
1.A Re-interpretation of Innovativeness of Xu Wei and Huang Daozhou s Calligraphy;对徐渭和黄道周书法创新的重新阐释
2.The Harmony In Misplace--A Re-explanation of Fengcun s Story "Beauty";美丽的错位——丰村小说《美丽》的重新阐释
3.Rise of the Discipline of Communication--A Period of Re-interpretated History传播学科的兴起:一段重新阐释的历史
4.Reinterpreting the Social Dimension of Art--Objects and Characteristics of Jameson's Art Interpretation Study重新阐释文艺的社会之维——詹姆逊文艺阐释学的目标与特点
5.Redefinition of Core Ideas about Supply Chain Management in New Era新时代背景下供应链管理核心思想的重新阐释
6.An Allegory of Modernity--A Reinterpretation of William Golding s Lord of the Flies;一个现代性的寓言——对戈尔丁《蝇王》的重新阐释
7.Discussing Foster′s Re-elucidating Marx′s Ecology;论福斯特对马克思生态学说的重新阐释
8.A Wandering Soul on the Earth--Comments on Nora;俗世壁垒中的心灵流浪——对娜拉形象的重新阐释
9.Another Explanation to Industry Economics Theory on the Basis of the Ecology Visual Angle;基于生态学视角对产业经济理论的重新阐释
10.Dialogue and Soliloquy of Beauty;美的对话与独白——对于美学本体论的重新阐释
11.Triple Defeats of Enlightenment, Spiritual Return of Home and Hometown Awareness --A Reinterpretation of the Theme of Luxun s Gu Xiang;启蒙、精神还乡、家园意识的三重溃败——对鲁迅《故乡》主题的重新阐释
12.“Overall Close-Reading” and Deeper-Level Meaning: A Reinterpretation of Crane’s “An Episode of War”;“整体细读”与深层意义——克莱恩“一个战争片段”的重新阐释
13.Reconstructing the Mother-Daughter Bond:Rereading The Diaries of Jane Somers by Doris Lessing;母女关系的重新阐释——解读多莉丝·莱辛《简·萨默斯的日记》
14.Absurdity and Alienation: The New Interpretation of Reverse Tragedies in Western Modernistic Literature;荒诞与异化:西方现代主义文学反向悲剧的重新阐释
15.The Redefinition of Heroism--A Thematic Study of Stephen Crane S The Red BMge ofCourage;对英雄主义的重新阐释——斯蒂芬·克莱恩《红色英勇勋章》的主题探析
16.Government Life Cycle Model--Restatement of the Theoretical Foundation of Public Policy;政府生命周期模型——对公共政策理论基础的重新阐释
17.A Re-interpretation of the Chinese Traditional Children’s Literature Resources: A Case Study of Sun Yuxiu近代作家对传统儿童文学资源的重新阐释——以孙毓修为例
18.Interpretations of academic standard and the pursuit of theoretical individuality Comments on Liu Kekuan s Interpretations and Reconstruction;学术本位的阐释与学理个性的追求——评刘克宽的新著《阐释与重构》

A New Understanding of Marxisrn重新阐释马克思
3)new explanation新阐释
1.My new explanation on chinese culture--Some harrations abont poetic culture in china;我对中国文化的新阐释——关于《中国诗性文化》的若干说明
4)key point of the explanation阐释重点
5)insights into Confucianism儒学新阐释
6)new explanation of Floating Clouds《浮云》新阐释

阐释阐释interpretation  阐释(interpretat,on)见“解释‘’。