1.Compared with its contemporary of other nations,Greek mythology has an outstanding characteristic of humanization.与同期世界其它同民族的神话相比,希腊神话具有突出的“人化”性征

1.primary sex character最初性特征第一性征
2.adrenogenital syndrome肾上腺性征异常综合征
3.To deprive of sexual capacity or sexual attributes.使…丧失性能力或性征
4.Of, relating to, or serving as an emblem; symbolic.象征的象征的、与象征有关的或作为象征的;象征性的
5.having sexual characteristics intermediate between those of male and female.具有男性和女性特征间的特征的。
6.The earlier characteristics is monumental and symbolic.前期特征是纪念性和象征性。
7.a distinctive characteristic or attribute.区别性的特征或属性。
8.deprived of sexual capacity or sexual attributes.失去性能力或性特征。
9.a ceremonial or emblematic staff.礼仪性或者象征性手杖。
10.The Differentiability of Characteristic Value and Characteristic Vector in Quadratic Characteristic Value Problem二次特征值问题中特征值和特征向量的可微性
11.Comprehensive, open and token are three main features of Convention and Exhibition Economy.会展经济具有包容性、开放性、表征性的特征。
12.An individual or distinguishing feature.个性特征个性的或带有区分性质的特征
13.A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something.品质、属性、特征内在的属性或特征,或归结为某人某物的属性或特征
14.The British Expeditionary Force was no more than a symbolic contribution.英国远征军不过是一种象征性的支援。
15.Nephrotic Syndrome and Congenital Multi-Malformation Syndrome肾病综合征与先天性多发畸形综合征
16.acquired immunity deficiency syndrome获得性免疫缺乏综合征
17.sideropenic dysphagia syndrome缺铁性吞咽困难综合征
18.characteristic features of electropneumatic apparatus电空器具的性能特征

Male Sexuality男性性征
3)property characterization性能表征
1.Microanalysis and Property Characterization of Polymer/ Nano-composites;聚合物/纳米复合材料的微区分析及性能表征
4)electric character电性特征
1.The experiment analyzes electric character of the polymer solution and variety of the rock electric character before and after polymer flooding.实验分析了聚合物溶液自身电阻率特征及聚驱前后岩石电性特征的变化。
5)characterization of elasticity弹性表征
6)viscous characteristic黏性特征
1.Effects of titania (TiO2) on viscous characteristics of mold fluxes (MF) for stainless steel were investigated by rotary viscometry, transmission electron microscope and X-ray diffraction.采用旋转黏度计并借助岩相分析系统探讨了二氧化钛(TiO2)对不锈钢连铸保护渣(moldfluxes,MF)黏性特征影响的作用机制。

性征性征sex character  男女两性基本特征,有第一性征和第二性征两种。前者是两性的主要生殖器官,如男子的睾丸、附睾、输精管、精囊、前列腺和阴茎、阴囊等;女子的卵巢、输卵管、子宫、阴道、阴蒂和阴唇。后者指青春期出现的某些性别特征,如两性的阴毛、腋毛,男性的胡须、嗓音变粗、肌肉发达,女性的乳房、皮下脂肪丰满等。第二性征亦称副性征。