1.Vonnegut s decrowning of Billy contributes to the motif of sacrilege and subversion of authority,and thus to an in-depth exploration of the postmodernist society.冯内古特使比利"脱冕"的目的在于亵渎神圣、颠覆权威,从而展示了后现代社会的深层内涵。
2.The uproar and degeneration of the 20s American is reflected through Gatsbys crowning and decrowning as a “carnival king”.用巴赫金的狂欢化理论重新解读小说的主人公盖茨比 ,希望通过盖茨比作为“开心国王”在狂欢广场上的加冕和脱冕 ,折射出 2 0世纪 2 0年代美国社会的喧嚣与堕落 ,能为人们对作品主人公的理解提供一个新的途径。

1.Taking off Crown of the Hero from Revelry--New Editions of Some Historical Stories;“狂欢”中“英雄”的脱冕——《故事新编》浅析
2.“New Compiling of Stories”-Taking off Crown to the Old;《故事新编》——对“旧”的一次脱冕
3.A Brief Study of the Creative Reformation and Utilization of Coronation and Degradation in Chen Bai-chen's Comedies试论陈白尘喜剧对加冕、脱冕的创造性改造与利用
4.The king divested himself of his coronation robes国王脱去他的加冕礼服。
5.The Queen disrobed after the coronation ceremony.那位女王于加冕礼后脱去了王袍。
6."He keeps back your life from destruction, crowning you with mercy and grace."他救赎你的命脱离死亡,以仁爱和慈悲为你的冠冕。
7.basic crown gear基准冠[冕状]齿轮
8.the coronation day, robes, coach加冕日、 袍、 马车等.
9.intermediate corona中介日冕-中等太阳活动时的日冕
10.and let the head-dress be placed on his head and the holy crown on the head-dress.把冠冕戴在他头上,将圣冠加在冠冕上,
11.In this paper the author expound mainly the current status in the research of solar quiet corona, coronal holes and heating mechanism of corona.主要论述宁静日冕和冕洞,以及日冕加热问题的研究现状。
12.Fraunhofer component日冕光谱夫琅和费部分
13.quiet coronal X-ray emissio宁静日冕X射线辐射
14.to be a common and useful excuse成为冠冕堂皇的借口
15.He remained an uncrowned king.他依旧是一个无冕之王。
16.triple crown worn by the Pope三重冕(天主教教皇戴的).
17.kali-rich glass(冕牌玻璃) 纯碱玻璃
18.Innocence, Monsieur, is its own crown.先生,天真本身就是王冕。

crowning and decrowning加冕-脱冕
3)Coronate and De-coronate加冕脱冕
4)de-coronation and coronation脱冕加冕
1.The de-coronation and coronation theme,the duality of the characters,as well as carnival time and space run through the whole novel.脱冕加冕主题、人物形象二重性以及狂欢化时空贯穿作品始终。
5)decrowning structure脱冕型结构
6)The Carnivalization and the Rite of Decrowning狂欢化与脱冕仪式
