1.Moreover,network culture has strengthened the versatility,transcendence and independency of human beings thus to promote their full and free development.网络文化使得人类的生存方式、生产方式、交往方式、思维方式、价值观念以及意志情感等均发生了深刻变化,增强了人的发展的多面性、跨越性和自主性,促进了人的自由全面而充分的发展。
2.The comparative literature Value in LU Xun s work Bringing Principle lies that firstly it includes implicit global awareness and world viewpoint;second,it has the feature of inevitable transcendence in the study of comparative literature circle;third,it has something influencing studies;last,it has prominent comparative analyses.鲁迅拿来主义的比较文学价值首先是具有隐含的全球意识,世界眼光;其次是具有比较文学研究的一个必不可少的"跨越性";再次还具有影响研究的物质;最后还有突出的比较分析。

1.On the Leaping-over Characteristics Inherited by the Language from the EXTENDED COMMENTS UPON TANGIu POEMS;论《唐律疏议》语言承继的跨越性特征
2.A Rational Thought on The Resolvents of The Dilemma of The Trans - across Development of Productive Forces;超越生产力跨越式发展困境的理性思考
3.At the end of the day, what the Colossus will or will not be able to walk over will be determined through balance.当然了,最后这家伙能跨越什么不能跨越什么还要由平衡性决定。
4.A Historical Leap Forward in China Information Industry中国信息产业的历史性跨越
5.VI.Popular Education Makes a Historic Leap六、人民教育事业实现历史性跨越
6.Research on Sustainable Overstepping Development of the Productivity in China;论中国生产力的可持续性跨越式发展
7.The Supervision to China s Banking is Experiencing Historically Promoting;中国银行业监管正在实现历史性跨越
8.On the “Historic Jump” over the Regional Economic Development in Qiannan;试论黔南区域经济发展的“历史性跨越”
9.On possibility of leaping over Crafting Gorge in Traditional Chinese Medicine中医学跨越“卡夫丁峡谷”的可能性
10.Possibility and Urgency to Realize Fast Forestry Development;试论实现林业跨越式发展的可能性和紧迫性
11.Now, it spans three.现在,它跨越三代。
12.To Reinforce the Efficiency of Quality Manageent System So as to Promote up to being Outstanding from being Excellence;提高质量管理体系的有效性,实现从优秀到卓越的跨越
13.Crossing over Sense and Standard -- On Influence of Standard Concept to Design理性与尺度的跨越——论尺度观念对设计的影响
14.Central Bank Governor Dai Xianglong On Historical Development of China's Financial Sector央行行长戴相龙谈中国金融业的历史性跨越
15.The Rationality of the Leap of Capitalism’s Cube gorge of Kraft in China中国跨越资本主义“卡夫丁峡谷”的合理性
16.Stability ensures the data is understood across space and time.稳定性确保数据跨越时间空间都可以理解。
17.Study on Dynamic Behaviour and Wind|induced Vibration Response of Long Span Transmission Line System大跨越输电塔线体系动力特性及风振响应
18.Historic Spanning on the State of Habitation--New Village Planning for Tibetan Nation In Hongyuan, Sichuan居住形态的历史性跨越——四川红原藏族新村规划

spanning possibility可跨越性
1.In the articale,the author believes that there exist positive sides of spanning possibility and its negative side on the basis of productive force,production relations(ieecnomic bases)and superstructure of social formation in the northwest minority regions.西北少数民族地区社会形态的生产力基础、生产关系(经济基础)和上层建筑都存在着可跨越性和不可跨越性的两个方面,可跨越性的方面已经使西北少数民族进入社会主义社会,不可跨越性的方面又制约其为初级阶段。
3)feminist epiphany女性跨越
4)historic leap历史性跨越
1.Actively Promoting the Construction of Ecological Civilization,Unswervingly Pushing Forward the Historic Leap积极促进生态文明建设,坚定不移推进历史性跨越
2.To achieve the historic leap in economic and social development, take a well-off society in the region a new victory, Tongren Prefecture must correctly assess the state of the region, stand up to catch the opportunities and face up to the challenges, select the right path to establish the goal of leapfrogging development.铜仁地区要实现经济社会发展历史性跨越,夺取全区全面建设小康社会新胜利,必须正确估量区情,勇敢面对机遇和挑战,确立跨越式发展的目标,选准实现跨越的路径。
5)non-spanning possibility不可跨越性
6)incremental technology leapfrogging累积性技术跨越

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-