1.variability, negotiability and adaptability, and has advanced four new perspectives of pragmatic investigation, i.顺应性理论的提出者JefVerschueren认为语言有三个特性,即变异性、商讨性和顺应性,并提出了四个语用研究角度:语境顺应客体、结构顺应客体、顺应的动态性和顺应的意识程度。
2.Therefore the pragmatic principles and strategies employed by the advertisers in choosing imperative sentences among the others from the perspective of negotiability of language are discussed.从语言的商讨性角度来讨论广告者选择祈使句式的语用原则和策略,指出广告者灵活运用听者礼貌模型和一定的用法策略,是广告祈使句在广告中取得成功的主要原因。
1.Last,the author further points out that there exists a negotiation inter-textual relationship between Shakespeare s The Tempest and its historical subtexts and concludes that the genre of romance is deployed by Shakespeare in giving expr.文章从新历史主义文本批评的基本策略出发,根据其"文本中的历史和历史中的文本"的理论假设,在故事情节层面上把传奇剧《暴风雨》与历史文献的次文本记录进行对照以考察它们的契合点,分别从海上风暴、甲板混乱场景、殖民者与原住民的遭遇、精灵艾丽尔的出现四个主要戏剧情景层面揭示该剧在早期资本主义海外殖民扩张的历史语境中与相关历史文献的"商讨性"互文关系,历史和虚构在该剧中因而得到融合,最后指出莎士比亚的浪漫传奇剧文类凸现了殖民主题。

1.Do not argue, but discuss.不要争吵,要商讨
2.To consult with another or others in a process of reaching a decision.商讨在达成决议的过程中与他人商讨
3.They entered into a discussion of the European question.他们开始商讨欧洲问题。
4.They were deliberating over the plan.他们在仔细商讨此计划。
5.They are now talking over the plan.他们正在商讨那个计划。
6.He is discussing questions with his men.他在和下级商讨问题。
7.We were deliberating how it might be done.我们在商讨如何是好。
8.We were deliberating what to do.我们在商讨怎么办。
9.a peaceable settlement, discussion心平气和的解决、 商讨
10.Consult with? Does that mean negotiate?商讨?这是谈判的意思吗?
11.They had to reckon with these factors.他们商讨的要旨如次。
12.We are ready for discussions but not inclined to negotiate.我们愿意商讨,但不想讨价还价。
13.Speculators are holding out for absurd prices.投机商们坚持漫天讨价。
14.Contractor Confidential Review Committee承建商机密检讨委员会
15.Seminar on International Commercial Arbitration国际商业仲裁讨论会
16.A meeting for consultation or discussion.咨商会议磋商或讨论的会议
17.Discussion on the Game Relation Between the Manufacturer and Distributor;制造商与分销商之间博弈关系的探讨
18.On the Commercialization Operation of the Commercial Forest关于对商品林进行商品化经营的探讨

1.Last,the author further points out that there exists a negotiation inter-textual relationship between Shakespeare s The Tempest and its historical subtexts and concludes that the genre of romance is deployed by Shakespeare in giving expr.文章从新历史主义文本批评的基本策略出发,根据其"文本中的历史和历史中的文本"的理论假设,在故事情节层面上把传奇剧《暴风雨》与历史文献的次文本记录进行对照以考察它们的契合点,分别从海上风暴、甲板混乱场景、殖民者与原住民的遭遇、精灵艾丽尔的出现四个主要戏剧情景层面揭示该剧在早期资本主义海外殖民扩张的历史语境中与相关历史文献的"商讨性"互文关系,历史和虚构在该剧中因而得到融合,最后指出莎士比亚的浪漫传奇剧文类凸现了殖民主题。
3)talk over商讨;商谈
4)Historical Negotiations历史商讨
5)reception strategy商讨策略
