1.Analysis and improvement of the five-screw pump profile;五螺杆泵型线分析及改进
2.Study on profile of Roots vacuum pump rotor;罗茨真空泵转子型线的研究
3.A rotor profile suitable for gas-cooled Roots pump;适用于气冷式直排大气罗茨泵的一种转子型线

1.Study on Digitization and Automatic Generation of Line;船体型线数字化及型线自动生成研究
2.Moulding machine: Squeeze moulding machine, Multisqueeze head moulding machine, Machanical moulding line, Air shock moulding line, Air shock and press moulding machine.造型设备:各类震压式造型机,气动多触头造型机,机械化造型线,气冲造型线,静压造型线
3.Antenna efficiency of an aperture-type antenna孔径型天线的天线效率
4.Apple Desktop BusApple桌面型总线
5.Study on Parabolic Curve Section Made by Rollforming Process;抛物线型面Rollforming成型研究
6.3-D border style will appear as single line borders.三维边框线型将显示为单线型边框。
7.Application of REB500 Busbar Protection in Complex Busbar Connection;REB500型母线保护在复杂母线接线型式上的应用
8.Line Drawing and the Linear Thought Traditional Chinese Drawings --Talk of the Brushstroke of ShiTao中国画线描与线型思维——从线描与线型出发兼谈石涛“一画”论
9.coaxial N type adapter N型同轴线接头转接器
10.mobile radio GM 300 GM 300型流动无线电台(机)
11.Cass-horn antenna卡塞格林喇叭型天线
12.pneumatic line type heat detector线型气动感温探测器
13.line-type heat detector线型感温火灾探测器
14.Cable Thermal Detector缆式线型感温探测器
15.Optical Beam Flame Detector线型光速火焰探测器
16.rotary piston engine of trochoidal type余摆线型转子发动机
17.cosecant squared beam平方余割包线型射束
18.diagonal microprogramming对角线型微程序设计

1.This paper introduces the determination of the principal dimensions of the suspend and moter ship of crane load and hydrographic survey for Tongguan in Yellow River ,its lines of flush head,split and shallow tunnelled stern hull form catered for the shallow water and torrential waterway, and the general arrangement to fit in with the need of hydrometry.介绍了黄河潼关吊机两用水文测量船的主要参数确定 ,适应黄河浅水、急流航区的平头双尾浅隧道型线和适应水文测量工作要求的总布
2.Considered some actual conditions that the AutoCAD is popularly used in small and middle ship yards, the characteristics lines of fishing vessels are described, and the mathematical equations are established.从中小船厂应用AutoCAD的实际情况出发,阐述了渔船型线的特点及其数学型线的建立方法。
3.The paper introduces the basic technical state of first "Tian Jin" SCSD, including the main dimensions, general arrangement plan, lines, flexible spud carriage system, mud transportation system and propellers.论文介绍了国内的第一艘自航绞吸式挖泥船"天鲸"号的主要要素、总布置概况、型线、柔性钢桩台车系统、输泥系统和推进装置,定性地探讨了它的艏部型线设计和灵活的输泥系统配置,对它的挖掘岩石能力作了计算。
1.According to the design improvement on feed-water control valve of a 50MW and 100MW boiler,this paper illustrates the principle on designing high differential pressure control valve,and DN50;a new thought and method on designing the linetype of PN20 bypass-water control valve has been taken into consideration.以50MW、100MW锅炉主给水系统调节阀的改进设计,论述了对高压差调节阀的设计原则,以及DN50;PN20给水旁路调节阀上采用的一种新型的型线设计思路与方法,并通过试验以及电厂最近几年的运行情况,说明了用此设计方法设计的阀门型线效果良好,完全满足了锅炉运行要求。
4)hull lines型线
1.Then computer programs for the generation of submarine hull lines based on the data bases of offsets are developed.介绍了non-un iform rationa l B-sp line(NURBS)用于曲线拟合的方法,具体讨论了如何在给定型值点的条件下反求控制顶点,并在建立潜艇型值数据库的基础上,运用该方法开发了潜艇型线生成的计算机程序,为下一步模拟艇体,计算水动力打下了基础。
2.Based on the characteristics of hull lines of WPC (Wave Piercing Catamaran), this paper briefly introduces AutoCAD ActiveX technique and the application of its internal objects.针对穿浪双体船型线的特点,介绍了AutoCADActiveX技术及其内部对象的使用,详细阐述了在AutoCAD2004环境下,利用ActiveX技术进行穿浪双体船型线的自动绘制以及型线三向光顺的关键技术和过程。
1.The customization and use of AutoCAD s linetype;AutoCAD线型的定制与使用
2.Customizing technology of complex linetype based onshape customization in AutoCAD;AutoCAD中基于形定制的复杂线型的定制技术
3.Comparative Analysis on the Linetype Mechanical Performances of Two Railway Transition Curves2种铁路缓和曲线线型力学性能对比分析
1.Linear Conjugated C_x Bridged Bimetallic Complexes;线型共轭C_x桥联双金属有机化合物
2.Study on the cradle construction technology in the complex road linear;复杂道路线型中挂篮施工技术探讨
3.Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Ruthenium Complexes with Linear Hydrocarbon Chains;含线型共轭配体的金属钌配合物的合成、结构及性质研究

CLY-1型超声波在线粒度分析仪CLY-1型超声波在线粒度分析仪  黔CLY一l型超声波在线粒度分析仪