1.Beauty of "Neutralizes"——Richards "Poetry and" Art of Chinese Poetry;“中和”之美——从瑞恰兹“中和诗论”看中国唐诗艺术
2.A Study of Richards Practical Criticism;瑞恰兹的《实用批评》研究

1.Beauty of "Neutralizes"--Richards "Poetry and" Art of Chinese Poetry;“中和”之美——从瑞恰兹“中和诗论”看中国唐诗艺术
2.to dance a waltz, the cha-cha, etc跳华尔兹舞、 恰恰舞等.
3.--- Gottfried Wilhelm Van Lubreitz——高特福瑞德·威廉·范·卢伯瑞兹。
4.Eric Roberts just happens to be Julia Roberts big brother.艾立克?罗勃兹恰巧是茱莉亚?罗勃兹的哥哥。
5.Research on the Communication and Value Theory of Richards Literature Critique;瑞恰慈文学批评交流与价值理论研究
6.0843 Uzbek (Rep. of Uzbekistan) Cyrillic乌兹别克语 (乌兹别克斯坦共和国) 塞瑞利克字符
7.Prochazka loved to regale his friends with hyperbole and excess.普罗恰兹卡喜欢用夸张、过激的话与朋友逗乐。
8.Monica: Oh wait, wait, unless you happened to catch the Rerun's production of Pinocchio.哦,等等,除非你恰巧看过瑞隆剧团的《木偶奇遇记》。
9.The Dilemma of the Poetry in the Time of Science and Technology -- The Analysis of the Argumentbetween I.A.Richards and T.S.Eliot科技时代的诗之惑——回眸韦勒克与瑞恰慈之辩
10.Fritz is loud mouth who can not be trusted with secrets.费瑞兹是一个信口开河的人,不能把机密告诉他。
11.and watched a movies with Jane Fonda and Burt Reynolds.收看了一部由简?方达和伯特?瑞诺兹主演的影片。
12.Our range from England over Germany is just as good as from Sweden.我们从英国飞往德国各地的距离,恰恰相当于从瑞典飞往德国各地的距离。
13.Spokeswoman Kreezibure of the Linz city said that two people were seriously injured and 11 people were hospitalized.林兹市警方发言人克瑞伊兹柏尔女士说,有两名伤者伤势严重,总共有十一人住院治疗。
14.Currently, baseball has Jason Giambi and Barry Bonds, the home run-hitting kings.目前,棒球有杰森?吉昂比和巴瑞?邦兹两位全垒打王。
15.Two members of the department, Gary Krenz and Anne Clough, participate in pulmonary research.其中两位成员盖瑞克兰兹及安克鲁夫正参与肺脏的研究。
16.Five Apartments” is the influential recentwork made by Christian Kerez, a young architect fromSwitzerland.“五户公寓”是瑞士年轻建筑师克里斯蒂安·克莱兹极具影响力的新作。
17.Deformation and internal force analysis of prestressed beam string structure based on Rayleigh-Ritz method基于瑞利-里兹法的预应力张弦梁变形与内力分析
18." You want to look like you were having a brisk walk through the park," says Gage.瑞茜·瑟斯彭和杰西卡·尔的腮红颜色就恰到好处,看上去她们的脸是欢快穿过公园时的自然红润。

Robert Hallowell Richard (1844~1945)里恰兹
1.I.A.Richards and Chinese Modern Poetry Theory s Criticism;瑞恰慈与中国现代诗歌理论批评
2.The Dilemma of the Poetry in the Time of Science and Technology —— The Analysis of the Argumentbetween I.A.Richards and T.S.Eliot;科技时代的诗之惑——回眸韦勒克与瑞恰慈之辩
4)Shaqiaomu Formation曲瑞恰乃地区
5)Rayleigh-Ritz method瑞利-里兹法
1.Deformation and internal force analysis of prestressed beam string structure based on Rayleigh-Ritz method基于瑞利-里兹法的预应力张弦梁变形与内力分析
2.Adopting the Heaviside step functions,the displacement components suitable for delaminated cylindrical shell are constructed,and the total potential energy of delaminated shell is analyzed to deduce the system vibration governing equations with Rayleigh-Ritz method.通过对脱层壳的能量分析,应用瑞利-里兹法后,得到用时间函数表示的系统振动控制方程,然后对其求解,得到脱层壳模态分析的特征方程式。
3.Using Rayleigh-Ritz method,this paper investigated the free oscillation of a liquid drop in zero gravity environment,and presented the natural frequencies a.用瑞利-里兹法研究了失重液滴的自由晃动问题,给出了液滴自由晃动的频率和模态函数。
6)Rayleigh-Ritz method瑞利-李兹法
1.New model calculating unsteady nonlinear oil-film forces by Rayleigh-Ritz method;用瑞利-李兹法求解瞬时非稳态滑动轴承油膜力的新算法

里恰兹  美国选矿学家,生于缅因州。1868年毕业于麻省理工学院。1870~1914年在该院执教。从1873年起为采矿工程教授。创立了美国第一个矿冶实验室。1886年任美国矿冶工程师学会主席。对重力选矿的基础-沉降过程研究较深。1895~1900年他研制了多种分级及重选设备。著有《选矿学》和《选矿学教程》。1915年美国矿冶学会给他颁发了金质奖章。