当代文论,contemporary literary theory
1)contemporary literary theory当代文论
1.So it’s necessary to reflect the theoretical concept and theoretical stand, and therefore adjust the methods and strategies as contemporary literary theory confronted with challenges and the crisis of legitimacy.当代文学的变异发展带来文学"泛化"发展和文化研究的转向,当代文论的阐释能力及其有效性均面临多方面的挑战;而当代文论自身在文化转型中试图"突围"和"转向",却又带来了自身的"合法性"危机,以致在理论立场上游移困惑。

1.A Discussion on the Building and Innovation of Contemporary Literature Theory through Its Teaching;从文学理论教学看当代文论建设与创新
2.Post-modernism Meaning of Modern Western Urban Culture试论当代西方城市文化的后现代意蕴
3.Rhetorical Criticism and Modern Values of Chinese Ancient Literary Theory修辞批评视域与古代文论的当代价值
4.On Contemporary Chinese Americnan Literature--An Emerging Literature;冒现的文学——当代美国华裔文学述论
5.On the Traditional Cultural Concept and the Contemporal Pluralistic Concept of Cultural Value;论传统文化观与当代多元文化价值观
6.A Review on the Cultural Globalization and Cultural Identities of Cities;文化全球化与当代城市文化特色浅论
7.On the Relationship of Contemporary Literature with Middle School Students and Middle School Chinese Teaching;论当代文学与中学生及中学语文教学
8.On Quality Education in Contemporary Cultural Conflicts;论面对当代文化冲突的文化素质教育
9.On the Controversy on the Misty Poetry in the History of the Contemporary Chinese Literature;论中国当代文学史上的“朦胧诗”论争
10.The Interpretation of Traditional Poetics by Contemporary Literary Theories;试论当代文艺理论对传统诗学的阐释
11.Chinese Adaptation of Western Modern & Contemporary Literary Theories;试论西方现当代文学理论的“中国化”
12.Exclusiveness and Complementarity of Contemporary Western Critical Theories;试论当代西方文论的排他性和互补性
13.On Existentialism Tropism of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature Teaching论中国现当代文学教学的生存论转向
14.Discussion on the modernity development course of contemporary Chinese literature theory论当代中国文艺理论发展的现代性路向
15.Sublime Aesthetics Literary Poetics and Construction of Contemporary Chinese Literary Poetics;崇高美学的文论与当代中国文论的建设
16.A Brief Analysis of the Cultural Synthetic Innovation Theory --On China’s Contemporary Cultural Construction试析文化“综合创新”论——兼论当代中国的文化建设
17.Contemporary Japanese Literary Theories in the Global Language Environment--From the Theory of Work to the Theory of Text and the Theory of Hypertext;全球化语境下的日本当代文学理论——从作品论到文本论、超文本论
18.On the Rebuilding of the Modern Culture from Intellectual culture to Ethical culture;从知性文化到德性文化——论当代文化的重建

contemporary western literary theory当代西方文论
3)contemporary Chinese literary theory中国当代文论
1.Worshiped as model of Marxist literary theory, it played an essential role in the formation of the fundamental pattern of the contemporary Chinese literary theories, whose highly ideological characteristics and epistemological frame have both complex and diverse impact on contemporary Chinese literary theory and criticism, even on the study of the ancient Chinese theories.前苏联文论是 2 0世纪中国文论最重要的理论资源之一 ,5 0年代被奉为马克思主义文学理论的典范 ,对中国当代文论基本理论格局的形成起到了关键性作用。
4)construction of contemporary literary theory当代文论建设
5)modern literature comment当代文学评论
6)contemporary literary theories当代文艺理论
1.To maintain and develop the cultural autonomy of contemporary literary theories in the context of multi-cultural dialogue,systematic interpretations of traditional poetics,in particular,of the classics,become extremely important.对传统诗学的系统阐释尤其是对经典的阐释 ,是多元对话语境中当代文艺理论保持自主性、寻求不断发展的重要因素。

《当代八家文钞》  近代文总集。编者近人胡君复,江苏武进人。《当代八家文钞》成书于1916年,同年由中国图书公司印行,共12册。所选八家为王闿运、康有为、严复、林纾、张謇、章炳麟、梁启超、马其昶,共录文 559篇。编者选录重点,显然注重变法、革命与实业。康、梁多选戊戌诸君子传,及《请君民合治满汉不分摺》等文,章、严多选民国诸烈士传记及说理精当的文篇;张謇多选实业救国的宏论。