
1.A building or room containing a planetarium, with seats for an audience.天文馆,天象放映馆装设天象仪并为观众准备椅子的建筑物或房间
2.a building designed and equipped to observe astronomical phenomena.有天文观测仪器可以观测天文现象的一个台子。
3.visibility meter (mete or meteorological instruments)能见度测定仪(气象仪器)
4.Using water power and having all the functions of the armillary sphere, it was the first astronomical clock in the world.以水为动力,集浑仪、浑象、报时装置于一体,是世界上最早的天文钟。
5.an optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome.能够在半球形内部圆顶的内部表面投出天体图像和其他天文现象的光学仪器。
6.Modern astronomers are accustomed to using large telescopes and other complex instruments to study the sky.近代的天文学家习惯于使用大型望远镜及其他一些复杂仪器来研究天象。
7.an astronomical [a meteorological] observatory天文 [气象] 台
8.The scanner disregards surface details, such as fingerprints, lines, scars, and dirt, as well as fingernails, which may grow or be cut from day to day.扫描仪不是采集表面信息,例如指纹、、和尘土,比如象指甲,它可以每天会成长或剪断。
9.Her target was solely the marranos, "converts" who were suspected of still practising their "heathen rites" under the cloak of Catholic piety.她所指的对象只是马拉诺——那些被怀疑披着天主教外衣仍奉行“异教仪式”的信仰改变者。
10.A ceremonial seven-branched candelabrum of the Jewish Temple symbolizing the seven days of the Creation.七分枝圣烛台犹太教堂仪式中使用的有七个分枝的枝形烛台,象征上帝创世纪的七天
11.When the ten day celebration are over, this festival leaves behind deep impress on the mind and heart of every Jain- young and old.当十天的仪式结束时,这个盛典给耆那教教徒们,无论老少的心中都留下了深刻的印象。
12.medical infrared thermography unit医用红外线热象图仪
13.monochrome kinescope parameter tester黑白显象管参数测试仪
14.wind direction indicator (meteorological instruments)风向指示器(气象仪器)
15.lead screw monocomparator导杆螺旋单象坐标仪
16.SCMR (Surface Composition Mapping Radiometer)表面成分图象辐射仪
17.direct-imaging mass analyser直接成象质量分析仪
18.automatic radiometeorograph自动无线电气象记录仪

3)planetarium projector天象投影仪
6)celestial globe,star globe天球仪,星象仪
