悲剧美学,tragic aesthetics
1)tragic aesthetics悲剧美学
1.Taking the oral and written Jingpo literat ure as a whole, the author gives a systematic analysis of the origin and development of the tragic aesthetics revealed in Jingpo literatur e, describes the general development of the aesthetic ideas and standar ds of the Jingpo nationality,and concludes that it is a process from imagination to reality.本文通过对景颇族口头文学和作家文学的整体考察,对景颇族文学中悲剧美学的产生和发展进行了脉络式的分析,描述了一个民族从幻想到现实的大致审美历程。
2.The initiation of Jin Yunqiao Biography in tragic aesthetics theory in China, the artistic pursuit of confronting reality, the conscious reflection of feminine tragic fate in the fedal society, the artistic quality and style of centering on love but not involv.《金云翘传》所开创的中国悲剧美学理论, 直面现实的艺术追求, 对封建社会中女性悲剧命运的自觉反映, 以情为主却不涉淫乱的艺术品味,艺术加工的典型化理论,人物塑造、情节设计、寓意象征手法等等,都对《红楼梦》有重大影响。

1.Practice·Freedom·Tragedy--New Thoughts on Tragedy Aesthetics;实践·自由·悲剧——对悲剧美学的新思考
2.The Tragic Aesthetics in Zhang Ailing s Novels;张爱玲小说人物形象的悲剧美学体现
3.On the Tragic Aesthetic Implication of A Farewell to Arms论《永别了,武器》中的悲剧美学意蕴
4.The Study of Tragic Aesthetics in Dostoevsky s Novels;陀思妥耶夫斯基小说中的悲剧美学探源
5.On Wang Peng-yun s Tragic Fate and His Ci Style;悲剧意识的美学观照——王鹏运悲剧命运与词风
6.The Beauty of the Human Nature s Tragedy, the Beauty of the Tragedy s Human Nature;人性的悲剧美,悲剧的人性美——解读《平凡的世界》的美学价值
7.An Aesthetic Perspective on the Defects in the Chinese Version of “An American Tragedy”;从美学角度看《美国悲剧》中译本的不足
8.An Aesthetical Interpretation of the Tragic Female Image in Pursuit of Love in Western Literature西方文学中爱情女性悲剧的审美意义
9.Wen Tingyun s Life Tragedy & the Aesthetic Genre of His Poems;论温庭筠的人生悲剧与诗歌美学风貌
10.The New Development of the Present Context and Practical Aesthetics (topic for special discussion);实践美学视域中的悲剧与现代性问题
11.From Loftiness, Tragic Beauty to Patriotism;从崇高、悲剧美、爱国主义到德育教学
12.Two Jades in Aesthetics --Baochai and Daiyu as Tragic Images in A Dream of Red Mansions;美学双璧──也谈《红楼梦》中钗、黛悲剧形象
13.Cultural Tragedy and Aesthetic Redeem--Critique of Simmel s Modernity Aesthetics;文化悲剧与审美救赎——齐美尔现代性美学批判
14.On Thomas Hardy s Classical Techniques of His Tragic Novels and Their Aesthetic Effects;论哈代悲剧小说中的古典悲剧技巧及其美学效果
15.A Probe of Women Tragedies --Women Tragedies in the Post war American Women s Literature;女性悲剧面面观——美国战后女性文学中的女性悲剧
16.From Life Theory Aesthetics to Practical Aesthetics--Evolution of China s Outlook of Tragedy;从人生论美学到实践美学——中国悲剧观演变论
17.A Study on “High Tragedy” and “Low Tragedy”;浅论“高调悲剧”“低调悲剧”审美感受
18.Confucian aesthetics in Bai tragedy从儒家审美理想看白族文学中的悲剧意识

tragedy aesthetics悲剧美学
1.Tragedy Aesthetics by Zhang Hengxue, while sorting out tragedy theories at home and abroad, is a profound reflection of ways in which tragedy aesthetics is studied and criticised according to the main stream political discourse.张恒学专著《悲剧美学》,较全面地梳理中外悲剧理论,对简单依服主流政治话语进行悲剧美学批评与研究的做法进行深沉反思,又始终依据于社会—文化的基点,从新时期悲剧小说切入对创作实践中悲剧意识做了较系统的挖掘和分析。
2.In the second half of the 19th century, in Germany, however, tragedy aesthetics got free from Classicism represented by Hegel and entered a new era represented by Nietzsche.而作为由近代到现代的交界点,19世纪中后期的德国的悲剧美学也在这两个端点之间总结了古典开启了现代。
3)tragic esthetics美学悲剧性
4)spirit of tragic aesthetics悲剧美学精神
5)the tragedy of aesthetics美学的悲剧性
6)Aesthetics film tragedy电影悲剧美学
