
1.an inveterate disease痼疾,宿疾,老毛病
2.an established invalid慢性病患者,有痼疾的人
3.He's bedridden throughout the year with a lingering, obstinate disease.他身患痼疾,常年缠绵病榻。
4.The old man was in bed with an obstinate disease.这老人因痼疾已卧床很久了。
5.advances in medical science have made it possible to cure many so-called "obstinate illnesses".医学的发达,使很多所谓痼疾都能治好。
6.Medical Ads--Who Leads To The Medical Market'Chronic Illness医药广告——医疗市场痼疾的始作俑者?
7.The government set out to remove the dead hand of the state from economic life政府已在著手消除经济领域里的这一痼疾
8.The government set out to remove the dead hand of the state from economic life.政府已在着手消除经济领域里的这一痼疾
9.Advances in medical science have made it possible to cure many so-called“obstinate illnesses”.医学的发达,使很多所谓的痼疾都能治好。
10.A practical significance of Zhang Ai-ling s novel from female psychological obstinacy;从女性心理痼疾看张爱玲小说的现实意义
11.Chronic Malady,Craziness and Tumor -Comment on the images in Hamlet;痼疾·疯狂·毒疮——小议《哈姆莱特》中意象的运用
12.On Gu Yanwu's(顾炎武) Deep Understanding of Empty Style of Study in the Ming Dynasty顾炎武对明代空疏学风痼疾的深层认识
13.The process will inevitably continue in all countries which do not have intractable social and cultural handicaps.凡是没有社会和文化痼疾的国家,也都必将出现这个过程。
14.The higher ratio of the bad debt is the chronic illness that has troubled the development of the Chinese commercial bank for years.不良贷款比例过高是多年来困绕我国商业银行业发展的痼疾
15.At a guess he would have said that it was the body of a man of sixty, suffering from some malignant disease.如果叫他猜,他一定估计这是一个患有慢性痼疾的六十老翁的躯体。
16.Economy law as a branch of law is overcoming the innate malady of market economy.经济法就是为了克服市场经济本身的痼疾而出现的法律部门。
17.A Sudden Attack of Rattlesnake or the Chronic Illness of the Human Development? --Ecological Cultural Practice of a Film Text;响尾蛇的突袭还是人类发展的痼疾?——一个电影文本的生态文化实践
18.Viewing the Long-Last Trend of Despising Physical Education with the Confucious Idea as mirror;以孔子体育教育思想为镜观中国教育思想中轻体的痼疾

psychological obstinacy心理痼疾
1.A practical significance of Zhang Ai-ling s novel from female psychological obstinacy;从女性心理痼疾看张爱玲小说的现实意义
3)Chronic illness of the press industry出版业痼疾
4)chronic malady of national culture民族文化的痼疾
5)inveterate action痼癖动作
1.Survey of Risk Factors on Malaria Liability Among Residents in Ximeng County,Yunan;云南省西盟县居民疟疾患病危险因素调查
2.Analysis on Epidemiological Features of Malaria During 2004-2006 in Yongcheng;永城市2004~2006年疟疾流行病学分析
3.Logistic Regression Analysis of Malaria Risk Factors in Rui Li County of Yunnan;云南省瑞丽疟疾危险因素的logistic分析
