精微透雕,fine piercing engraving
1)fine piercing engraving精微透雕
2)openwork carving透雕

1.Ornamental or structural work, as of embroidery or metal, containing numerous openings, usually in set patterns.透雕细工薄纱、金属、雕刻等的透雕细工和透孔制品
2.An Approach of the Sculpture Art of the Permeation Carving "Three-deer-grain Plate Ornament";透雕“三鹿纹饰牌”的造型艺术浅析
3.Openwork embroidery in which the ground fabric is cut away from the design.雕绣一种透雕细工刺绣,它图案的中空部分被挖去
4.Decorations and wrapped slurry are ok.High gold content,good craftwork.纹饰,包浆都没有问题。错金的金的含量好。透雕工艺好。
5.Around the circular platforms are72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha.围绕着环形平台有72座透雕细工的印度塔,内有佛龛,每个佛龛供奉一尊佛像。
6.Ornamental work of interlaced and branching lines, especially the lacy openwork in a Gothic window.装饰线条由交错和分枝的线条组成的装饰作品,尤指在哥特式玻璃窗上的带花边的透雕细工
7.Translucent sculpture--the use of translucent resin cubes in sculpture;透明的雕塑——薄块透明树脂在现代雕塑中的意义
8.The Chinese art jade carvings are exquisitely wrought and extraordinarily Beautiful.中国玉雕艺术品,玲珑剔透,精美异常。
9.Cultural Analysis--Significance of Sculpture on the Space Consciousness ZHANG Jian-bo;文化透析——雕塑之于空间意识的意义
10.embossed film(带半圆凸透镜层的彩色电视录象用)浮雕影片
11."Sculpture:Three-dimensional art produced especially by forming hard or plastic materials into three-dimensional objects, usually by carving or modeling."雕刻:一种立体艺术,尤其是透过雕刻和仿模将坚硬或塑料材料制成立体图案。
12.In a famous eighteenth century engraving by William Hogarth, he challenged the viewer to find all the perspective mistakes.拿18世纪雕刻家威廉·贺加斯的一个著名雕版图来挑战观众找出全部的透视错误。
13.a transparent deep red variety of corundum; used as a gemstone and in lasers.一种透明的深红色刚玉,经雕琢后可用作宝石,亦可用于激光器。
14.Material:white jade; Original Place:XinJiang. The product is with fine texture,translucency and delicated carving.材质:白玉;产地:新疆。此产品质地高雅,透彻,雕琢精细,是上等精品。
15.Still carve the detailed line the silver pattern, but can't carve the gold and silver scene completely, the image demonstrates the petal.银花纹面还雕刻细纹,但不能刻透金银片,形象表现出花瓣。
16.Diffractive Optical Elements Arrays with Continuous Deep-relief for Maskless Lithography用于并行激光直写的连续深浮雕衍射透镜阵列研究
17.Axial Focusing Characteristics of Low F-Number Diffractive Optical Elements with Continuous Relief Fabricated by Laser Direct Writing激光直写制作的小F数连续浮雕衍射透镜轴向聚焦特性分析
18.carved or cast sculpture/relief artwork雕刻或雕塑/浮雕饰品

openwork carving透雕
4)open-work stands透雕座屏
6)deep carved porcelai透雕瓷

透雕纹镜透雕纹镜  古镜之一种。又称夹层透纹镜,有方、圆两种。出现的时代在春秋晚期,战国中、晚期仍流行,战国后逐渐消失。这类铜镜,在湖南、湖北,河南和四川等地都有发现,但数量较少。透雕纹镜镜面是一较薄的白铜片,镜背是透雕(镂空)的青铜片,两片分别铸造,再合贯为一镜。常见纹饰有蟠螭、禽兽透雕纹等。