模糊学,fuzzy mathematics
1)fuzzy mathematics模糊学
1.Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Selection of Firing Materials;模糊学在点火元件优选中的应用
2)Fuzzy theory模糊学
1.Discusses the subject scope,research methods,the issuses in the process of Fuzziology,and have a new idea about the class arrangement of Fuzziology.文章简述了模糊学的学科内容、研究方法及其特点 ,论述了《中图法》在模糊学类目处理上存在的问题 ,并在分析其学科性质、学科分支的基础上 ,对模糊学具体的类目内容设置进行了初步构想。
2.By introducing the theory of fuzzioiogy, this dissertation aims at setting up a fuzziology-based TQA model, attempts to offer a qualitative and quantitative combined TQA app.本文通过引入模糊学理论,旨在建立一套以模糊学为基础的翻译质量评估模式,通过提供一种定性与定量相结合的评估方法,试图证明将模糊学应用于翻译质量评估能够避免评估中出现的过于主观及标准不一的情况。
4)fuzzy math模糊数学
1.Application of fuzzy math in power system with neutral unearthed or indirectly earthed;模糊数学在小接地电流系统中的应用
2.Fuzzy Mathematics Apply in General Teaching Appraisal System Based on MVC Pattern;模糊数学在基于MVC模式的通用教学评价系统中的应用
3.Study on Surveying Practice Grade Evaluating Based On Excel and Fuzzy Math;利用Excel和模糊数学评定测量实习成绩的研究

1.Applications of Fuzzy Math. in Civil Engineering ?模糊数学及其工程应用
2.Model of Scholarship-assessment Based on Fuzzy Mathematical Method基于模糊数学方法的奖学金评定模型
3.Fuzzy mathematics method of back analysis of parameters for ground movement due to underground excavation岩体移动参数反分析的模糊数学方法
4.One Solution of Multi-Objective Linear Programming Model with Fuzzy Mathematics;多目标线性规划模型的模糊数学解法
5.Fuzzy estimation model for land consolidation and its application;土地整理模糊数学评价模型及其应用
6.According fuzziness of quality of digitial image, we propose a set of fuzzy exponential functions as objective functions.我们根据数字图象品质评价的模糊性,从模糊数学理论出发,提出一套模糊指数函数。
7.Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Incubatory Ability--Appraisal of University Business Incubator;大学孵化器孵化能力的模糊数学分析
8.Vague mathematics to evaluate the teaching quality in vague mathematics;用模糊数学评估教学质量的一种方法
9.A Fuzzy Mathem atics Mathod to Estimate a Parameter of the B-S Model;确定资产定价模型参数的模糊数学方法
10.Locating Harvest Time of Sweet Corn by Means of Fuzzy用模糊数学的方法确定甜玉米采收期
12.The Methods of Quality Estimate Engineering Cost by Fuzzy Mathematics用模糊数学快速测算工程费用的方法
13.Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Frost Heaving Forecast of Fundation Soil模糊数学在地基土冻胀预测中的应用
14.The Application of Fuzzy Math in Construction Project Invitation of Bids and Tenders;论模糊数学在建筑工程招标中的应用
15.An Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Color Identification of Robots;模糊数学在机器人颜色识别中的应用
16.Researching of the Formal Method Based Fuzzy Math;基于模糊数学的形式化开发方法研究
17.Analysis of land price surveys by the fuzzy mathematics;基于模糊数学的土地价格测算的分析
18.Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in the Evaluating Bidding Of B-Q;模糊数学在工程量清单评标中的应用

Fuzzy theory模糊学
1.Discusses the subject scope,research methods,the issuses in the process of Fuzziology,and have a new idea about the class arrangement of Fuzziology.文章简述了模糊学的学科内容、研究方法及其特点 ,论述了《中图法》在模糊学类目处理上存在的问题 ,并在分析其学科性质、学科分支的基础上 ,对模糊学具体的类目内容设置进行了初步构想。
2.By introducing the theory of fuzzioiogy, this dissertation aims at setting up a fuzziology-based TQA model, attempts to offer a qualitative and quantitative combined TQA app.本文通过引入模糊学理论,旨在建立一套以模糊学为基础的翻译质量评估模式,通过提供一种定性与定量相结合的评估方法,试图证明将模糊学应用于翻译质量评估能够避免评估中出现的过于主观及标准不一的情况。
4)fuzzy math模糊数学
1.Application of fuzzy math in power system with neutral unearthed or indirectly earthed;模糊数学在小接地电流系统中的应用
2.Fuzzy Mathematics Apply in General Teaching Appraisal System Based on MVC Pattern;模糊数学在基于MVC模式的通用教学评价系统中的应用
3.Study on Surveying Practice Grade Evaluating Based On Excel and Fuzzy Math;利用Excel和模糊数学评定测量实习成绩的研究
5)fuzzy mathematics模糊数学
1.Application of fuzzy mathematics model in predicting mining induced surface subsidence of the metal mines;模糊数学模型在金属矿山开采沉陷安全评估的应用
2.Assessment of the water quality by fuzzy mathematics for last 20 years in Zhujiang Estuary;用模糊数学对珠江口近20a来水质进行综合评价
3.Application of fuzzy mathematics evaluation to water quality of Qinglong River;模糊数学评价法在青龙河水质现状评价中的应用
6)Fuzzy maths模糊数学
1.Application of fuzzy maths comprehensive assessment in Clean Coal Technology;模糊数学在洁净煤技术综合评价中的应用
2.An Example of the Application of Grading in Evaluating Fuzzy maths;评价的模糊数学计分法应用一例
3.The Application of Fuzzy Maths in Evaluating University Experiment Teaching Quality;模糊数学在高校实验课教学评价中的应用

几何学模糊度几何学模糊度 放射学术语。由X线管有效焦点大小,即由几何投影因素所产生的照片模拟、影像边界的不锐利程度,又称半影。几何学模糊度(Hf)是X线成像技术中影像模糊的最主要成因。几何模糊度与有效焦点(F)成正比,与物-片距(c)成正比,与靶-物距成反比。若用公式表示,几何学模糊度的值为:Hf=〓〓c〓〓b-c〓〓F(b代表靶-片距)。焦点的大小对产生影像半影的关系很大,用小焦点或微焦点可提高照片的清晰度。例如,放大摄影时C值增加,若用小焦点X线管投照则可弥补由于物-片距增加而增加的几何学模糊度。