1.Methods With surface active agent,stabilizer,cleaner,and polishing agent selection,we found a new recipe to produce the polish cleaner which can finish wax in the process of decontamination.方法通过对表面活性剂、稳定剂、去污剂及上光剂的筛选,进而组合出去污打蜡一次完成的新配方。

1.lustring machine for woven textile fabrics (excl. calenders)机织织物上光机(不包括轧光机)
2.glazing machine for textiles (excl calender-type)纺织品上光机(不包括砑光机型)
3.glazing machine for paper or paperboard (excl. calenders)纸张或纸板上光机(不包括砑光机)
4.the sparkle of sunlight on snow阳光照射在雪上的闪光
5.The moonlight shimmered on the pond.月光在池面上闪闪发光。
6.This exposure is made with a small F-stop to a sheet of white paper placed over the original, or to the rays from a flash- lamp.闪光曝光,可用小光圈档,用一张白纸放在原稿上面或用闪光灯曝光。
7.Gold light on sea, on sand, on boulders.金光洒在海洋上,沙子上,卵石上。
8.any of various fluorescent substances used in fluorescence microscopy to stain specimens.用于荧光显微术中给标本染上荧光的荧光物质。
9.The laser has practical and theoretical advantages over non-laser light treatments, according to Dr. Spencer.这种激光实际和理论上优于非激光的光源。
10.A small flay, attached to this body, intercepts a beam of light coming from a source and directed to a photocell.附在该物体上的光罩截取对着光电管的光束。
11.The circularly polarized light is then focused down onto the disk.圆偏振光经物镜聚焦后射到光盘上。
12.Sunlight lamps over the pools to simulate high summer on days,湖上方安装日光灯,盛夏时可模拟日光,
13.At night, the lights of a car make the bits of glass shine,晚上,车子的灯光使得玻璃块发光,
14.ivory paper(艺术上用的)带象牙光泽的厚光纸
15.poured its bright rays upon the wavelets,月光洒在泼光粼粼的水面上,
16.They looked at the sparkle of litlle dancing waves in the sunlight.他们望着阳光下起伏小浪上的闪光。
17.It intercepts a portion of the light impinging on the photocell.它遮住一部分照射在光电管上的光。
18.Sunlight spotted the carpet.阳光在地毯上形成斑驳光点。

1.Printing samples of different glazing technologies were made on Roland700 machine and their performance of smoothness,glossiness and abrasion resistance were tested.在ROLAND700系列的机组上使用不同的上光工艺制备了标准样张,进而对其平滑度、光泽度和耐磨度三项表面质量指标进行了测试,结果表明,使用Hybrid油墨和UV上光工艺的印品具有较好的上光效果。
2.This kind of automobile detergent can finished washing and glazing at the same time.该洗车液洗涤、上光同步完
5)lustering calender上光轧光机
6)upconversion luminescence agent上转光剂
1.Preparation of novel nano TiO_ 2 catalyst doped with upconversion luminescence agent and investigation on degradation of reactive deep blue KN-R dyestuff using visible light;上转光剂掺杂新型纳米TiO_2催化剂的制备及利用可见光降解反应艳蓝KN-R染料的研究
2.A novel upconversion luminescence agent, 40CdF2·60BaF2·0.合成了一种新型含有稀土金属Er的上转光剂,此上转光剂在488nm可见光的激发下,产生了5个波长均小于387nm的上转换紫外发射峰。

井上光晴(1926~  )  日本小说家。生于旅顺,青年时代曾在钢厂、煤矿劳动。第二次世界大战结束后不久加入日本共产党,以反映日共内部矛盾的小说《不能写的一章》(1950)名噪文坛。后又写了同样内容的小说《患病的部分》(1951)。1956年前后一反过去的写作方法,开始模仿西欧多层次的"新小说"手法,站在庶民立场上揭示人们精神上的堕落。他还单独编辑季刊《边境》(1970~1975)。1979年起和野间宏、小田实等5人出版同人刊物《使者》,提出"思考、描绘、创作明天的文学,明天的人和明天的世界"的口号。长篇小说《心灵善良的叛逆者》(1969~1973)以东京为舞台,通过几个青年在学潮后遭到挫折的描写,暗示青年的未来,并提出怎样对待天皇制的问题。主要作品还有《瓜达尔卡纳尔战役诗集》(1959)、《地区的人们》(1963)、《他国之死》(1964)和《黑色森林》(1698)等。