1.On Reception Aesthetics of Wolfang Iser;论沃夫尔冈·伊瑟尔的“接受美学”
2.On the Theoretical Bases for Iser s Aesthetics of Reception;试论伊瑟尔接受美学的理论基础
3.This paper analyzes the author’s original narrating perspective by employing Wolfgang Iser’s theory of the interaction between literary texts and readers and discusses the enlightening significance of blank to readers, and holds that it because of the two aspects that make the various "uncertainties" of William Faulkner’s "That Evening Sun".伊瑟尔有关文学文本和读者之间相互影响的理论,分析了福克纳独具匠心的叙述视角,探讨了作品中的空白对读者的启示意义,认为正是这两个方面的因素造成了作品中的种种不确定性,同时揭示了"不确定性"在阅读过程中对读者形成个人见解和探寻小说深层主题意义所起的重要作用。

1.On Reception Aesthetics of Wolfang Iser;论沃夫尔冈·伊瑟尔的“接受美学”
2.Studies of Iser s Theory of Blank and Indetermanacy of Text;伊瑟尔本文的意义空白与未定性理论研究
3.The philosophic resources of Iser and Derrida s text idea;人本主义和科学主义——对伊瑟尔和德里达文本观的哲学分析
4.Moll Flanders:Moral or Immoral?--An Iserian Reading of Moll Flanders;摩尔的是与非——从伊瑟读者反应理论视角解读《摩尔·弗兰德斯》
5.Children (with Beatty) Kathlyn (1992), Benejamin (1994) Isabel (1997)她和比提的孩子有凯瑟琳(1992)、本杰明(1994)、伊莎贝尔(1997)。
6.Two Cases Study of Arts for Populace Interrupting the Art Works From Andy Warhol and Beuys Joseph;“艺术平民化”的两个案例——安迪·沃霍尔与约瑟夫·波伊斯作品解读
7.In Arthurian legend, a king of Cornwall who was the husband of Iseult and the uncle of her lover Tristan.马可王在亚瑟王传奇中的康沃尔王,伊索尔特之夫,他是其妻子的情人特里斯坦的叔叔
8."Arthur Dimmesdale!"“阿瑟-丁梅斯代尔
9.The arrogant Lady Catherine de Bourgh descends on Longbourn, furious because of a rumor that Elizabeth and Darcy have become engaged.傲慢的凯瑟琳·德·包尔夫人屈尊驾临朗伯恩,因听到传闻伊丽莎白已与达西订婚而大发雷霆。
10.While in Kent, Elizabeth again meets Darcy who is visiting his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh.在肯特郡小住时,伊丽莎白再次与正在探望其姨母凯瑟琳·德·包尔夫人的达西相逢。
11.Who is the intended villain,Iago or othello?--A Thematic Study of shakepeare othello;伊阿古和奥瑟罗——谁是反角?——兼及《奥瑟罗》的主题
12.In Arthurian legend, an Irish princess who married the king of Cornwall and had a love affair with his knight Tristan.伊索尔特亚瑟王传说中的一位爱尔兰公主,她嫁给了康沃尔国王却和他的骑士特里斯坦发生了恋情
13.Ayrton-Mather galvanometer艾尔顿-马瑟电流计
14.rutherford bohr atom model卢瑟福 坡尔原子模型
15.Neustadt an der Weinstrasse魏因施特拉瑟的诺伊施塔特
16.CATHERING: Has Ian sold his house yet?凯瑟琳:伊恩已指他的房子卖掉了吗?
17.Arthur Edens: I am Shiva, the god of death.阿瑟·伊登斯:我是湿婆神,死神!
18.Isidore OF KIEV伊西多尔(基辅的)

Wolfgang Iser伊瑟尔
1.On Wolfgang Iser s " Implied Reader";论伊瑟尔的“暗隐的读者”
2.Wolfgang Iser argues that literary fictionality always is linked to the human dispositions and is of anthropological value because it can create the world of possibility which is not able to be represen.伊瑟尔认为文学虚构之所以具有人类学的意味,就因为它通过表演和游戏把那种不可表现的可能性世界创造出来了,它的人类学价值就体现在对现实世界的超越和对自我的扩展上。
3)Wolfgang Iser and His Critical Path in Retrospect伊瑟尔的批评之路
1.Jacob·Mincer have made a lot of special studies,in aspect of human capital,supply of female s labor,and difference and transformation in earnings in all his life.明瑟尔一生当中对人力资本理论、妇女劳动力供给行为理论和工资差别及转换理论进行了独到的研究。
1.Meaning and Emptiness of Existence——Comment on Yourcenar`s The Unknown Person;存在的虚无与意义——评尤瑟纳尔的《默默无闻的人》
2.A Study of Historical Narration in Yourcenar s Novels;尤瑟纳尔小说的历史叙事研究
3.As a great writer and the first woman Academician in the Académie Franaise, Yourcenar enjoys an international reputation with her remarkable artistic talents in creating a varied and colorful literary world.尤瑟纳尔是法国当代具有国际性声誉的作家,她也是法国法兰西学院的第一位女院士。

屈夫霍伊瑟山脉kyffhauser mountains德语作kyffhauser gebirge。德国中部图林根盆地北沿的两个小山岭。长21公里(13哩),最高峰海拔477公尺(1,565呎),山北陡峭,南为缓坡。北山俯瞰金奥厄(goldene aue)河谷,山上有两座已经倾圮的城堡。据民间传说,12世纪神圣罗马帝国的皇帝腓特烈一世正在这座山里酣睡,他一旦醒来,就会领导德国人民战胜他们的敌人。