文艺消费,literature-art consumption
consumption of literature and art文艺消费
1.The study of the consumption of literature and art is not merely a key topic in literature and art theory but one involving such an interdisciplinary and synthetic study as culture-sociology and mass culture study.文艺消费不单纯是一个文艺学问题,客观上要求综合运用文艺学、美学、经济学、文化学、心理学、社会学、生态学等多种学科的理论和知识进行跨学科的综合性研究。
2.The thesis will analyse the intermediary role between social life and literature and art value function from the characteristic of the process of consumption of literature and art, the consciousness, the capacity, the structure,the level of consumption of.从文艺消费的意识、过程、特点、能力以及文艺消费的结构和层次诸方面,可以清晰地看到文艺消费在社会生活与文艺价值功能之间的中介作用。
3)Understanding the Consumption of Literature and Art理解文艺消费
4)A Study of the Literature-Art Consumption文艺消费研究
5)Analysis of Consumption in Literature and Art文艺消费辨析
6)On objects of literature-art consumption文艺消费客体界说

解放军文艺出版社(见解放军文艺社)解放军文艺出版社(见解放军文艺社)PLA Literature and Art Publishing House  IiefQngiun Wenyi Chubanshe解放军文艺出版社(PLA Literatureand Art Publishing House)见解放军文艺社。