1.The poem-subject is very important.诗性主体理应是人之存在最重要的结构,它既存在于和各种主体相关联的结构之中,又超越和凌驾于它们之上。
2.The poem-subject is the most important part in the subject.诗性主体是主体性之中最重要的因素,既存在于和各种主体相关联的结构之中,又超越和凌驾于它们之上。
2)On Poem-Subject论诗性主体
3)Poetics Subject诗学主体
4)the poetry subject诗歌主体
1.The disenchantment of the poetry in the 1990s is linked to that of the poetry subject in poetry writers\' poetry position.1990年代诗歌的"失魅",与诗歌写作者在诗学立场上对诗歌主体"祛魅"密不可分。

1.On the Withdrawal of Subject and the Dissolution of Subjectivity in Network Poetry;网络诗歌主体的退隐与主体性的消解
2.Theoretical Reflection on "the Disenchantment" of the Poetry Subject in the 1990s对1990年代诗歌主体“祛魅”的学理反思
3.Understanding the Character of Prufrock from Outside the Body of the Poem;从诗歌主体外理解普鲁弗洛克的性格特点
4.Development of the Subject Consciousness in 20th-Century ChineseFemale Poetry;20世纪中国女性诗歌主体意识发展概观
5.Liang Qi-chao s views on new style poetry as revealed his book Critique on poetry from the Icy Drinks Studio;从《饮冰室诗话》看梁启超“新体诗”的诗歌主张
6.On the Subject Features of Transformation From Obscure Poem to Third Generation Poem;论“朦胧诗”向“第三代诗歌”的主体转型特征
7.On the Limitations of Translator s Subjectivity Regarding Poetic Translation;论诗歌翻译中译者主体性的限制因素
8.Shift of Lyric Subject in Guo Moruo s Poems of Early Stage;论郭沫若早期诗歌中抒情主体的变迁
9.Modern Poem Language: Exploration Entering Life Main Body Gradually;当代诗歌语言:渐入生命主体的求索
10.A Study of the Translator's Subjectivity in Guo Moruo's Poetry Translation郭沫若诗歌翻译中的译者主体性研究
11.Translator's Subjectivity in Xu Yuanchong's Peotry Translation从许渊冲诗歌翻译看译者主体性研究
12.On Translator s Subjectivity in XU Yuan-chong s Classical Chinese Poetry Translation;论译者主体性在许渊冲古体诗歌英译中的体现
13.On the Relationship Between the Aesthetic Subject and the Aesthetic Object in the Creation of Contemporary Poems;论当代诗歌创作中审美主体与客体的关系
14.The silent Cambridge annotates a vivid images deep in the poet's mind, and is also a carrier of poem gist.沉默的康桥既是诠释诗人寂然内心的生动的诗歌意象,又是诗歌主旨之载体。
15.A Tentative Study on Wang Rongpei s Poetry Translation: From the Perspective of Translator s Subjectivity;从译者的主体性角度看汪榕培的诗歌翻译
16.The Female Identity s Self-construction of Being Subjects in Tennyson s Poems;丁尼生诗歌中女性主体身份的自我建构
17.A Tentative Study on Zha Liangzheng s Poetry Translation from the Perspective of the Translator s Subjectivity;从译者主体性角度看查良铮的诗歌翻译
18.The Phenomenon and Criticism to the Body Writing of the Present-day Feminism Poetry;当前女性主义诗歌“身体写作”现象与批判

On Poem-Subject论诗性主体
3)Poetics Subject诗学主体
4)the poetry subject诗歌主体
1.The disenchantment of the poetry in the 1990s is linked to that of the poetry subject in poetry writers\' poetry position.1990年代诗歌的"失魅",与诗歌写作者在诗学立场上对诗歌主体"祛魅"密不可分。
5)translator's poetics and initiative译者的诗学观与主体性
6)poet oneself诗人主体论

《诗学》(见亚里士多德)《诗学》(见亚里士多德)"Peri Poietikes"  Shlxue,,.刁二超二\\(尸‘r公Po玄e亡葱存召‘见亚里士“