Research of Pneumatic Cylinder in Centralizer Test Bed;扶正器试验台中驱动气缸的特性研究
2.The Optimal Design and Simulation for the Centrliser of Well Tractor;水平井牵引机器人扶正器的优化设计与仿真
3.The Analysis and Optimization about the Hydraulic Structure of Casing Swirl Centralizer;套管旋流扶正器水力结构的分析及优化
4.Design of the test device for the frictional abrasion of the sucker rod centralizer往复式抽油杆扶正器摩擦磨损试验装置设计
5.Centralizer Network-Setting of Sucker Rod-Pumping System and Virtual Model Building of Bearm Pumping Unit;有杆抽油系统扶正器网络化设置及抽油机虚拟建模
6.The Design and Experimental Study of the Friction and Abrasion Testing Machine for the Pumping Rod s Centralizer;抽油杆扶正器摩擦磨损试验台的研制及摩擦磨损试验研究
7.3D visualization technique used for designing the installation of well centralizer应用井筒三维可视化技术设计油井扶正器安装位置
8.Analysis of Centralizer Mount Position of Rod String of Screw Pump Based on Rotor Dynamics Method基于转子动力学方法研究螺杆泵抽油杆柱扶正器的布置
9.Pressure Drop of Flow of Produced Liquid of ASP-combinational Flooding in Tubing as Rod with Centralizers Moving Axially and Reciprocally三元复合驱采出液在抽油杆带扶正器且做轴向往复运动的油管中流动的压降
10.Strengthening vital qi and eliminating pathogens supplement each other: the former helps the elimination of pathogenic factors and the latter helps strengthening vital qi.扶正与驱邪相互补充:扶正有助于驱邪,而驱邪有助于扶正。
11.They righted the sailboat that had capsized.他们扶正了倾覆的帆船。
12.He could not right the car.他不能把车子扶正。
13.This medicine strengthens the Body, consolidates the constitution and lays stress on effecting a permanent cure.本药扶正固本,重在固本。
14.A Clinical Study of the Chinese Medicine HuangQiFuZheng Decoction in Treating Recurrent Genital Herpes and the Influence on the Pertinent Cytokines;黄芪扶正饮治疗复发性生殖器疱疹的临床研究及其对相关细胞因子水平的影响
15.It is the carrier of official communications to Rotary club officers.它是国际扶轮与各扶轮社职员的正式沟通桥梁。
16.If you desire peace, cultivate jus tice.所以,如果想得到和平,就得匡扶正义。
17.That shelf isn't square on the wall; can you straighten it?墙上的那个搁架不平,你能把它扶正吗?
18.weld-on centralizer焊在工作管柱上的扶正片

1.Application of spired stabilizer and collar combination of packed hole anti-deflection drilling tool to well drilling in deep-seated bedrocks;螺旋式扶正器与钻铤组合满眼防斜钻具在基岩地层深水井施工中的应用
2.In consideration of the characteristics of wellbore trajectory in deviated wells, a mathematical model is established for calculating the axial and lateral loads of drill strings in 3 dimensional wellbores of deviated wells, methods are denoted for calculating the space of stabilizers and configuration of sinker bar.结合斜井井身轨迹特点,建立了斜井三维井眼中杆柱轴向载荷和侧向载荷计算数学模型,给出扶正器间距和加重杆配置的计算方法;应用系统工程分析方法,给出系统参数设计的步骤,形成了斜井有杆泵抽油系统抽汲参数优化设计方法,编制了相应的优化设计软件。
3.Based on related theory of oil pumping with rod in vertical well and combining with feature of deviating hole track and production feature, mathematic model for calculating load of axis and side direction of rod in three dimensions of deflecting well is created and the method to calculate the space of the stabilizer is provided.根据直井有杆泵抽油有关理论,结合斜井井身轨迹和生产特点,建立了斜井三维井眼中杆柱轴向和侧向载荷计算数学模型,给出了扶正器间距计算方法。
1.Adding centralizers is the central means to pretect eccentric wear at present.从井身剖面角度出发,考虑添加扶正器后对抽油杆柱受力的影响,对抽油杆柱建立了受力模型和数学模型,分析抽油杆的变形和失稳,并以此建立了布置扶正器时的合理依据。
2.The deepwater pipe-in-pipe steel catenary riser is comprised of concentric inner and outer pipe,the inner pipe carries the production fluids and is thermal insulated,whilst the outer pipe provides mechanical protection,and the centralizers are spaced at certain intervals over the full length of the riser to prevent the thermal insulation material in the annulus from being crushed.管中管钢悬链线立管具有同心的外管与内管,其外管提供机械保护,内管提供油气通道,内、外管之间按照一定的距离安装扶正器以保护绝热材料,在深水油气开发中具有较大的应用价值。
4)casing centralizer套管扶正器
1.The casing centralizer is used to centralize the casing in the bolehole to ensure the even solidification of cement slurry within the annular,which can improve the cement job quality.套管扶正器的作用是使套管在井眼内居中,保证固井时水泥浆均匀凝固在套管与井壁所形成的环形空间内,从而提高固井质量。
2.Proper selection of casing centralizer is very important for running the casing to bottom hole in horizontal and extended reach well, and it can improve cementing quality by centralizing the casing in hole.在水平井、大位移井中选用合适的套管扶正器不仅能使套管顺利下入,而且能确保套管在井眼中的居中度,提高固井质量。
3.It is ideal casing centralizer for both deflecting and horizontal well.弓形弹簧片套管扶正器是使用量最多的固井工具。
5)cyclone centralizer旋流扶正器
1.During the process of mud displacement by cementing, using the cyclone centralizer can not only improve the deviation of casings, but also change the flowing profile of the annular fluid to make the fluid helical movement.在油气井固井注水泥顶替技术中,使用旋流扶正器不仅可提高套管居中度,还能改变环空流体流速剖面,使流体做螺旋运动,螺旋顶替方式有利于将环空窄间隙滞留泥浆和井壁附着虚滤饼驱替干净,从而提高固井质量。
6)increasing production centralizer增抽扶正器
1.Field application of increasing production centralizer in Erlian Oilfield.;增抽扶正器在二连油田的应用

参芪扶正注射液药物名称:参芪扶正注射液汉语拼音:Shenqi Fuzheng Zhusheye主要成分:党参、黄芪性状:淡黄色至黄色的澄明液体。药理作用:大剂量腹腔注射,可增强环磷酸胺对小鼠S180实体瘤的抑瘤作用。小鼠碳粒廓清实验提示本品可增强单核巨噬细胞系统的吞噬功能。功能与主治:益气扶正。用于不适宜放、化疗,表现为气虚证的晚期肺癌患者的辅助治疗;也可与化疗配合,用于气虚证肺癌、胃癌的辅助治疗。用法与用量:静脉滴注。用于晚期肺癌,一次250ml,一日1次,疗程21天;与化疗合用,在化疗前3天开始使用,一次250ml,一日1次,疗程21天。不良反应: 1 非气虚证患者用药后可能发生轻度出血。 2 少数患者用药后,可能出现口腔炎、嗜睡、感觉异常。禁忌症:有内热着忌用,以免助热动血。注意事项:应认真辨证,用于气虚证者; 2 有出血倾向者慎用。 3 不宜与化疗药混合使用。规格:250ml。贮藏:有效期:暂定1.5年。处方药:是