1.Since the eighties of last century, the experimental study and theoretical analysis on self-lowering of submarine pipeline have systematically been performed in foreign countries, and the pipeline self-burial technique using spoiler has been developed.上世纪80年代以来,国外关于海底管道自沉现象的实验研究和理论分析工作得到深入开展,出现了采用阻流板实现不挖沟的海底管道自埋技术,并已经在北海地区得到比较广泛的应用,取得良好的经济效益和环保效果。

1.Local Scour, Self-bury and Safety Assessment of a Submarine Pipeline in Cohesive Soils粘性海床管道冲刷、自埋和安全评估
2.automatic submerged slag welding of rail钢轨自动埋弧电弧焊
3.They are digging their own graves, and they have no right to blame fate or other people.自家掘坑自家埋, 怨天尤人全是错误的。
4.Everyone complain of his memory, no one of his judgement.每个人都埋怨自己的记忆力,却无人埋怨自己的判断力。
5.Embedded type is divided automatically quiver pacemaker cries again buried automatic answer law is divided quiver implement.埋入式自动除颤起搏器又叫埋藏型自动复律除颤器。
6.You get caught up in your own work.你可能埋头于自己的工作。
7.Her brother shut himself up among books.她的哥哥把自己埋在书堆里。
8.Torn between anger and selfreproach,he could hardly fall asleep.他又是气愤,又埋怨自己,简直没法睡着。
9.He flew along on his bike, blaming himself resentfully.他责备地埋怨着自己,把车子骑得飞快。
10.A bad workman blames his tools,ie refuses to accept the responsibility for his own mistakes.拙匠埋怨工具差(不承认错在自己).
11.He cursed himself for having come.他埋怨自己,本来就不该来。
12.From time immemorial the tribe have buried their dead here.自古以来该部落就把死者埋葬在这里。
13.He Buried his feelings within himself.他将感情埋藏在自己心中。
14.Bad workmen blame their tools.技术拙劣的工人埋怨自己的工具。
15.They keep mostly to themselves, working all hours.他们自我封闭,埋在工作里。
16.We set an ambush on all sides, waiting for the enemy to come into the trap.我们设下十面埋伏,专等敌人自投罗网。
17.She secludes herself in her study to work.她把自己关在书房里埋头研究.
18.Many people do not want landfills in their neighborhoods.很多人不喜欢自家附近有垃圾掩埋场.

self-burial technology自埋技术
1.The self-burial technology is applied to avoid spans of submarine pipelines and improve the stability of pipelines as submarine pipelines are laid in Hangzhou Bay.在杭州湾海底管道的埋设中应用自埋技术,取得了防止产生管跨和增加管道的稳定性的理想效果。
3)stifle by oneself自我埋没
4)open air burial自然埋设
5)self-burying anchor自埋锚
6)submerged arc welding埋弧自动焊
1.A digital controller design for submerged arc welding;埋弧自动焊数字控制器设计
2.For welding boiler header with thick wall,gas tungsten arc welding is adopted for backing welding with a special welding wire,and shielded metal arc welding is used for transition welding and SAW( submerged arc welding) is used for filler welding and cosmetic welding.对厚壁集箱的焊接采用特殊焊丝进行手工钨极氩焊打底,为了增加焊缝金属厚度,采用焊条电弧焊过渡,最后用埋弧自动焊填充盖面,改善了焊工的劳动条件。

自调自净自度【自调自净自度】 (术语)同自调项。