1.Through the numerical simulation,the internal flow fields of jet pump are calculated under the condition of different throat lengths and the optimal sizes of throat are obtained.通过数值仿真,分别计算了具有不同喉管长度的喷射泵内部流场,并经过分析确定了喷射泵的最优喉管尺寸,计算数据和试验数据对比非常接近,证明了数值仿真结果是合理的、可信的。
2.This paper presents ample experimental data which show that the improvement ofwater-jet pumps from short throats into long ones costs a little work and expense and the im-proved throat is efficient and energy-saving.本文从理论方面阐述和用实验数据证实,长喉管射水抽气器效率高,能耗低,并指出改进短喉管射水抽气器工作量不很大,花费不多,见效快,效益显著。
3.No packer is installed at the bottom end of the jet pump within which a group of nozzles and throat diffusers are installed.该冲砂泵利用水力喷射泵没有运动件这一优点,依靠动力液与地层液的能量转换进行工作,动力液与混砂液沿着油管中心孔返出地面,喷射泵底端不安装封隔器,喷射泵内部装有1组喷嘴和喉管扩散器,同时实现进口、出口和吸入口有效结合,并配套双级管柱等其他工艺来实现低压漏失井的冲砂作业。

1.Hong Kong Plumbing General Union香港喉管从业员总会
2.thrust sth. down into its throat把某物塞进它的喉管
3.trenchless method [pipe installation]无开坑法〔喉管安装〕
4.Sabre Airline Unit生宝喉管式呼吸辅助器
5.piped gas supply system喉管式气体供应系统
6.piped gas policy喉管式气体供应政策
7.unplasticized polyvinyl chloride pipe低塑性聚氯乙烯喉管
8.venturi vacuum controlled EGR system喉管真空控制式EGR系统
9.Comparison of clinical efficacy through the laryngeal tube,proseal laryngeal mask airway and endotracheal during genenal anesthesia喉管与双管喉罩和气管插管在全麻中应用的效果比较
10.The vacuum is picked up from one of the primary-barrel venturis and is called venturi vacuum.真空是由主腔中的一个腔的喉管建立的,被称为喉管真空。
11.medical gas pipeline system喉管式医疗气体供应系统
12.infectious laryngotracheitis vaccine传染性喉气管炎疫苗
13.infectious laryngotracheltis雏鸡传染性喉气管炎
14.Polybutylene (PB) Pipe聚丁烯管(俗名pb胶喉)
15.Hydraulic Pipe Bender液压弯管机(俗名喉积)
16.Polyethylene (PE) Pipe聚乙烯管(俗名pe胶喉)
17.avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus禽传染性喉气管炎病毒
18.A tubular endoscope that is inserted into the larynx through the mouth and used for observing the interior of the larynx.喉镜从嘴部置入咽喉用于观察喉内部的管状内窥镜

throat pipe喉管
1.Relationship between optimal length of throat pipe and area ratio was analyzed.应用气液两相流动的双流体模型,数值模拟了射流器内臭氧—水的混合过程,得到了喉管内流场的参数分布,揭示了利用射流器进行臭氧—水混合的工作机理,为射流器结构参数优化设计和性能预测提供了有效手段。
3)throat velocity喉管气速
4)Laryngotracheal topical anesthesia kit喉麻管
5)Laryngeal dilator喉扩张管
6)Laryngotracheal flap喉气管瓣
1.Laryngotracheal flap reconstruction of hypopharyngoesophagus in pyriform-postcricoid carcinoma resection;喉气管瓣法重建下咽颈段食管治疗梨状窝环后癌13例

鹅喉管【通用名称】鹅喉管【其他名称】鹅喉管 (《纲目拾遗》) 【来源】为鸭科动物鹅的喉管,动物形态详"鹅肉"条。 【功用主治】治喉痹,哮喘,赤白带下。 【选方】①治喉症:鹅喉气管一个(阴阳瓦炙黄色),冰片一分。共为细末,吹。(《周益生家宝方》) ②治哮喘:鹅咽喉食管焙灰,冲开水炖服。(福州台江区《验方汇集》) ③治赤白带:鹅水喉管煅存性研末,酒调,临卧服之。(《周益生家宝方》)