思想作风,ideological style
1)ideological style思想作风
1.MAO Tse-tung attached great importance to the construction of the Party s ideological style,and he considered the ideological education to be the main concern of the construction of the Party,which was developed into fine styles of work,namely,the combination of theory with practice,maintaining close ties with the masses,criticism and self-criticism and hard struggle.毛泽东十分重视党的思想作风建设,在革命战争年代,他屡次提出思想教育是党建的中心环节,并亲自倡导与培养了理论联系实际、密切联系群众、批评与自我批评与艰苦奋斗的优良作风。
2.It is quite evident that only by persisting in the ideological style of emancipating the mind,seeking truth from facts and making constant explorations and innovations,by adhering to the study style .江泽民强调,要实现“三个代表”,就必须“全党”“努力改进思想作风、学风和工作作风”,这是“三个代表”“紧跟世界发展潮流”、“坚持解决党党内存在的突出问题”“出发点和着眼点。

1.Rectification means correcting one's way of thinking and style of work.整风就是整顿思想作风和工作作风。
2.Ideological and Political Work Must Insist on a practical and realistic way of doing things;思想政治工作必须坚持实事求是的思想作风
3.Put the Party s Ideology and Style Building in the First Place of Party s Style Building;把党的思想作风建设放在党的作风建设的首位
4.It is essential to strengthen in an all-round way the development of the Party's ideological style, study style , work style , leadership style and the cadres' life style.要全面加强党的思想作风、学风、工作作风、领导作风和干部生活作风建设。
5.“Two Musts”: Warranty of Thought and Style of the Party’s Long-term Being in Power;“两个务必”:党长期执政的思想作风保证
6.On the Four Aspects of Developments In the Style and Thought of the Party;论党的思想作风建设的四个重要层面
7.On Relationship Between "Three Representations" and the Establishment of the Way of Reasonable Thinking in the College;试论"三个代表"与高校思想作风建设
8.Lin Fengmian Versus Shiko Munakata: Artistic Ideas and Styles;林风眠与栋方志功创作思想及作品风格比较
9.They are achieving unity in thinking, improving conduct, strengthening discipline and purifying the Party organization.统一思想,整顿作风,加强纪律,纯洁组织,
10.The "Three Improvements" meant organizational consolidation, ideological education and rectification of style of work.三整,是指整顿组织、整顿思想、整顿作风。
11.Ideological and Political Work to do a Good Job Building Ethos;新时期思想政治工作要抓好校风建设
12.Belief and Work Style Rewards from Freshman Military Training;谈新大学生军训中的思想和作风收获
13.Mao Zedong s thought of strengthening the style construction of the party;毛泽东关于加强党的作风建设的思想
14.Great in Catching the Wind--Zhou Zuoren Feminine-thought Narration;伟大的捕风——周作人女性思想评述
15.Implementing "Three Represents" Thought,Strengthening the Building of the Party Style;贯彻“三个代表”思想 加强党的作风建设
16.Relations between Cultivation of a Fine Work Style and Ideological Education in Ethics of the Party;党的作风建设与思想道德建设的关系
17.Guided by“ Three Representitives” ,Improving the Party s Style;以“三个代表”思想为指导,改进党的作风
18.Tree Representing"Theory as the Guideline to Improve the Party s Work Style;实践“三个代表”思想 加强党的作风建设

belief and work style思想作风
1.This article is dedicated to promoting college students’ belief and work style gained from freshman military training.本文立足军训大学生思想作风素质的提升,为进一步巩固校园来之不易的军训成果,结合大一新生的军训实际,从思想意识、意志力水平、作风纪律性、生活自立精神等六个方面概括了大学生在军训中的思想和作风收获。
3)thought style思想作风
1.Solving the striking problems in thought style practically;切实解决思想作风方面存在的突出问题
2.The most important question of the Party s construction is the construction of thought style which is to emancipate the mind and to seek truth from facts.党的作风建设第一位的问题是搞好解放思想、实事求是这一思想作风建设。
4)style of thought思想作风
1.Strengthening and improving Construction of Partys work style is centred in "the Three-style construction" including style of thought,style of work and style of life.加强和改进党的作风建设 ,核心内容是“三风建设” ,即思想作风、工作作风和生活作风建设。
5)ideology and work style思想和工作作风
1.The ideology and work style of country cadre at the basic level has a direct bearing on the implementation of the Partys policies as well as reformation,development and stability in the country.农村基层干部自身思想和工作作风的状况 ,直接关系到党在农村的各项方针政策的贯彻执行 ,关系到新时期农村的改革、发展、稳定。
6)warranty of thought and style思想作风保证

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j