1.Geiger's Theory of Phenomenology Artistic Meaning——Aesthetic Meaning and Attitude in Literature and Art盖格尔的现象学艺术意味论——文学艺术的审美意味与审美态度
2.Geiger's Theory of Phenomenological Artistic Meaning盖格尔的现象学艺术意味论——文学艺术的价值关系
3.This paper mainly analyzed and discussed the aesthetic thought expressing in the work of Die Bedeutung der Kunst written by Moritz Geiger, whose aesthetic thought, from both methodology and his own attitudes, obviously had the characters of phenomenology.本文主要分析论述盖格尔在《艺术的意味》中所体现的美学思想。

1.By using phenomenological method, Moritz Geiger found axiological aesthetics.莫里茨·盖格尔运用现象学的方法建立了价值论美学。
2.Study of Geiger s Aesthetics: Experience and Subject;审美经验与审美对象——莫里茨·盖格尔美学思想研究之
3.Aesthetic Value and Dasein Selbst--Moritz Geiger s Aesthetic Thought;审美价值与存在的自我——莫里茨·盖格尔美学思想研究
4.Axiology Aesthetics and the Ways of Phenomenology ──A Study of Moritz Geiger s Aesthetic Thoughts;价值论美学与现象学的方法──莫里茨·盖格尔美学思想研究之一
5.the Gaelic language of Scotland.分布于苏格兰的盖尔语。
6.FromIrish and Scottish Gaelic bard.源自爱尔兰及苏格兰盖尔语bard。
7.A Gaelic-speaking Celt of Scotland, Ireland, or the Isle of Man.盖尔人苏格兰、爱尔兰或马恩岛的说盖尔语的凯尔特人
8.A branch of the Celtic languages that includes Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx.盖尔语凯尔特语族的一支,包括爱尔兰盖尔语,苏格兰盖尔语和曼岛语
9.The personality of Bill Gates determines the culture of Microsoft. "比尔-盖茨的人格决定了微软的发展。”
10.Bush, Darwin, Gates, Kissinger, Newton, Nixon, and so on.布什、达尔文、盖茨、基辛格、牛顿、尼克松等。
11.Gaelic has been spoken by the people of Scotland for centuries.盖尔语在苏格兰已经使用了几世纪了。
12.a Gaelic-speaking Celt in Ireland or Scotland or the Isle of Man.居住在爱尔兰或苏格兰或人类岛的说盖尔语的凯尔特人。
13.In the fall of 1991, the Anderea Gail left Glousceter. MA.1991年安德列·盖尔号离开马萨诸塞州格鲁塞斯港。
14.Remote Sensing Dynamic Monitoring and Landscape Pattern Analyse on Wetland Resource in Ruoergai;若尔盖湿地遥感动态监测与景观格局分析
15.The Analysis of Zoige Plateau Alpine Wetland's Landscape Pattern Based on RS and GIS基于RS和GIS的若尔盖高原湿地景观格局分析
16.Songs for Farmers--Comparison between Pieter Brueghel and Jean-Francois Millet Painting Style谱写农民的歌——勃鲁盖尔与米勒绘画风格比较
17.Of or relating to the Gaels.盖尔人的盖尔人的或与盖尔人有关的
18.of or relating to or characteristic of Scotland or its people or culture or its English dialect or Gaelic language.属于或关于苏格兰、苏格兰人、苏格兰文化、苏格兰方言、苏格兰盖尔语的,或有其特点的。

Gerschgorin's theorem盖格尔圆定理
1.Based on Gerschgorin′s theorem in matrix theory,some simple generic criterions of global synchronization between two chaotic systems are established.首先由主动控制消除误差系统的非线性项,然后由干扰的有界性设计线性控制器消除噪声干扰项,并利用矩阵理论中盖格尔圆定理给出了控制器中线性部分参数取值的一般范围,最后针对Lorenz系统进行了仿真说明。
3)Moritz Geiger莫里茨·盖格尔
1.Moritz Geiger, founder of phenomenalist aesthetics especially emphasizes it, but he looks upon aesthetic subject as its source, which is different from all sorts of factual aesthetics especially psychological aesthetics that treat it as psychological fact.重审美经验是西方近现代美学研究的一大趋势 ,作为现象学美学奠基者的莫里茨·盖格尔更是强化了这一点。
4)geiger counter盖格尔计算机<火>
5)Geiger-counter[英]['ɡa?ɡ? ka?nt?(r)][美]['ga?g? 'kaunt?]盖格尔计数器
6)Geiger type vibrograph盖格尔式测振仪

盖兰格尔峡湾盖兰格尔峡湾 geirangerfjord峡湾长 16 公里,两岸耸立着海拔 1500 米以上的群山位于卑尔根北部的盖兰峡湾是世界上屈指可数的观光胜地之一,向人们展示着自然的雄劲。值得一看的地方有位于索格诺吉德恩 sogn og fjordane 的布里克斯达尔冰川、位于海拔 1500 米处的达尔斯尼巴 dalsnibba 展望台、终年挤满游客的盖兰格尔以及从船上看到的宏大的瀑布等。交通方面除奥斯陆和卑尔根外,还可从奥勒森lesund 这个新艺术派风格的美丽城镇乘巴士或列车等前往。