文学期刊,literature periodical
1)literature periodical文学期刊
1.On the Literature Periodicals Published during Gudao(1937-1941);“孤岛”时期文学期刊研究
2.In its developing process,the function and significance of literature periodicals have changed more or less.文学期刊虽然在其发展过程中 ,在功能意义等方面的表达方式上或多或少地发生了变化 ,但其与作品、作者、读者三者之间的关系依旧举足轻重。
3.At the turn of the century, the rising of the visual culture gives the literature periodical the strategy and the apocalypse which faced existence predicament.视觉文化的风生水起给面临生存困境的文学期刊以启示和借鉴。

1.The Turning Point from Beginning Publication to Resume Publication An Investigation of the "Resumed Issues" of Literary Journals from 1976 to 1979从“创刊”到“复刊”的转折——对1976—1979年文学期刊“复刊号”的考察
2.Literature Periodical Research of Chinese Cultural Environment in Contemporary;当代中国文化语境中的文学期刊研究
3.The Translations of British and American Literature Published by Three Chinese Magazines During the New Period;新时期外国文学期刊对英美文学的译介
4.To Foresee the Future of Journal of University From the Destiny of Literature Periodical;从文学期刊的命运看高校学报的走向
5.Study on Literary Periodicals Published in the Northeast of China in 1939-1945;1939-1945年东北地区文学期刊研究
6.A Discussion on the Survive Crisis and Corresponding Measures of Literal Periodicals;略论文学期刊的生存危机与应对策略
7.Saturday: Representative Work of Periodicals of Civil Literature in Early Minguo;《礼拜六》:民初市民文学期刊的代表作
8.A report of Chinese literature periodical influence from 2000 to 2004;2000-2004年中国文学期刊影响力报告
9.Writing of English Abstracts for Research Papers of Chinese Periodicals;中文学术期刊论文英文摘要写作刍议
10.Striving for a Top-Quality Academic Journal with Unrelenting Efforts:--Congratulations on the Inclusion of NJA in A Guide to the Core Journals of China再接再励争创精品学术期刊——贺本刊入编《中文核心期刊要目总览》
11.Analysis of the Academic Features and Value of Published Education Research Papers;教育理论期刊刊载论文的学术特点与价值分析
12.Literary and Artistic Periodicals,as Cultural Industries;作为文化产业的文艺期刊──关于“文学与期刊的市场境遇”札记之三
13.Comparison of papers published in core biomedical journals covered in full-text database of Chinese journals中文期刊全文数据库收录生物医学核心期刊论文的比较研究
14.Chinese Culture and the Cultural Creation of the Academic Journal Editing;中国文化与学术期刊编辑的文化创新
15.Several Problems in Editing English Abstract Periodical编辑英文学术文摘期刊应注意的问题
16.Optimization of Academic Periodicals and Re-construction of Academic Culture;学术期刊的优化模式与学术文化重建
17.Bibliometric analysis of 5 medical information journals5种医学信息学期刊的文献计量研究
18.EPA is a Key Journal in China and embodied by CA.本刊是中文核心期刊、A收录期刊。

literary periodical文学期刊
1.Under the condition of the market-oriented economy,it is impossible for traditional literary periodicals to stick to their " belles-lettres " .文学期刊在市场经济条件下已经不可能坚守“纯文学”阵地了,面对市场的强烈冲击,众多文学期刊在探索其生存和发展道路的过程中,都不约而同地出现了向文化倾斜的趋势,并已经使文学进入了“泛文化”的误区,所以,我们应该对文学期刊过分追求文化意义的风气保持应有的警惕。
2.A literary periodical is a complete system of symbols.一份文学期刊就是一个完整的符号系统,在相对独立的空间内,构成期刊的各个本体性要素通过各自的声音汇成一种主旋律最终传达到文学生产的其他环节,这是作为文学传播媒介的期刊树立自身领域特性的途径。
3)literary journals文学期刊
1.Faced with commercialization, the changes of state policies concerning literature, diversity of modern mass media and publication, and shift of fashion and reader s interest, and perhaps more importantly, the lack of sensational effect that the works they carry can produce, literary journals are on the verge of distinction.而最为关键的因素还在于文学期刊本身所承载的主体文学逐渐失去了轰动效应。
2.Based on the description of the development of the literature in the new century, this paper analyse the current situation of literary journals and points out that literary journals should have their awareness of both subject and market.本文在叙述新世纪文学发展的基础上,对文学期刊现状进行了分析,提出文学期刊要有明确的主体意识和市场意识。
3.Contemporary literary journals can not only timely carry new works of writers but also well administer literary creation and literary critics nationwide so as to establish a unified literary setup.文学期刊在20世纪中国文学发展过程中,具有重要地位。
4)literary journal文学期刊
1.The contradiction between the reform requirement of the literary journal and trend of the time cann t be in harmony .文学期刊与改革要求和市场大趋势难以谐调的矛盾日益突出;文学期刊面临生死挑战;文学期刊改革大势所趋,势在必行。
2.From 1976 to1979 was the peak of resumed publication of literary journals.1976-1979年是文学期刊复刊的一个高峰期,以文革结束为界,"复刊"的形式存在"创刊"、"复刊"的差别,这暗示了政治权利的转移和期刊领导权的易手,它们所刊发的内容也折射出文艺政策的转折、文学环境的变迁。
5)literary periodicals文学期刊
1.The development of market economy in China in the past ten years has fundamentally changed the nature of China s literary periodicals, and made them turn to commercialization and popularization.近一二十年来市场经济的发展,使文学期刊衍生出两种新的诉求,即商业化和大众化,并从根本上改变着我国文学期刊的传统性质。
6)literature journal纯文学期刊

法国当代主要文学期刊  《新法兰西评论》,1909年由作家纪德等创刊,宗旨在于使法国文学摆脱19世纪末20世纪初象征主义文学的影响,另辟新的道路,并扶植新的作家。1944年停刊。1953年复刊,为当代法国文坛上影响较大的文学期刊之一,但是已经不代表最新的文学趋向。    《现代》,1946年由作家和哲学家萨特创刊,是存在主义文学的代表刊物,其内容不全是文学,也发表哲学与政治论文,表现了存在主义文学干预现实生活的基本态度。    《新文学》,1953年由《超现实主义文学史》的作者莫里斯·纳多创办,是不受任何政治倾向和文学流派控制的独立性的文学刊物。    《就象这样》,1960年由几个代表新倾向的作家创刊,其中包括菲力浦·索莱。发刊词中引用尼采的一句话:"我要世界,我要它就象现在这样。"    《TXT》,1969年创刊。主要作家有布里尚、斯泰因梅兹等。刊物的宗旨在于宣扬政治革命与文学革命同时并举。    《欧罗巴》,1923年在罗曼·罗兰创议和支持下,由进步作家让-里沙尔·布洛克创办。宗旨在于团结欧洲各国的思想界、文学界,成为国际性的进步思想喉舌。    《文学新闻》,1922年由安德烈·吉永创刊。副题是《文学、艺术、科学新闻》,以文学为主。《文学新闻》经常刊登大量新书广告与书评,是法国最重要的商业性文学期刊之一。