1.Development of Cable Trencher with Vertical Auger;立式螺旋电缆挖沟机的开发
2.Connected with the research and development of the first unit of hydraulic crawler trencher, the solution of overall design calculation, the calculation of traveling power, the matching of the power between traveling and cutting, the allocation of track rollers, the calculation of recoil spring of track roller frame have been found.结合国内首次履带全液压挖沟机的研发工作,本文主要解决了总体设计、行走功率的计算、切削功率与行走功率的匹配、支重轮布置、履带张紧装置预张紧力的计算等问题。

1.endless chain trench excavator循环链式多斗挖沟机
2.sewerage dredger(敷设污水管用的)挖沟机
3.rotary drain cutter旋转式排水沟挖掘机
4.To make(a tunnel) by digging.挖出通过挖掘而挖成(沟)
5.a laborer who digs ditches.挖掘沟渠壕沟的劳工。
6.To tunnel under(the earth or a surface feature.挖沟在(土地或表层)之下挖沟
7.To make or cut channels in.在…挖沟,在…上开筑水道
8.ditch the land to drain it.在陆地上挖沟渠来排水。
9.a spade with a long handle for digging narrow ditches.挖窄沟用的长把的铁锹。
10.They toiled all day digging the trench.他们整天艰苦地挖壕沟。
11.We must dig a trench to drain away the water.我们必须挖一条沟排水。
12.To dig or make a long narrow trench or furrow in.挖或筑狭长的沟渠或细沟.
13.To form(a furrow, for example) with a plow.用犁挖(畦)用一个犁挖出(如一条槽沟)
14.The ditch digger went back to his hole. His friend asked, "What did he say?"挖沟人回到沟里。他的朋友便问:“他怎么说?”
15.A barge or boat equipped with a dredge.挖泥船装有挖掘机的船
16.dredger:a barge or boat equipped with a dredge.挖泥船:装有挖掘机的船.
17.excavator equipment(挖掘机的) 挖铲装置
18.He dug ditches during the week and on Weekend he and Grandma dug a garden to grow some of their own food.在平时他挖沟渠,周末和奶奶在花园里挖挖锄锄,种点自己的粮食。

1.Development of WG-55 ditcher;WG—55型挖沟机的研制
2.A ditcher cutter for frozen soil and frozen soil with stone is developed.设计并研制成功一种适用于冻土及夫石冻土链式挖沟机的刀具,经室内和野外现场试验证明,其使用寿命达到130h,切削速度和挖沟作业率可达4。
3)trenching machine挖沟机
1.This paper describes cutting principle, performance and application range of foreign rock curtting machine and trenching machine.本文介绍了国外岩石切削机和挖沟机的切削原理、性能和应用范围,并对其在我国的应用前景 进行了评述。
4)trench excavator挖沟机;挖沟杈;挖壕沟机
6)ditcher boom挖沟机臂

挖沟机挖沟机trenching machine (trenehing maehine)自行有多个挖斗、连续循环挖掘的土石方机械。由工作(有链斗式和斗轮式之分)、履带式行走机构、动力(大都为柴油机,功率从16马力至300马力)、机婆料用的带式输送机等组成。链斗式的铲斗装在无条上,具有导向机构;斗轮式的铲斗系装于轮形上。由于其工作机构的位置及其运动方向与挖掘行走方向处在同一直线上,故又名纵向挖掘机。用于挖掘建筑材料(粘土、沙、砾石等入疏浚和沟渠.转载碎石和松散材料、堆料。 挖沟机的斗容、尺寸和生产率一般较小,斗15一100升,机重3一40吨,一次可挖出宽0.15一深为1.2一8米的矩形断面,为防止沟坡崩坍,亦工作机构上附设螺旋松土器的,可将沟渠挖成梯V形断面。链斗式可挖较深的壕沟,但生产率不及式高,仅适合于挖掘较松散的土壤(m级以下)。式的铲斗与斗轮作刚性联接,速度较快,故能挖硬土壤,具有较高生产率,但因受斗轮尺寸的限哥沟深度较小。(周一遥具构置卸链架的般挖 内口为七之,一冷又一王︼一团卜11七.为曦在或轮轮较挖衬米剩维阵阵映法)