
1.I'll go along with that, Ellen.我也有同感 Ellen。
2.I agree, Mr. Maxwell.我有同感,Maxwell先生。
3.Yes, I have the same feeling and I'm sure my colleagues have the same feeling, too.是的,我也有同感。我相信我的同事也有同感
4.Our Macao compatriots will increase their affinity with the people on the mainland of China.澳门同胞将增强同内地人民的认同感
5.I'm sure you'll enjoy your visit too.相信您也会有同感
6.I have a lot of sympathy for his opinions.我对他的意见深有同感
7.relating to different sense modalities.关于不同感觉形式的。
8.relating to or experiencing synesthesia; involving more than one sense.与共同感觉有关或表现出共同感觉,包括不只一个感觉。
9.inductosyn displacement transducer感应同步式位移传感器
10.To differ in opinion or feeling;disagree.不同意,持异议意见或感觉不同,不同意
11.I felt real sympathy.我由衷地感到同情。
12.salient pole synchronous-induction motor凸极同步感应电动机
13.Lots of comrades here have influenza.这儿好些同志患流感。
14.STAG (Simultaneous Telemetry Acquisition and Graphics)同时遥感捕获和图解法
15.flushmounted pressure transducer同平面装配压力传感器
16.Roger's sense of humore was bit off-center.罗杰的幽默感与众不同。
17.She felt just the same as he did.她和他的感受相同。
18.Oh, I feel the same way, Susan.噢 ,我也有同样的感受 ,Susan。

cooperative sensitization协同增感
1.The results showed that a cooperative sensitization.当这些乳剂分别进行表面硫、金和硫加金增感后,一方面表现出明显的协同增感效应;另一方面又随DMAB用量的提高,灰雾明显增长,特别是在金增感和硫加金增感的情况下。
1.To Discuss The Nurses, Empathy And The Problematic Patients, Psychological Nursing Superficially;浅谈护士的同感心与问题病人的心理护理
2.Objective To study the methods of empathy on heart disease(HD) patients with depression during mental care.目的探讨运用同感心对心脏病伴有抑郁情绪病人进行心理护理的方法。
1.Analysis of an epidemic model with perfect vaccination and two-strain coinfection;具有充分接种和共同感染两种病毒的流行病模型分析
5)collaborative awareness协同感知
1.A new collaborative awareness method of virtual experiment;一种新型虚拟实验协同感知方法
2.Research on Several Key Issues of Collaborative Awareness in Ubiquitous Environment;普适环境下协同感知若干问题的研究
3.Some basic issues and approaches of collaborative work were discussed in developing electronic whiteboard with tablet, such as concurrency control, collaborative awareness and recording and redisplaying of collaborative information.讨论了手写笔电子白板系统中协同工作开发需要解决的并发控制、协同感知和协同记录与再现问题及解决途径,在系统实现中使用有人管理的悲观加锁并发控制、光标标识法协同感知和基于手写笔交互参数的协同记录再现及截图记录归档,较好地完善了手写笔电子白板系统中协同工作机制。
6)cooperative awareness协同感知
1.Some key technologies such as concurrent control,cooperative awareness,remote desktop share and control were studied.对构建异地同步协同设计系统的实现方法进行了分类与比较,同时对并发控制与一致性维护、桌面共享与控制、远程协同感知等异地同步协同设计的关键技术进行了分析、研究及实现。
2.Some key tec hnologies such as session communication and data transmission, concurrent contro l and compatibility maintenance, cooperative awareness in remote environment and load balancing are also studied.本文从系统实施模式、体系结构和功能模块等方面讨论了构建分布式同步协同 CAD/CAM系统的基本理论和方法 ,对涉及的会话通讯与数据传输、并发控制与一致性维护、远程环境下的协同感知及负载均衡等关键技术进行了研究。
3.In this paper, we put forward an interaction supporting cooperative awareness in the distributed cognitive systems.本文提出的“分布式认知系统中的协同感知交互”以系统作为分析单元,考虑人与媒介、媒介与媒介之间的交互,强调系统中的各个构成要素的相互作用在交互过程中的重要地位,这对于减少人在交互过程中的认知负担、创造自然高效的交互环境具有一定的指导作用。

同感同感empathy 同感(empathy)亦称“共感”、“同理心”、“设身处地理解”、“感情移入”、“神入,’、“共情,,。见“设身处地理解,,。