1.Laocoon and Its Theory on the Differences between Poetry and Painting;《拉奥孔》及其诗画异质说
2.A Critique of Lessing s Aesthetic Classic Laocoon;评莱辛的美学名著《拉奥孔
3.Great Passion for Exploration, Remarkable Aesthetic Treatise — Reaction to Laocoon;可贵的探索精神,杰出的美学论著——读《拉奥孔

1.Distinguishing Between Poem and Picture--Enlightenment of Lessing’s "Laocoon";诗画之辩——莱辛《拉奥孔》的启示
2.Relationship between Literature and Art from the Perspective of Laocoon从《拉奥孔》看文学与造型艺术的关系
3.Lessing and His Laocoon in the Debate Between the Ancient and the Modern“古今之争”中的莱辛及其《拉奥孔
4.Poetry and Painting of Debate--Analysis Lessing's Laao Hole诗画之辨——浅析莱辛的《拉奥孔
5.Woeful or Blissful--An Alternative Interpretation of Laocoon;拉奥孔新解:痛苦还是幸福——从马斯洛的“自我实现”论和“高峰体验”说看拉奥孔
6.On the Meaning of Inner Structure of Reading Laokoon under Its Surface Structure;论《读〈拉奥孔〉》一文表层结构下的深层整体
7.Great Passion for Exploration, Remarkable Aesthetic Treatise - Reaction to Laocoon;可贵的探索精神,杰出的美学论著——读《拉奥孔
8.The Change of Poem and Painting: Reading Laocoon to Discuss the Relation Between Poem and Painting of Modernistic Art and Literature;诗画之变——读《拉奥孔》论现代主义文艺诗画关系
9.On Aphasia of Chinese Comparative Literature--Exemplified by Reading of Laocoōn中国比较文学的失语症——以《读〈拉奥孔〉》为例
10.Qian Zhongshu Goes beyond Laokoon by G. E. Lessing--A commentary on the depreciation of Qian Zhongshu s academic achievements;钱钟书对莱辛《拉奥孔》的超越——兼评对钱钟书学术成就的贬低
11.Fruit on the tree" and "the active natural scent" --aesthetical characteristic of G.E.Lesing s Laocoon;“树上的果子”与“鲜活的自然气息”——莱辛《拉奥孔》的美学特征漫议
12.On the Laws of Beauty:Analyzing Beauty from the Difference between the "Laocoon and His Sons" and Rodin's Sculpture初探美的规律——从拉奥孔群像和罗丹雕塑的差异分析美
13.Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Their Actualism Literature and Art Concept莱辛及其现实主义文艺观——从《拉奥孔》的“诗画异质说”谈起
14.Omeprazole and Ranitidine Treatment of the Elderly Hiatal Hernia Reflux Esophagitis Evaluation奥美拉唑与雷尼替丁治疗老年人食管裂孔疝致返流性食管炎的疗效评价
15.O' plus A:The red earth of Tara Tara!奥与阿:塔拉的红土!塔拉!
16.KONDYLIS, Dionysios狄奥尼修斯·孔季利斯
17.a Siouan language spoken by the Oglala people.一种奥格拉拉人说的奥色治语。
18.Lazio badge belongs to Lazio, to it's fans.拉齐奥队徽属于拉齐奥,属于它的球迷。

1.Comment Laocoon′s Poet Thought;论《拉奥孔》的诗学思想
2.Lessing and His Laocoon in the Debate Between the Ancient and the Modern“古今之争”中的莱辛及其《拉奥孔
3.′Laocoon′ is a classics aesthetics masterpiece of 18 centuries Germany enlightenment campaign period.《拉奥孔》是18世纪德国启蒙运动时期的一部经典美学名著。
3)Reading of Laocoōn《读〈拉奥孔〉》
1.On Aphasia of Chinese Comparative Literature——Exemplified by Reading of Laocoōn中国比较文学的失语症——以《读〈拉奥孔〉》为例
1.Finite Space and Infinite Imagination: The Charm of Carlos Fuentes Story Aura;有限空间 无限想像——谈卡洛斯·富恩特斯的小说《奥拉》的魅力
5)Raja Rao拉迦·拉奥
1.Raja Rao: A Multi-faced Philosophical Novelist;拉迦·拉奥:两面千相的哲理小说家
1.Labriola and Marxist Philosophy;拉布里奥拉与马克思主义哲学
