冰心,Bing Xin
1)Bing Xin冰心
1.Sad Feeling, Weak Cry, Persistent Pursuit--Appreciation on Bing Xin′s works of "Stars" and "Spring Water";忧伤的情感 柔弱的呐喊 执着的追求——冰心《繁星》、《春水》赏析
2.A Study of BING Xin s Translation from the Perspective of Feminism;从女性主义角度对冰心译文的研究

1.A Review of Bing Xin Studies from 1994 to 2003;1994—2003十年冰心研究述评
2.A Commitement to Asia and Africa On Bing Xin and Her Translation;一片“冰心”在亚非——从阐释学谈冰心与翻译
3.Study Bing Xin s Prose at Her Later Years beyond the Text--To Discuss Bing Xin s Love;冰心晚年散文的非文本解读——也谈冰心的爱
4.Praise the Children’s Simplicity Purely--On the Comment of “Beauty of Naivety ” in Bing Xin’s Works;至纯至善颂童真——论冰心作品的“童心美”
5.Moral Purity in Jade Pot--The explanation of ideas in Ouyang Zhan s words;一片冰心在玉壶——欧阳詹文心解读
6.Bingxin:An Outstanding Woman;冰心:一个大写的女人——在全国冰心文学系列讲座上的演讲(摘录)
7.By Bingxin and her work religion meant looks at the social effect of the multi-skill religion culture;由冰心冰心作品的宗教意味看复合型宗教文化的社会效应
8.Mind the icy sidewalk!小心结冰的人行道!
9.Do you skate at the skating centres?你去溜冰中心溜吗?
10.His heart seemed to be frozen.他的心脏似乎冰冻住了。
11.Foraged a snack from the refrigerator.从冰箱中搜出些点心
12.Her rage had now passed, and the icy fingers of fear were clutching at her heart.现在是狂怒落火,冷冰冰的恐怖爬上了她的心了。
13.She thought what a kind heart was hidden under her visitor's seeming chilliness.她心里想,这位客人外表这样冷冰冰,可藏有一颗多和善的心。
14.He told us to beware (of pickpockets, the dog, icy roads).他告诉我们要当心(小偷、 狗、 结冰的道路).
15.said her heart, like cold lead in her breast.她心里想,胸口像压着冰冷的铅块。
16.The ship nosed its way through the ice.那只船小心地驶过冰块前进。
17.George, look out and don't let fur fall on your icecream.乔治,当心别让皮毛掉在你的冰淇淋上。
18.Italian ice cream, put in the mouth But cool in the heart.意大利冰糕,吃在口中,凉在心里。

1.A Comparison of Children Figures in Bingxin and Charles Dickens Works;浅谈冰心与狄更斯创作中的儿童形象
2.Bingxin:An Outstanding Woman;冰心:一个大写的女人——在全国冰心文学系列讲座上的演讲(摘录)
3.Holy Mother s Love and Mingled General Love——On the Reception and Transcendence of Bingxin s "Philosophy of Love" over "the Theme of Love" of Western Culture;圣洁的母爱与杂糅的泛爱——论冰心“爱的哲学”对基督教文化的接受与超越
1.Being Moved by Affection and Beauty--Revisit to Binxin s Prose Smile;在爱与美的世界里感动着——再读冰心散文《笑》
2.Undergo Difficulties and Hardships,Bring It Off Finally ——From Binxin s Going Abroad to Chen Rong s Up to Middle Age;艰难困苦 玉汝于成──从冰心的《去国》到谌容的《人到中年》
3.Among the “problem novels”,Binxin s works are the most remarkable.在众多的“问题小说”中,冰心无疑是最为引人注目的。
4)Ice core冰心
5)core[英][k?:(r)][美][k?r]岩心;冰心 C
6)works by Bingxin冰心创作
