
1.Imagining the Others: the Non-West in the Cultural Horizon of the West;想像他者:西方文化视野中的非西方
2.The Role of Western Environmental Ethics in Non-Western Countries: West Meets East;西方环境伦理学对非西方国家的作用
3.The Role of Western Environmental Ethics in Non-Western Countries:West Meets East西方环境伦理学在非西方国家中的地位:西方面对东方
4.“Credit”Human rights: A Non-Western Theory of Universal Human Rights;“预付人权”:一种非西方的普遍人权理论
5.Of all the regions of the non-Western world, only East Asia has the potential to achieve parity with the West.在所有非西方的地区中,只有东亚才有这个潜能和西方平起平坐。
6.Elizabeth Colson, Social Control and Vengeance in Plateau Tonga Society, Africa. 23 ( 1953 ) , pp1199 - 211; Victor W. Turner,Schism and Continuity in an African Society, Manchester: ManchesterUniversity Press , 1957.这种做法明显的是带有把西方的法律概念应用到非西方社会中去的西方中心主义倾向。
7.These have not found favour with most non Western nations.许多非西方国家都对这种作法感到不满。
8.What abut disco? It 's popular in western countries .比方迪斯科呢? 它在西方国家非常流行。
9.What about disco? It's popular in western countries.比方迪斯科呢?它在西方国家非常流行。
10.Dead bodies of 12 illegal immigrants, who were forced to jump ship, found in south Sicily西西里南方发现十二具被迫跳船非法移民尸体
11.In the west, Holiday cards are very popular.在西方,节期卡片向来非常流行。
12.Quadripartite talks on matters relating to the South West African region有关西南非区域问题的四方谈判
13.the West( the non-Communist countries of Europe and America)西方国家(欧美非共产党执政的国家).
14.Chinese traditional culture arouses the admiration of foreigners.中国的传统文化使西方人非常羡慕
15.Research on 2-D Non-Darcian Flow with Finite Element Method;二维非达西渗流有限元分析方法研究
16.On the Western View of Natural Value on Non-Anthropocentric;西方非人类中心主义自然价值观评介
17.Discussion on the inherent logic of the western irrationalism development;西方非理性主义发展的内在逻辑初探
18.Explaining Anti-anthropocentrism Thoughts of the West;对西方“非人类中心主义”思潮的解读

3)non-western medicine非西方医学
1.Then,I concentrate on the two major disciplinary emphases: non-western medicine and western bi.着重强调了两个主要的理论分支:非西方医学和西医文化。
4)non-western countries非西方国家
1.On the other hand,non-western countries are very worried about losing more and more ethnic culture in the process of modernization because modernization it.非西方国家在与国际接轨过程中十分忧虑会散失越来越多的民族性文化。
5)non-West works非西方作品
1.As a broker between Indian and American cultures, Spivak set out to pursue her notion in her translating practice and succeeded introducing non-West works into the Western academy.作为印美两种不同文化之间的掮客,斯皮瓦克在具体的翻译实践中实现了自己的翻译主张,成功地向西方译介非西方作品,让西方读者认识到不同民族间事实上存在着许多的距离和差异。
6)non-West music非西方音乐
