1.And its feminine expression increasingly presented the extroversion,feature of narration and the lyric te.在二十世纪三十年代阶级意识和民族意识日趋高涨的时代,中国女性散文面临着与主流话语相谋合又相冲突的困惑,一方面她们试图保持女性自身的独特视点与体验,另一方面时代的激潮又不断地消蚀着她们的女性意识,与主流话语的融合成为了她们的必然选择,其女性书写日益凸现出外倾性、叙事性、雄化和崇高的抒情走向。
2.Considerable research confirmed that extroversion plays an important part in the processing of positive emotions.人格特质与情绪关系的研究表明外倾性与正性情绪存在一定相关,主要表现为以下几方面:(1)外倾个体在日常生活中体验到更多的正性情绪;(2)外倾个体对正性刺激有更为强烈的愉悦体验和情绪反应;(3)外倾个体对正性刺激有注意等认知加工偏向;(4)外倾程度与皮层及皮层下某些组织的激活程度相关。
3.The main purpose was to explore the influence of personality traits about neuroticism and extroversion on selective processing biases by adopting lexical identification task and attentional probe task.采用词性辨别和注意探测任务,考察了神经质和外倾性对选择性加工偏向的影响。

1.A Study on the Different Learning Styles of the Extroverted Students and the Introverted Students in Oral English;内倾性学生与外倾性学生英语口语学习的风格差异研究
2.A Study of the Effects of Extroversion and Introversion on Language Learning Strategy Utilization;内外倾性格对外语学习策略使用的影响研究
3.In the male students, neuroticism 3.9%, extraversion 0.3% and mentation 4.1%;在男性中学生为神经质3.9%,外倾性0.3%,精神质4.1%;
4.In the female students, extraversion 5.2%, neuroticism 0.0%, and mentation 3.9%.在女性中学生中,为外倾性5.2%,神经质0.0%,精神质3.9%。
5.(2) There are positive correlations among extroversion,daily timetable,and SMS usage quantities.(2)外倾性与SMS使用数量和作息时间显著正相关;
6.Relationships of Cognitive Performances and Cognitive Styles with Extraversion;认知操作、认知方式与外倾性人格特质的关系
7.Extroversion is extensively considered as one of the important features of personality psychology.外倾性是人格心理学中公认的最重要的特质之一。
8.Would you say that you are more outgoing or more reserved type?你觉得你的个性是倾于外向,还是内向?
9.The Rationality Analysis of Antidumping and the Empirical Research on Chiness Import Antidumping;反倾销的合理性研究及中国对外反倾销的实证分析
10.Internal and External Effects and Delimitation of Property Rights in International Antidumping;国际反倾销中的内部性、外部性及产权界定分析
11.Laboratory Report on the Relationship between Character Tendency and Spoken Foreign Language Grades;性格倾向与外语口语成绩相关性的实验报告
12.The Possibility of Investment Abroad to Avoid Anti-dumping;我国利用对外直接投资规避反倾销的可行性
13.Higher Vocational Education and Foreign Languag;高等职业技术教育外语课的职业倾向性
14.Sporadic dumping偶尔倾销,非持久性倾销
15.The positive externality of antidumping and" free ride" of enterprise lead to the negative-sum game.由于反倾销具有正外部性,中国很多企业“搭便车”,造成反倾销的负数和博弈。
16.At any rate they have nothing to do with the extraverted Whitman of legend.无论如何,这和传说中性格外倾的惠特曼并无关系。
17.The serious nonlinear rolling, acted by outside forces or other factors, will lead ships to capsizing.严重的非线性横摇在外力或其它因素激励下极易导致船舶的倾覆。
18.A CDA Approach to Biased News Reports of Western Media Regarding Transitivity, Presupposition and Modality;国外媒体异地新闻报道之倾向的及物性、预设和情态分析

1.The relationships of cognitive performance and cognitive styles with extraversion were investigated.对28名外倾被试和28名内倾被试进行实验性认知测试,以考察认知操作、认知方式与外倾性人格特质的关系。
1.A Study on Contact Patch of Tire with Camber and Sideslip;外倾和侧偏联合作用下轮胎接地印迹研究
2.But when we using testing methods of advance or retreat and synthesis, a complete, swift and accurate judgment whether the front wheel camber and ton-in are up to standard can be made and the condition of th.通过对侧滑试验台的测试原理和测试方法的分析探讨 ,认为目前用侧滑试验台动态检测前轮定位的测试方法具有一定的不足 ,易产生误判 ,若用进退双程测试法和综合测试法取而代之 ,则可全面、迅速、准确地判定前轮外倾、前束是否合格以及它们之间的匹配情况。
1.Neuroticism is characterized as negative affect and extraversion is regarded as positive affect.神经质和外倾一致被认为是有典型情绪风格的人格特质。
2.Our results: the greater the positive-emotion-enhancing regulation of higher extraversion, the more positive emotions; the greater the negative-emotion-enhancing regulation of higher neuroticism, the more negative emotions.结果 :高外倾的正情绪增强型调节多 ,正情绪也多 ;高神经质的负情绪增强型调节多 ,负情绪也多。
3.And extraversion.其中,外倾和神经质人格是对情感幸福感影响最大的两种人格特质。
6)vocational education foreign language job tendency高职外语职业倾向性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-