1.Dynamics of rotor drop on backup bearings after active magnetic bearings failure;主动电磁轴承失效后转子坠落在备用轴承上的动力学

1.crashing aircraft and parts or articles falling from aircraft and other flying objects;飞机坠毁、飞机部件或飞行物体坠落;
2.If you dream that you are falling,如果你梦见你坠落
3.small pellets of ice that fall during a hailstorm.下冰雹时坠落的小冰球。
4.which had crashed at la curva del diablo.车在魔鬼弯道坠落的。
5.A heavy or abrupt fall or collision.坠落、碰撞重重的或突然的下落或碰撞
6.The plane was heavily damaged in crash on take-off.飞机在起飞时坠落,遭到严重损坏。
7.The plane got out of control and fell in to the sea.飞机失去了控制,坠落到海里。
8.Plums and apples thoroughly ripe do fall.熟透的李子和苹果自然会坠落
9.The falling plane burst into flames.那架正在坠落的飞机忽然烧起来。
10.The climber fell from a great height.攀登者从极高的地方坠落下来.
11.The damaged aircraft plummeted down to earth.损坏的飞机垂直坠落于地上。
12.The damaged plane spiraled to earth.受损的飞机成螺旋状地往地面坠落
13.There are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall from!有的是高层的窗槛从上往下坠落
14.The grass cushioned his fall.草坪缓和了他坠落时的撞击。
15.Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.然而你必坠落阴间,到坑中极深之处。
16.It dove toward the Earth at great speed, spinning rapidly, out of control.以极高的速度飞快旋转着坠落地面。
17.The car skidded over the cliff.那部汽车横滑而坠落悬崖。
18.The Suns simply ran circles around the grounded Rockets.太阳轻松地围绕着坠落的火箭跑着圈。

scattering and dropping零散坠落
1.The techniques for preventing the curdled material of the plastic part and that in the runner from scattering and dropping after the plastic part is ejected in forming the small-sized plastic parts with the submarine gates of vertical injection moulds are introduced.介绍了立式注射模在用潜伏式浇口成型小型塑件时 ,防止推出后塑件和流道凝料零散坠落的技术方法 ,同时还叙述了多模注射机在此类生产当中的作用与使用。
3)In-Pass falling坠落溜井
4)dropping accident坠落事故
5)fall of the big clock大钟坠落
6)fall injury坠落伤
1.Influence of fall injury and essentials of its medical history recording;坠落伤伤情的影响因素与病史采集及记录要素
2.Comparative Investigation on Epidemiology of Injury and Fall Injury;暴力性伤害与坠落伤急救的流行病学特点比较

坠落1.下落;掉落。 2.衰败;没落。