1."Universe is my mind, my mind is universe" is Lu jiu-yuan s seeing that beingof time and space and human s creativity are limitless, in base on the same characterof limitlessness Lu jiu-yuan combining human and universe to one whole, finding thedriving of human s value and spirit for surpassing the human s lives have end andachieving "assistance lives-maker, and eternalness with it".“宇宙即是吾心,吾心即是宇宙”是陆九渊对时空的无穷存有和人创造能力的无穷存有的省悟,并在二者均是无穷存有的共同点上把人与宇宙合一,为人的有限存在找到坚固的价值支点和精神源泉,以克服人作为时空中一有限存有的局限性,达到“赞天地化育,与天地参”。

1.A library housing rare books.存有稀有书籍的图书馆
2.The Stochastic Storage Model Under the condition of limited-space Storehouse随机需求且库存有限的生产存贮模型
3.Do you have EC-67s in stock?你们有没有EC-67 的库存?
4.The book is in (out of) stock.此书现有(没有)存货。
5.Every family has spare money to lay by and surplus grain in store.家家有存款,户户有余粮。
6.Allows you to save all of the attachments with the message.在保存邮件的同时保存所有附件。
7.No system memory installed or detected系统内存没有安装或找不到内存
8.The Batch Save Wizard successfully saved all pictures批保存向导成功地保存了所有图片
9."Erase all existing Information Store data beforing restoring"还原前,清除所有现存的信息存储数据
10."If you save money, by and by you will have a large savings.""如果你存钱,不久你将有一大笔存款。 "
11.Memory organization relates to internal memory capacity and structure.存贮器的组成和内存容量及构造有关。
12.Not all the rows need be in core at the same time.无需把所有行同时存放在主存中。
13.There were the vast repositories where the corrected documents were stored.还有庞大的存档室存放改正后的文件。
14.Whatever is has every reason for being.存在的东西总有其存在的理由。
15.What 's the difference between a savings account and a checking account ?储蓄存款和支票存款有什么不同?
16.After deduction of escrow expenses, the subject matter in escrow shall be turned over to the state.提存物扣除提存费用后归国家所有。
17.The principal keeps all our school reports on file.校长把我校的所有报告都存档保存.
18.We have checking accounts and saving accounts.我们有活期存款账户和储蓄存款账户。

stock possession拥有存货
3)limited memory有限存储
1.Study on reduced space SQP algorithm based on limited memory method;基于有限存储的简约空间序列二次规划算法研究
2.It can be applied to construct limited memory quasi-Newton method for unconstrained optimization problems when a vector is specially chosen.提出一族紧凑格式的拟牛顿矩阵修正公式,适当选择其中某个向量情况下,该族可以很方便的用于构造求解大型无约束优化问题的有限存储拟牛顿算法。
4)limited memory有限内存
1.But the fine property is not shared by all kinds of limited memory quasi-Newton methods for solving large scale optimization.二次终止性质是一般拟牛顿法的一个重要性质,但为求解大规模优化问题而设计的有限内存拟牛顿法却不能都保持这种良好性质。
5)ten thousand beings万有存在
1.The intelligent nature has not only embraced everything but also taught human beings how to use the rule of harmonious justice and how to deal with relationship among ten thousand beings.所谓和谐正义,就是为了达到万有存在共同体的和谐发展而调适互为对象性存在的人与人及人与自然相互关系的共同法则。
6)three status of existence存有三态
1.This article rethinks about the relationship between technology and humanities, through the "three status of existence" (source of existence, showing of existence, and persistence of existence).藉用“境识俱泯”、“境识俱起而未分”、“以识执境”及“存有三态论”的架构可以阐明科技发展与人文重建的可

存货人要求保管人接受和验收存货人的仓储物的权利存货人要求保管人接受和验收存货人的仓储物的权利:保管人应当按照合同的约定,接受和验收存货人交付存储的仓储物。保管人不能按合同约定 的时间、品名、数量接受仓储物入库的,应承担违约责任 ,合同法第384条规定保管人应当按照合同的约定对入库 的仓储物进行验收。保管人验收时发现入库仓储物与约定不符合的,应当及时通知存货人,保管人验收后发生仓储物的品种、数量、质量不符合约定的,保管人应当损害赔偿责任。对于入库仓储物的验收,包括实物验查和样本验查,仓储物有包装的验收时应以外包装或货物标记为准;无标记的,以存货人提供的验收资料为准。保管人未按规定的项目、方法、期限验收或验收不准确的,应负责承担由此造成的损失,在双方交接货物中保管人验收发现问题的,存货人为同一城镇的,保管人可以拒收,外埠或本埠港、站、机场、邮局到货的,依诚实信用原则,保管人应予接货,妥善暂存,并在有效验收期内通知人处理;暂存期间的所发生的一切费用和损失由存货人负担,仓储验收时保管人未提出异议的,视为存货人交付的仓储物符合合同约定的条件,此后发生仓储物的品种、数量、质量不符合约定的,保管人应当承担赔偿责任。------------《民法》第一版,北京大学出版社,魏振瀛 主编