玉雕,jade carving
1)jade carving玉雕
1.On sustainable development of Nanyang jade carving industry;南阳玉雕产业可持续发展研究
2.In order to promote technique exchange in jade carving trade circle, the main factors for carving design concerned about traditional culture, art creation, jade material evaluation and utilization and the concepts and methods of business running are discussed.为促进玉雕专业技术的交流 ,阐述了玉雕设计构思要素包含了传统文化、艺术创作、玉石材料鉴审和利用以及商业经营理念的观点。

1.The statue was carved out of jade.这座塑像是玉雕的。
2.The Aesthetic Change about Jade Statury in Song Dynasty;宝玉通灵 应目会心——论宋代玉雕审美之转捩
3.Other jade carvings pale beside this.其他玉雕跟这件相比大为逊色。
4.The Chinese art jade carvings are exquisitely wrought and extraordinarily Beautiful.中国玉雕艺术品,玲珑剔透,精美异常。
5.Yes, I'm especially interested in Chinese arts adn crafts, such as jade carvings, wood and bamboo cavings as well.是的,我特别对贵方的工艺品如玉雕刻,象牙雕刻,木刻,竹刻感兴趣。
6.I am especially interested in Chinese art and craft, such as jade carving, ivory carving, wood and bamboo carving as well.我对贵方的工艺品特别感兴趣,如玉雕、象牙雕、木刻和竹刻等。
7.Take Yangzhou Jade Ware as an Example to Study the Development of Traditional Jade Carving Art;以现代扬州玉器为例研究传统玉雕艺术的传承与发展
8.On the Origin and Denomination of Jade in the Kid- and- Lotus Design in Song Dynasty;莲孩玉──试论宋代执莲童子题材玉雕的起源和定名
9.The Historical Status of Dushan Jade Carving and the Strategic Study of the Development of Nanyang Jade Cultural Industry独山玉雕历史地位及南阳玉文化产业发展战略研究
10.Jade is a rare colorful and hard stone,and it is usually polished and carved to make jade ware.玉,是指色彩美丽,质地坚硬而不多见的珍稀的石头。用玉雕琢成的工艺制品称之为玉器。
11.One who cuts, polishes, or engraves gems.玉石匠开凿、磨光或雕刻玉石的人
12.Of or relating to the working of stone or gems;lapidary.刻在石头上的石头或玉石雕刻的或与其有关的;玉石雕刻的
13.a chalcedony with alternating black and white bands; used in making cameos.黑白带纹相交的玉髓,用作浮雕宝石。
14.I think that new singer is a diamond in the rough .我觉得那个新歌手是块未经雕琢的玉。
15.Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there, but rosy faces cannot be as fair雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改。
16.The Jade Buddha in Anshan was carved out of one piece of huge stone.鞍山的玉佛是由一块巨石雕刻而成的。
17.The Market Analysis of YangJi Jade Carving Co. Ltd in FuXin;阜新市杨记玛瑙玉器雕刻厂市场分析
18.Construction and Exhibition of Magnolia Species Garden--Take Magnolia Garden of Beijing International Sculpture Park as an Example玉兰专类园的建设与展示——以北京国际雕塑公园玉兰花苑为例

jade carving industry玉雕业
1.However, there exist some problems in jade carving industry at present.但是 ,目前玉雕业中存在着一些问题。
3)jade carving culture玉雕文化
4)Jade Carving玉雕工艺
1.This paper takes jade carving in XiuYan Manchu Autonomy County of Liaoning Province as the individual case for study.本文以辽宁省鞍山市岫岩满族自治县的玉雕工艺为研究个案,采用文献资料和田野考察的方法,以民俗学的视角,从玉雕工艺的文化生态环境、民众的玉观念、采玉习俗与民俗生活以及玉雕工艺与民俗生活四个方面来探讨岫岩的玉雕工艺与民俗生活的深层关系。
2.The Aesthetics of the Jade Carving;玉器的发展史,就是玉雕工艺的演变史。
5)jade carver玉雕工
6)The Faun Marble玉石雕像
