1.The crucial factors that should be resonsible for the criticism are his over-indulgence to the ugliness and his shortage of aesthetic awareness,which have become the Archill s heels of his work and proved that the author is badly in short of the awareness of salvation.究其原因,对丑恶毫无节制的纵容,以及审美理想的匮乏是其致命缺陷,这也恰恰说明了在作品背后作者本人业已疲软的救赎意识。
2.The main direction of the Implication of Can Xue s story is from describing the ugliness and hopeless to finding a way to escape.从描写丑恶、绝望到表现逃离是残雪小说意蕴的特征。

1.reveal the infamy of a proceeding揭露某一行径的丑恶
2.Sordiness, vice, deformity, did not offend him.肮脏,罪恶,丑恶都没有使他感到不舒服。
3.It must be allowed that Andrea was not very handsome, the hideous scoundrel!老实说,安德烈的表现实在丑恶,这可恶的流氓
4.that it was a base, cowardly, sneaking, abject, hideous crime!是卑污、怯懦、阴险、无耻、丑恶的罪行!
5.to bring out the worst in sb使(某人)显露其最丑恶的一面
6.He examined his life, and it seemed horrible to him;他回顾他的生活,丑恶已极,
7.He was becoming a thief once more, and the most odious of thieves!他又在作贼了,并且是最丑恶的贼!
8.Lest eyes well---seeing thy foul faults should find!只因怕明眼把你的丑恶揭发。
9.a hated woman when she is married; and a servant-girl who takes the place of her master's wife.丑恶的女子出嫁。婢女接续主母。
10.This photograph is a libel on him.这张相片有损他的形象((照得丑恶不堪))。
11.But facts have shown that the Communist Party was able to do it.事实证明,共产党能够消灭丑恶的东西。
12.Life had sad, even ugly facts.人生是有一些悲哀的、甚至丑恶的事实。
13.The bad & good of humanity--An introduction of the novels of Guizi;人性的丑恶与升华——试论鬼子小说
14.Circulation· Death ·Solitude--Realistic Ferocity and Mournful Cry in One Hundred Years of Solitude;《百年孤独》:鞭挞丑恶,呼唤真爱
15.Repulsive,Desperate,Seeking,Escaping--An Analysis on the Implication of Can Xue s Novels;丑恶、绝望、寻找、逃离——残雪小说意蕴解析
16.Once more, we see ugly, juvenile politics rearing its ugly head.再一次,我们看到了丑陋、成熟的决策机制露出了它丑恶的面孔。
17.an ugly evil-looking old woman.样子丑陋邪恶的老女人。
18.Their opposites are the false, the evil and the ugly.真善美的反面是假恶丑。

ugly human nature人性丑恶
4)How scandalous!多么丑恶!
5)vile practices; vile social evils丑恶现象
6)ill fame丑名, 恶名

丑恶1.亦作"丑■"。 2.丑陋恶劣。 3.谓使人感到以做恶事为耻。 4.指人下体。